The Scattering Wings of the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope

Posted:  17-Jan-96
Updated: 12-Oct-96
Events specified: N/A

Carl Foley, Loren Acton, Hirohisa Hara, Len Culhane, Dave Weston

Recent work suggests a need for further investigation of the SXT X-ray scattering wings in order to describe fully the telescope PSF. Outstanding issues are -

 i)   What is the Wavelength/Temperature dependency of the PSF
      scattering wings. How does this scattering relate to surface
      roughness and the possible presence of dust.
ii) How does scattering vary with azimuth angle.

iii) What if any is the impact of the front thermal filter failures.

Given the availability of many "starburst" images from different phases of the mission, we propose to investigate these issues.

Update 12-Oct-96

Twelve flare halos have been analysed using a method which removes the azimuthal dependency in the scatter, and is suggestive of a lack of significant wavelength dependence in the scattering from the telescopes mirrors. We wish to analyse these events again by estimating the total scattered flux, to verify whether the prelimary indications are correct and are not just a consequence of the analysis techniques. The existence of an azimuthal dependence in the scatter, also complicates the qualitative assessment of the scattering contribution to the images. However methods to improve the estimation of the scatter field are under investigation.