Coronal Dimming and CME's

Posted:  26-Apr-96
Updated: 27-Jan-97
Events specified: See Text

H. Hudson, J. Lemen, D. Webb (known to be interested)

L. Acton, N. Gopalswamy, J. Klimchuk, S. Tsuneta (probably interested)

Special note to your proposal from SXT DUC:

Please check Team Bulletin Board carefully; there are some prposals which overlap with this proposal.

If a coronal mass ejection occurs, the corona viewed by SXT should move outward and/or disappear. We have identified both types of signature. The "dimming" signature is a new finding. It occurs both in LDE flares (eg 21-feb-92; 28-aug-92) and in large arcade events (eg 24-jan-92). We propose to investigate this effect as well as possible via the Yohkoh data, and to calibrate it where possible with data from LASCO.

A paper has already been written and submitted to Ap. J. on one event:

A long-duration solar flare with mass ejection and global consequences

by H. Hudson, L. Acton, and S. Freeland. Other events are briefly described in conference proceedings papers for IAU 153, Solar Wind 8, and the Bath meeting.

Events studied:

24-jan-92 21-feb-92 28-aug-92 27-feb-94 14-apr-94 13-nov-94 others

Update 27-Jan-97

Please add S. Watari to the participants list



"A long-duration solar flare with mass ejection and global consequences", H.S. Hudson, L.W. Acton, and S.R. Freeland, Ap. J. 470, 629 (1996).


"Solar antecedents of magnetic storms", H.S. Hudson, in proc. Chapman conference on magnetic storms

Research continues on CME counterparts in soft X-rays. There are two new events (at least), namely 25-sep-96 and 5-oct-96, for which we have good Yohkoh and SOHO coverage. These are quite different but both appear to show dimming. We are planning to have a CDAW at GSFC in March on this subject. In the meanwhile Watari, Acton and I should write a paper on the SXT data.