Installation Instructions

For Linux/UNIX

Copy the plotcf executable to any directory. For example:


Then ensure that this directory is in your path. If you are using the bash shell, add the following line (for example):

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

to your .bashrc file. If you are using the tcsh, add the following line (for example):

set path = ($path /usr/local/bin)

to your .tcshrc file.

You will need to logout then login again, open a new terminal window or source your .basrc or .tcshrc file before plotcf can be used.

Mac OS X

Copy the directory "" to any directory, for example:


Then ensure that the plotcf executable is in your path. If you are using the bash shell, add the following line (for example):

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

to your .bashrc file. If you are using the tcsh, add the following line (for example):

set path=($path /Applications/                           

to your .tcshrc file.

You will need to logout then login again, open a new terminal window or source your .basrc or .tcshrc file before plotcf can be used.

Compiling the source code

Compiling the plotcf source code should be very straightforward using qmake. You need to have Trolltech Qt 4 installed and NASA's CDF library. Qt can be downloaded from here, and the CDF library can be downloaded from here.

Firstly you will need to make an appropriate project file. For example, might look like this:

TARGET = plotcf
INCLUDEPATH += . /usr/local/cdf-3.1/include
LIBS += /usr/local/cdf-3.1/lib/libcdf.a

# Input
HEADERS += QsiPlot.h readfile.h QWheelPlot.h plotwindow.h
SOURCES += main.C QsiPlot.C QWheelPlot.C plotwindow.C
SOURCES += readcef.C readcdf.C readfile.C

The only lines that will need to be changed will be the ones which define INCLUDEPATH and LIBS. INCLUDEPATH must specify the location of the CDF include directory, and LIBS must specify the CDF library. Nothing else needs to be changed.

To compile plotcf, firstly make the Makefile:


Note that you may need to specify the full path to qmake depending on whether the Qt bin directory is in your PATH or not. Then compile by typing:


The executable plotcf will be in the current directory.

Last update: 2008-04-11, A.D. Lahiff