IHY resources

There are many resources available related to IHY. This pages lists some of them, for more please see the international IHY resource page. Contact us if you would like your activity added!

Use the IHY logo!

- Handout materials

What is IHY?
Downloadable four page colour .pdf document which discusses the history behind IHY and the plans for the year. Written for scientists this article is a good general read. Originally published in the Astronomy and Geophysics magazine.

Space Weather Facts
Downloadable list of space weather facts that will astound and amaze!

Career profiles
Downloadable short career summaries from five people currently working in the Sun-Earth connection area.

- Classroom activities

Fun and Games: The Earth-Sun System
This NASA site has some brief information on the realm between the Earth and the Sun and then links to related movies and anline ctivities.

The Sun and the Earth
A lesson plan from the National Geographic that helps students understand the relationship between the Sun and the Earth and how seasons come about.

Live from the aurora
A NASA .pdf document containing a variety of lesson plans for all ages covering topics such as sunspots, magnetism and storms from the Sun.

The Stanford Solar Centre
A comprehensive website written by scientists at Stanford University in America. Click on the 'For Educators' tab at the top of the page to find activity ideas.

Make an aurora detector from a pop-bottle
An easy to make activity to make a magnetometer from a pop-bottle. The magnetometer detects changes in the Earth's magnetic field which happen as a result of storms from the Sun and can lead to the formation of the aurora.


For further information please contact Lucie Green
Last modification: October, 11, 2006
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