Ground-based Stereo Hemispherical Photography

Two or more fish-eye digital cameras will be used to acquire stereo measurements of cirrus and contrail cloud base for comparison with satellite overpasses. In addition to cloud base height, these cameras will also be used to assess cloud amount and type derived from satellite sensors as well as cloud drift wind effect.

Airborne Lidar Profilometers

Underflight campaigns involving stereo 3-line imagers and laser profilometers will be used to compare cloud-top heights against satellite-derived estimates.

Ground-Based Radars

Six 94Ghz radars around the world will be used to acquire long time series of cloud-top heights contemporaneous with satellite overpasses, including specific flight campaigns over Chilbolton, UK where precipitation and Doppler radars will be used to monitor meteorological conditions.


A comparative study of ATSR2 Stereo, ATSR2 Brightness-Temperature and MOS O-band derived cloud-top heights over Chilbolton is on-going. The latest results of our analysis are here.
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Last modified: 12th October 2000