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10 September 2001 - Yohkoh Celebrates a Decade of Solar Observations.

Scientists and staff at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory will be celebrating ten years of solar observations and discoveries by the international space mission Yohkoh.

MSSL led the UK team who designed and built one of the four instruments on the spacecraft - the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) - a high-resolution spectrograph for X-rays. The instrument has been used to investigate the origin of solar flares and to predict when and where they will occur.

Yohkoh has changed the way we view the Sun and how it works, and has helped to secure UK involvement in other solar projects, such as the ESA/NASA SOHO mission and the ISAS Solar-B mission.


  The Changing Sun - Thumbnail   The Changing Sun - The 12 x-ray images of the Sun's atmosphere, obtained between 1991 and 1995 at 120 day increments, provide a dramatic view of how the corona changes during the waning part of the solar cycle.


Read the PPARC press release

Read the NASA press release


Other places of interest include:

MSSL's Solar Physics Group

MSSL's Space Plasma Physics Group

SURF (Solar UK Research Facility)

Last modified October 19, 2001

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