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Cirrus and Contrail cloud-top maps from satellites for Weather Forecasting and Climate Change Analysis.


For further details on CLOUDMAP,contact the Co-ordinator:

Prof. Jan-Peter Muller
Department of Geomatic Engineering
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6 BT
Tel: +44 (0)20 7380 7227
Fax: +44 (0)20 7380 0453
Email: jpmuller {at} ge.ucl.ac.uk

This project is supported by the European Commission's RTD programme on Environment and Climate (contract no. ENV4CT97-0399, under the theme ŒSpace techniques for environmental monitoring and researchı. The aim of the theme is to stimulate applications of Earth observation to the benefit of users, and, in so doing, to help create a robust European EO sector competitive in world markets.

The Commission contact person for this project is:

Alan Cross
8 Square de Meeus
B-1049 Brussels
Tel:+32 2 2964961
Fax:+32 2 2960588
Email: alan.cross {at} dg12.be.cec

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Last modified: 12th October 2000