Investigation of solar foot points of the interplanetary magnetic flux rope.

Posted:  12-Oct-96
Events specified: N/A

Research Group:

S.Watari(CRL), H.Hudson(ISAS), K.Marubashi(CRL), D.E.Larson(SSL/UCB), R.E.Ergun(SSL/UCB), J.M.McTiernan(SSL/UCB), R.P.Lin(SSL/UCB), J.P.McFadden(SSL/UCB), C.W.Carlson(SSL/UCB), K.A.Anderson(SSL/UCB), M.McCarthy(Washington Univ.), G.Parks(Washington Univ.), H.Reme(Universite Paul Sabatier), J.M.Bosqued(Universite Paul Sabatier), K-P. Wenzel(ESA), T.R.Sanderson(ESA)


It is still missing whether the foot points of the magnetic flux ropes observed at the Earth are still connected to the sun or not.

The electron observation by the Wind satellite showed a evidence about this problem. According to the observation, the foot point could be connected to the sun magnetically.

It is possible to detect some signature in solar corona if the foot points are still connected to the sun.

We investigate this subject by using the YOHKOH/SXT images.

Our analysis gives us the topology of the flux ropes in the interplanetary space.