Signatures of an emerging flux region in the chromosphere and in the corona using H-alpha observations and Yohkoh SXT data

Posted:  25-Oct-93
Updated: 24-Jul-94, 03-Apr-95, 17-Jan-96
Events specified: AR 7493, 7494, 7497 (Emerging flux region and related activity)

Category: AR evolution (emerging flux) and chromospheric ejections

PI and Collaborators:  Schmieder B., Kurokawa H., Kawai G., 
                       Mein P. and N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., 
                       N. Nitta, and who is interested in this topics.

Motivation: It is well known that emerging flux in active regions leads to
            the formation of arch filament system  due to compression of the 
            plasma above the emerging flux. The formation of arch filament 
            has been studied by e.g. Georgakilas etal (1993, 
            Solar Physics 146,241). 
            The common altitude of H-alpha arches is between 5000 km to 12000
             km. The interaction of an emerging flux with the pre-existing 
            magnetic fields is known to be associated with different kinds of
             chromospheric eruptions: 
            (i) The appearance of an emerging flux close to the footpoints of a 
            filament frequently leads to the activation or eruption of the 
            filament (e.g. Schmieder etal 1986, Astron. Astrophys.). 
            (ii) If the new magnetic flux appears in a region of opposite 
            polarity, the resulting magnetic configuration can become quite
            complex which is favourable for surge activity.
            In fact surge or ejection of material is commonly observed with 
            its base tied along the inversion line of this isolated magnetic 
            island, called   parasitic or satellite polarity.

            These events may have different signatures in soft X-ray:
            arch system, jet, eruption: all of these are good diagnostics of 
            the  field line topology. The relationship between cold and hot  
            plasma events can be modelized if quantitative values are obtained.
Data and Method to be Used:

            The combination of Hida, Meudon, and Canary Islands observations 
            allows  to follow the evolution of an emerging flux region in 
            H-alpha over more than 24 hours. Hida Observatory filtergrams have
            a large field of view and would be very useful for the coalignement
            of the data. The Multichannel Double Pass Spectrograph (MSDP) 
            operating at Meudon and in  Teneriffe on the VTT provides the
            dynamics of the events. The comparison of the H-alpha observations
            with the Yohkoh SXT images would provide a  diagnostics of the 
            relationship between the chromospheric an the coronal 
DATA Available during the coordinated campaign:

            AR 7493 (S10,E29)   May 1 1993 surge observed in H\alpha 
                               magnetograms of Potsdam for May 1 (0716-0734)
                                and May 2
            AR 7493 (S10 W 38) data of May 4 1993 decreasing of the arch
                               filament system during a period of 10 hours.
            AR 7497 (S08 W50) May 5  and May 6 1993 : complex active region
                                with a  new p spot, a surge and an activated
                                filament.      magnetogram in Meudon
            AR 7496 (N17 E65) May 6 Meudon and Teneriffe: activated large 

Update 17-Jan-96

We are mainly working on data on the 1 and 2 May 1993.

We have presented some results along our study in 3 meetings and publish one paper in solar physics:

Chromospheric ejections and their signatures in X ray observed by Yohkoh/SXT

Schmieder etal.: Cospar, Hamburg, 1995, Adv, in Space research , 117,4/5,193

"Emerging Flux, reconnection, and XNP: Observations meet theory" van Driel L. etal 1995 IAU colloquium 153, Makuhari

X bright points" : van Driel L.: 1995 JOSO meeting in Czech Republic

X ray bright point flare due to magnetic reconnection" van Driel et al: 1995, Solar Physics in press

We are working on a new paper. Here the draft of the abstract:

3D Magnetic Reconnection at an X-ray Bright Point

C. H. Mandrini$^{1}$, P. D\'{e}moulin$^{2}$, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi$^{2}$, B. Schmieder$^{2}$,\\ G. Cauzzi$^{3}$ and A. Hofmann$^{4}$ \vspace{1.5cm}\\

{\scriptsize 1} Instituto de Astronom\'{\i}a y F\'{\i}sica del Espacio, IAFE-CONICET, CC.67, Suc.28, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina

footnote{Member of the Carrera del Investigador Cient\'\i fico, CONICET

{\scriptsize 2} Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon, DASOP, F-92195 Meudon Cedex Principal, France \\ {\scriptsize 3} Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A.\\ {\scriptsize 4} Astrophysikaliches Institut Potsdam, Sonnenobservatorium Einsteinturm, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany \\ \end{center}


A flaring X-ray bright point (XBP) was observed for about 16 hours in the old, disintegrating, bipolar active region (AR) NOAA 7493 on May 1, 1993, where a minor new bipole emerged ($10^{20}$ Mx). The XBP was located between the new negative polarity field and a pre-existing positive polarity plage region. The position of the XBP shifted during its lifetime in such a way that it followed the new field, that moved with a velocity of 0.2 \kms, thus the XBP always remained between the new and the pre-existing field. We have found observational evidences showing that the XBP brightenings were due to magnetic reconnection between the new bipole and the pre-existing plage fields, being this process induced by the motion of the new negative polarity pore towards the plage. The aim of this work is to substantiate from magnetic modelling what has been shown by the observations. For this purpose we extrapolate the observed photospheric magnetic field in the linear force-free approximation and follow its evolution during the XBP lifetime. From the computed coronal field lines we determine the location of regions of drastic change in field-line linkage, called ``quasi-separatrix layers'' or QSLs. QSLs are open layers that behave physically like separatrices: the breakdown of ideal MHD and the release of free magnetic energy may occur at these locations when their thickness is small enough. We find field lines, whose photospheric footpoints lie at both sides of QSLs, in good agreement with the observations of emerging flux (in H$\alpha$) and bright X-ray loops. We study also the evolution of the width of the QSL located along the new negative polarity pore and find that it is very thin (typically 100 m) during the XBP lifetime, while this QSL becomes much thicker ($\geq 10^5$ m) after the XBP has faded. These results strongly support the fact that the XBP brightenings are due to the interaction of different flux systems, through 3D reconnection, at QSLs.\\

Update 03-Apr-95

As the result of the proposal a paper has been submitted to Solar Physics (see abstract below), but we are still working on the observations, the present project includes the extrapolation of the coronal field lines, comparison between the observed and computed connectivities and between the observed flare kernels and computed places of separators, where magnetic field line reconnection is expected to occur.

Title: X-Ray Bright Point Flares Due to Magnetic Reconnection

Authors: L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, B. Schmieder, G. Cauzzi, N. Mein, A. Hofmann, N. Nitta, H. Kurokawa, P. Mein, and J. Staiger

Abstract: Ground-based optical observations coordinated with Yohkoh/SXT X-ray observations of AR NOAA 7493 (May 1, 1993) provided a multiwavelength data base allowing a study of a flaring X-ray bright point (XBP) of about 16 hours lifetime, and the activity related to it in different layers of the solar atmosphere. We found observational evidence showing that XBP brightenings do not form a separated class of events, but that they are merely very small flares due to reconnection of magnetic field lines. Utilising magnetograms taken every 6 hours we followed the emergence and motion of a small (N) and (S) bipole in an environment of positive magnetic polarity. H-alpha observations showed the development of a chromospheric arch filament system connecting the opposite polarity pores of the new bipole, as well as chromospheric faculae, or plages in the vicinity of the footpoints and surge events. The XBP appeared in the corona between the negative polarity new pore (S) and a pre-existing positive polarity plage (NF), and as (S) moved with a velocity of 0.2 km/s, the XBP shifted in such a way that it remained between (S) and (NF). The XBP, superposed on a global evolution of soft X-ray brightness, displayed changes of brightness, interpreted as microflares, lasting for 1-10 minutes. During the microflares the XBP apparently had a spatial structure, which was rather (tiny) loop-like than point-like. The XBP microflares were correlated with chromospheric activity: (i) brightenings of underlying chromospheric faculae, and (ii) appearance of strong turbulent velocities in the arch filament system. We propose that the XBP microflares were due to reconnection of the magnetic field lines (sketched in 3D) between the new bipole and the pre-existing plage fields induced by the motion of the new (S) pore towards plage (NF), and that the XBP itself was the reconnected hot loop between (S) and (NF).

Update 24-Jul-94

Following is the abstract of a paper to be presented at COSPAR, July 1994 (Symposium E2.2). Both the Oct 91 and May 93 events seem to be associated with emerging flux.


B. Schmieder and N Mein (Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon, URA 326, 92195 Meudon Cedex Principal, France)

S. Freeland (Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA)

K. Shibata (National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan)

L. van Driel-Gesztelyi (Kiso Observatory, University of Tokyo, Mitake-mura, Kiso, Nagano 397-01, Japan

H.Kurokawa (Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto University, Kamitakara, Gifu 506-13, Japan)

Surge or ejection of chomospheric material is commonly observed in active regions with its base tied along the inversion line of this isolated magnetic island, called parasitic polarity (as seen in magnetograms from Huairou, MSFC, Hawai, Okayama). Using observations obtained during coordinated campaigns between the Yohkoh satellite and the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass Instruments operating at Meudon and on the Canary Islands we are able to observe surge events (Oct 7 1991, May 1 1993) and look for their signatures in soft X-rays. In the partial frame images of Yohkoh SXT low X-ray loops overlaying the active region where the surge occurs are seen continuously restructuring. No X-ray emission is detected along the path of the surges and no X-ray jets are observed. X-ray bright points appear at the basis of the surge 5 minutes before the ejections, which have been interpreted as being due to magnetic reconnection. Cold plasma bubbles squeezed between magnetic field lines could correspond to surge material.