PEACEmoments CAA
Installation Instructions


The Linux version of PEACEmoments CAA is provided as a .tgz file. Use tar to uncompress the file:

tar xzfv peacemoments-caa-linux-x86.tgz

The PEACEmoments CAA executable, peacemoments-caa,  can now be moved to any location on your filesystem. Ensure that the directory where you put the executable is in your PATH.

Mac OS X

The Mac OS X version of PEACEmoments CAA is provided as a tarred package. By default PEACEmoments CAA will be installed in the /Applications directory, but you can specify any directory if you want.


Download the zip archive and unzip it. The folder created can then be placed anywhere on your system.

Compiling the source code

The source code directory contains 3 directories: moments, plot and reader. The plot directory contains the source code for the plotting library, the reader directory contains the source code for the CEF/CDF reader library, and the moments directory contains the source code for PEACEmoments CAA itself.

Compiling the source code on any platform (Linux, Solaris, or Mac OS X) should be very straightforward. Firstly ensure that you have NASA's CDF library and Trolltech Qt installed. Note that only Qt 4.4.0 or above can be used.

You will need to adjust the settings.pri file. Only the lines containing INCLUDEPATH and LIBS need to be changed. INCLUDEPATH will need be set so as to point to the directory containing the CDF header files, while LIBS needs to specify the path to the cdf library. For example:

INCLUDEPATH += . /usr/local/cdf-3.1/include
LIBS += -L/usr/local/cdf-3.1/lib -lcdf

Nothing else in the file needs to be changed, and none of the .pro files should need to be changed.

Now qmake can be used to make a Makefile. Finally, make is used to compile the software.


Ensure that the corect version of qmake is being used; either include the Qt bin directory in your path or give the full path to the file qmake (a Linux system is almost certainly going to have an older version of Qt already installed, which you don't want to use).


Last update: 2008-11-29, A.D. Lahiff.