MSSL, Dept. of Space and CLimate Physics
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Please use the table below to download the activities. Most are in Word format so that you can alter them if required. This page will be updated as new projects are developed. If you have any tried and tested activities that you would like to make available to others, send them to us and we will add them into the table with your details.


Description Documents
Alka-selzter rockets
Making a small rocket and understanding the physics behind them.
Teacher's notes
Moon diameter
Use a ruler and piece of card to calculate the diameter of the Moon.
Teacher's notes
Sun diameter
Make a pinhole camera to calculate the diameter of the Sun.
Teacher's notes
Does the Sun spin?
Use real images of the Sun to find out how fast it is rotating.
Teacher's notes
Images of the Sun
What are impact craters?
Learn about the features of impact craters and make a model crater.
Teacher's notes
Physics of impact craters
Making craters using four and balls of modelling clay and learning about making craters of differing size.
Teacher's notes
How far apart are the planets?
Make a scale model of the Solar System in the school hall or playing field.
Teacher's notes
Build a spectrometer
Make a device that can split light into it's component colours using a CD and use it to analyse different light sources
Teacher's notes
Primary school activity booklet
Four simple activities to enrich the teaching of Solar System science and beyond.
Teacher's notes
Secondary school activity booklet
Four simple activities to enrich the teaching of Solar System science.
Teacher's notes

Partial solar eclipse. Image courtesy of NASA

Mullard Space Science Laboratory - Holmbury St. Mary - Dorking - Surrey - RH5 6NT - Telephone: +44 (0)1483 204100 - Copyright © 1999-2005 UCL

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