MOS-derived true colour image, cloudmask and cloud top pressure in the Chilbolton area

Statistics given are for a bounding box ranging from (51.13N,-1.453E) to (51.17N,-1.413E), centred on (51.15N,-1.433E). This typically encompasses ~45 pixels around Chilbolton in MOS scenes. Pixel with a cloudmask value lower than 0.85 are ignored.
Cloud top pressure is transformed to cloud top height using the standard midlatitude summer atmosphere.

MOS scene

Colour enhanced MOS-true colour image

MOS-derived cloudmask
0: no cloud, 1: cloud
Microphysical properties

Cloud optical thickness

Effective radius
Cloud top properties

MOS-derived CTP
for pixel with cloudmask > 0.85

MOS-derived CTH
using ECMWF objective analysis
Last updated: Wed Feb 21 12:27:06 GMT 2001