Name  Andrew J. Coates
 Telephone  +44 (0) 1483 204145
 Job Description  Professor, Head of Planetary Science Group


Research Interests:

  • Earth's magnetosphere, bow shock, space weather studies, effects on spacecraft.
  • Planetary magnetospheres, comet - solar wind interaction, Mars - solar wind interaction.
  • Planetary surface imaging, determination of water density in Mars atmosphere from surface, radiation environment on surface.
  • Space plasma instrumentation.
  • Lead co-investigator Cassini CAPS electron spectrometer, lead co-investigator Venus Express ASPERA-4 Electron Spectrometer, lead investigator Beagle 2 stereo camera system, team coordinator ExoMars PanCam, lead investigator Tsunami and ESA-Alcatel space weather contracts, Co-investigator Mars Express ASPERA-3, Co-Investigator Rosetta Plasma Consortium, co-investogator Cluster-PEACE, co-investigator Double Star PEACE.
