ATSR-2 derived browse products for Chilbolton and local area.

Statistics given are for a bounding box ranging from (51.13N,-1.453E) to (51.17N,-1.413E), centred on (51.15N,-1.433E). This typically encompasses ~12 pixels around Chilbolton in ATSR-2 scenes. Bad matches are ignored. If given as 0 then no good cloudy pixels were found in the search radius.

In colour CTH browse products, grey areas are unmatched and white areas are cloud free.

ATSR-2 channel/look
ATSR-2 stereo anaglyph: 0.65um
0.65um stereo anaglyph
Left eye: red
Right eye: green
ATSR-2 stereo anaglyph: 1.6um
1.6um stereo anaglyph
Left eye: red
Right eye: green
ATSR-2 stereo anaglyph: 11um
11um stereo anaglyph
Left eye: red
Right eye: green

RGB colour composite
Red: inverted 11um
Green: 1.6um
Blue: 0.65um
ATSR-2 Stereo CTH
M4 stereo matched scene: 0.65um
M4 stereo matched scene: 1.6um
M4 stereo matched scene: 11um
Brightness temperature cloudtop height using ECMWF objective analysis
11um BT CTH
Statistics over Chilbolton
Mean = 4.9
Stddev = 0.0014
Min = 4.9
Max = 4.9
Mean = 4.7
Stddev = 0.31
Min = 4.2
Max = 4.9
Mean = 0.0
Stddev = 0
Min = 0.0
Max = 0.0
Mean = 5.5
Stddev = 0.083
Min = 5.4
Max = 5.7
Ground-based data
Browse data from Chilbolton Radar Facility used for ECMWF objective analysis of ATSR-2 BT-CHT product. Courtesy of Robin Hogan, Radar Group, Meteorology, Reading University

Last updated: Wed Mar 7 13:35:01 GMT 2001