MILITARY STANDARD SIXTEEN-BIT COMPUTER INSTRUCTION SET ARCHITECTURE. MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 CONTENTS Paragraph Page --------- ---- 1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1.1 Scope - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1.2 Purpose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1.3 Applicability - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1.4 Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 DEFINITIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.1 Accumulator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.2 Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.3 Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.4 Avionics - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.5 Base register - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.6 Bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.7 Byte - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3.8 Central processing unit (CPU) - - - - - - - - - 1 3.9 Control unit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.10 General purpose register - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.11 Index register - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.12 Input/output (I/O) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.13 Instruction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.14 Instruction counter (IC) - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.15 Instruction set architecture (ISA) - - - - - - - 2 3.16 Interrupt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.17 Memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.18 Operation code (OPCODE) - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.19 Operand - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.20 Page register - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.21 Programmed input/output (PIO) - - - - - - - - - 2 3.22 Register - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.23 Register transfer language (RTL) - - - - - - - - 2 3.24 Reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.25 Spare - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.26 Stack - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3.27 Stack pointer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3.28 Status word register - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3.29 Word - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 4.1 Data formats - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 4.1.1 Single precision fixed point data - - - - - - - - 3 4.1.2 Double precision fixed point data - - - - - - - - 4 4.1.3 Fixed point operands - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 4.1.4 Results on fixed point overflow - - - - - - - - 4 4.1.5 Floating point data - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 4.1.6 Extended precision floating point data - - - - - - 5 4.1.7 Floating point operands - - - - - - - - - - - 6 iii MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 4.1.8 Truncation of floating point results - - - - - - - 6 4.1.9 Results of division - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 4.2 Instruction formats - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 4.2.1 Register-to-register format - - - - - - - - - - 7 4.2.2 Instruction counter relative format - - - - - - - 7 4.2.3 Base relative format - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 4.2.4 Base relative indexed format - - - - - - - - - - 7 4.2.5 Long instruction format - - - - - - - - - - - 8 4.2.6 Immediate opcode extension format - - - - - - - - 8 4.3 Addressing modes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 4.3.1 Register direct (R) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 4.3.2 Memory direct (D) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 4.3.3 Memory direct-indexed (DX) - - - - - - - - - - 8 4.3.4 Memory indirect (I) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 4.3.5 Memory indirect with pre-indexing (IX) - - - - - - 10 4.3.6 Immediate long (IM) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 4.3.7 Immediate short (IS) - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Immediate short positive (ISP) - - - - - - - - - 10 Immediate short negative (ISN) - - - - - - - - - 10 4.3.8 Instruction counter relative (ICR) - - - - - - - - 10 4.3.9 Base relative (B) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 4.3.10 Base relative-indexed (BX) - - - - - - - - - - 10 4.3.11 Special (S) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 4.4 Registers and support features - - - - - - - - - 10 4.4.1 General registers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 4.4.2 Special registers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Instruction counter (IC) - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Status word (SW) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Fault register (FT) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 Interrupt mask (MK) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 Pending interrupt register (PI) - - - - - - - - - 13 Input/output interrupt code registers (IOIC)(optional) - 13 Page registers (optional) - - - - - - - - - - - 13 Memory fault status register (MFSR) (optional) - - - - 13 4.4.3 Stack - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 4.4.4 Processor initialization - - - - - - - - - - - 14 Processor reset state - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 Power up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 4.4.5 Interval timers (optional)- - - - - - - - - - - 14 4.5 Memory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 4.5.1 Memory addressing - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Memory addressing arithmetic - - - - - - - - - - 15 Memory addressing boundary constraints - - - - - - 15 4.5.2 Expanded memory addressing (optional) - - - - - - - 15 Group selection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Page register word format - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Partial implementations of expanded memory addressing - 18 4.5.3 Memory parity (optional) - - - - - - - - - - - 18 4.5.4 Memory block protect (optional) - - - - - - - - - 18 4.5.5 References to unimplemented memory - - - - - - - - 18 4.5.6 Start up ROM (optional)- - - - - - - - - - - - 18 4.5.7 Reserved memory locations - - - - - - - - - - - 18 4.6 Interrupt control - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 iv MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 4.6.1 Interrupts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 Interrupt acceptance - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 Interrupt software control - - - - - - - - - - 18 Interrupt priority definitions - - - - - - - - - 21 Interrupt vectoring mechanism - - - - - - - - - 21 4.7 Input/output - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 4.7.1 Input - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 4.7.2 Output - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 4.7.3 Input/output commands - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 4.7.4 Input/output command partitioning - - - - - - - - 22 4.7.5 Input/output interrupts (optional) - - - - - - - - 22 4.7.6 Dedicated I/O memory locations - - - - - - - - - 22 4.8 Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 4.8.1 Invalid instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 4.8.2 Mnemonic conventions - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 4.8.3 Instruction matrix - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 4.8.4 Instruction set notation - - - - - - - - - - - 23 5 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 5.1 Execute input/output - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 5.2 Vectored input/output - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 5.3 Set bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 5.4 Reset bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 5.5 Test bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 5.6 Test and set bit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 5.7 Set variable bit in register - - - - - - - - - - 38 5.8 Reset variable bit in register - - - - - - - - - 39 5.9 Test variable bit in register - - - - - - - - - 40 5.10 Shift left logical - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 5.11 Shift right logical - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 5.12 Shift right arithmetic - - - - - - - - - - - - 43 5.13 Shift left cyclic - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 5.14 Double shift left logical - - - - - - - - - - - 45 5.15 Double shift right logical - - - - - - - - - - 46 5.16 Double shift right arithmetic - - - - - - - - - 47 5.17 Double shift left cyclic - - - - - - - - - - - 48 5.18 Shift logical, count in register - - - - - - - - 49 5.19 Shift arithmetic, count in register - - - - - - - 50 5.20 Shift cyclic, count in register - - - - - - - - - 51 5.21 Double shift logical, count in register - - - - - - 52 5.22 Double shift arithmetic, count in register - - - - - 53 5.23 Double shift cyclic, count in register - - - - - - 54 5.24 Jump on condition - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55 5.25 Jump to subroutine - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 5.26 Subtract one and jump - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 5.27 Branch unconditionally - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 5.28 Branch if equal to (zero) - - - - - - - - - - - 60 5.29 Branch if less than (zero) - - - - - - - - - - 61 5.30 Branch to executive - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62 5.31 Branch if less than or equal to (zero) - - - - - - 63 5.32 Branch if greater than (zero) - - - - - - - - - 64 5.33 Branch if not equal to (zero) - - - - - - - - - 65 5.34 Branch if greater than or equal to (zero) - - - - - 66 v MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.35 Load status - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 5.36 Stack IC and jump to subroutine - - - - - - - - - 68 5.37 Unstack IC and return from subroutine - - - - - - - 69 5.38 Single precision load - - - - - - - - - - - - 70 5.39 Double precision load - - - - - - - - - - - - 72 5.40 Load multiple registers - - - - - - - - - - - 73 5.41 Extended precision floating point load - - - - - - 74 5.42 Load from upper byte - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 5.43 Load from lower byte - - - - - - - - - - - - 76 5.44 Pop multiple registers off the stack - - - - - - - 77 5.45 Single precision store - - - - - - - - - - - - 78 5.46 Store a non-negative constant - - - - - - - - - 79 5.47 Move multiple words, memory-to-memory - - - - - - - 80 5.48 Double precision store - - - - - - - - - - - - 81 5.49 Store register through mask - - - - - - - - - - 82 5.50 Store multiple registers - - - - - - - - - - - 83 5.51 Extended precision floating point store - - - - - - 84 5.52 Store into upper byte - - - - - - - - - - - - 85 5.53 Store into lower byte - - - - - - - - - - - - 86 5.54 Push multiple registers onto the stack - - - - - - 87 5.55 Single precision integer add - - - - - - - - - - 89 5.56 Increment memory by a positive integer - - - - - - 91 5.57 Single precision absolute value of register - - - - - 92 5.58 Double precision absolute value of register - - - - - 93 5.59 Double precision integer add - - - - - - - - - - 94 5.60 Floating point add - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95 5.61 Extended precision floating point add - - - - - - - 97 5.62 Floating point absolute value of register - - - - - 98 5.63 Single precision integer subtract - - - - - - - - 99 5.64 Decrement memory by a positive integer - - - - - -101 5.65 Single precision negate register - - - - - - - -102 5.66 Double precision negate register - - - - - - - -103 5.67 Double precision integer subtract - - - - - - - -104 5.68 Floating point subtract - - - - - - - - - - -105 5.69 Extended precision floating point subtract - - - - -107 5.70 Floating point negate register - - - - - - - - -108 5.71 Single precision integer multiply with 16-bit product -109 5.72 Single precision integer multiply with 32-bit product -110 5.73 Double precision integer multiply - - - - - - - -111 5.74 Floating point multiply - - - - - - - - - - -112 5.75 Extended precision floating point multiply - - - - -114 5.76 Single precision integer divide with 16-bit dividend - -116 5.77 Single precision integer divide with 32-bit dividend - -117 5.78 Double precision integer divide - - - - - - - - -118 5.79 Floating point divide - - - - - - - - - - - -119 5.80 Extended precision floating point divide - - - - - -121 5.81 Inclusive logical OR - - - - - - - - - - - -122 5.82 Logical AND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -123 5.83 Exclusive logical OR - - - - - - - - - - - -124 5.84 Logical NAND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -125 5.85 Convert floating point to 16-bit integer - - - - - -126 5.86 Convert 16-bit integer to floating point - - - - - -127 5.87 Convert extended precision floating point to 32-bit int.-128 vi MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.88 Convert 32-bit integer to extended precision floating pt.-129 5.89 Exchange bytes in register - - - - - - - - - - 130 5.90 Exchange words in registers - - - - - - - - - - 131 5.91 Single precision compare - - - - - - - - - - - 132 5.92 Compare between limits - - - - - - - - - - - - 133 5.93 Double precision compare - - - - - - - - - - - 134 5.94 Floating point compare - - - - - - - - - - - - 135 5.95 Extended precision floating point compare - - - - - 136 5.96 No operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 137 5.97 Break point - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 INDEX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 140 vii MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 FIGURES Figure Page ------ ---- 1 Expanded memory mapping diagram - - - - - - 16 2 Interrupt system flowchart - - - - - - - 20 3 Interrupt vectoring system - - - - - - - 21 viii MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 TABLES Table Page ----- ---- I Single precision fixed point numbers - - - - 3 II Double precision fixed point numbers - - - - 4 III 32-bit floating point numbers - - - - - - 5 IV 48-bit extended floating point numbers - - - 6 V Addressing modes and instruction word format - 9 VI Processor reset state - - - - - - - - - 14 VII AL code to access key mapping - - - - - - 17 VIII Interrupt definitions - - - - - - - - - 19 IX Input/output channel groups - - - - - - - 23 X Operation code matrix - - - - - - - - - 27 XI Extended operation codes - - - - - - - - 28 ix MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE 1.1 SCOPE. This standard defines the instruction set architecture (ISA) for airborne computers. It does not define specific implementation details of a computer. 1.2 PURPOSE. The purpose of this document is to establish a uniform instruc- tion set architecture for airborne computers which shall be used in Air Force avionic weapon systems. 1.3 APPLICABILITY. This standard is intended to be used to define only the ISA of airborne computers. System-unique requirements such as speed, weight, power, additional input/output commands, and environmental operating character- istics are defined in the computer specification for each computer. Application is not restricted to any particular avionic function or specific hardware implementation by this standard. Generally, the ISA is applicable to, and shall be used for, computers that perform such functions as moderate accuracy navigation, computed air release points, weapon delivery, air rendezvous, stores management, aircraft guidance, and aircraft management. This standard is not restricted to implementations of "stand-alone" computers such as a mission computer or a fire control computer. Application to the entire range of avionics functions is encouraged such as stability and control, display processing and control, thrust management, and electrical power control. 1.4 BENEFITS. The expected benefits of this standard ISA are the use and re-use of available support software such as compilers and instruction level simulators. Other benefits may also be achieved such as: (a) reduction in total support software gained by the use of the standard ISA for two or more computers in a weapon system, and (b) software development independent of hardware development. 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Not applicable. 3 DEFINITIONS 3.1 ACCUMULATOR. A register in the arithmetic logic unit used for intermediate storage, algebraic sums and other arithmetic and logical results. 3.2 ADDRESS. A number which identifies a location in memory where information is stored. 3.3 ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT (ALU). That portion of hardware in the central processing unit in which arithmetic and logical operations are performed. 3.4 AVIONICS. All the electronic and electromechanical systems and subsystems (hardware and software) installed in an aircraft or attached to it. Avionics systems interact with the crew or other aircraft systems in these functional areas: communications, navigation, weapons delivery, identification, instrumentation, electronic warfare, reconnaissance, flight control, engine control, power distribution, and support equipment. 3.5 BASE REGISTER. Any general register used to provide the base address portion of the derived address for instructions using the base relative or base relative- indexed addressing modes. 3.6 BIT. Contraction of binary digit; may be either zero or one. In information theory, a binary digit is equal to one binary decision or the designation of one of two possible values or states of anything used to store or convey information. 3.7 BYTE. A group of eight binary digits. 3.8 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU). That portion of a computer that controls and performs the execution of instructions. 1 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 3.9 CONTROL UNIT. That portion of hardware in the CPU that directs sequence of operations, interprets coded instructions, and initiates proper commands to other parts of the computer. 3.10 GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER. A register that may be used for arithmetic and logical operations, indexing, shifting, input, output, and general storage of temporary data. 3.11 INDEX REGISTER. A register that contains a quantity for modification of an address without permanently modifying the address. 3.12 INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O). That portion of a computer which interfaces to the external world. 3.13 INSTRUCTION. A program code which tells the computer what to do. 3.14 INSTRUCTION COUNTER (IC). A register in the CPU that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed. 3.15 INSTRUCTION SET ARCHITECTURE (ISA). The attributes of a digital computer as seen by a machine (assembly) language programmer. ISA includes the processor and input/output instruction sets, their formats, operation codes, and addressing modes; memory management and partitioning if accessible to the machine language programmer; the speed of accessible clocks; interrupt structure; and the manner of use and format of all registers and memory locations that may be directly manipulated or tested by a machine language program. This definition excludes the time or speed of any operation, internal computer partitioning, electrical and physical organization, circuits and components of the computer, manufacturing technology, memory organization, memory cycle time, and memory bus widths. 3.16 INTERRUPT. A special control signal that suspends the normal flow of the processor operations and allows the processor to respond to a logically unrelated or unpredictable event. 3.17 MEMORY. That portion of a computer that holds data and instructions and from which they can be accessed at a later time. 3.18 OPERATION CODE (OPCODE). That part of an instruction that defines the machine operation to be performed. 3.19 OPERAND. That part of an instruction that specifies the address of the source, the address of the destination, or the data itself on which the processor is to operate. 3.20 PAGE REGISTER. A register which is used to supply additional address bits in paged memory addressing schemes. 3.21 PROGRAMMED INPUT/OUTPUT (PIO). A type of I/O channel that allows program control of information transfer between the computer and an external device. 3.22 REGISTER. A device in the CPU for the temporary storage of one or more words to facilitate arithmetical, logical, or transfer operations. 3.23 REGISTER TRANSFER LANGUAGE (RTL). A language used to describe operations (upon registers) which are caused by the execution of each instruction. 3.24 RESERVED. Must not be used. 3.25 SPARE. A framework for usage is defined by the standard with particulars to be defined by the appliction requirements. 3.26 STACK. A sequence of memory locations in which data may be stored and retrieved on a last-in-first-out (LIFO) basis. 2 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 3.27 STACK POINTER. A register that points to the last item on the stack. 3.28 STATUS WORD REGISTER. A register whose state is defined by some prior event occurrence in the computer. 3.29 WORD. Sixteen bits. 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 DATA FORMATS. The instruction set shall support 16-bit fixed point single precision, 32-bit fixed point double precision, 32-bit floating point and 48-bit floating point extended precision data in 2's complement representation. 4.1.1 SINGLE PRECISION FIXED POINT DATA. Single precision 16-bit fixed point data shall be represented as a 16-bit 2's complement integer number with the most significant bit (MSB) as the sign bit: MSB LSB ----------------------------- |S| | ----------------------------- 0 1 15 Examples of single precision fixed point numbers are shown in table I. TABLE I. Single precision fixed point numbers. ------------------------------------------- | Integer | 16-Bit Hexadecimal Word | ------------------------------------------- | 32767 | 7 F F F | ------------------------------------------- | 16384 | 4 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------- | 4096 | 1 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------- | 2 | 0 0 0 2 | ------------------------------------------- | 1 | 0 0 0 1 | ------------------------------------------- | 0 | 0 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------- | - 1 | F F F F | ------------------------------------------- | - 2 | F F F E | ------------------------------------------- | - 4096 | F 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------- | - 16384 | C 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------- | - 32767 | 8 0 0 1 | ------------------------------------------- | - 32768 | 8 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------- 3 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 4.1.2 DOUBLE PRECISION FIXED POINT DATA. Double precision 32-bit fixed point data shall be represented as a 32-bit 2's complement integer number with the most significant bit (MSB) of the first word as the sign bit. MSB LSB ------------------------------------------- |S| (MSH) | (LSH) | ------------------------------------------- 0 1 15 16 31 Examples of machine representation for double precision fixed point numbers are shown in table II. TABLE II. Double precision fixed point numbers. ------------------------------------------------ | Integer | 32-Bit Hexadecimal Word | ------------------------------------------------ | 2,147,483,647 | 7 F F F F F F F | ------------------------------------------------ | 1,073,741,824 | 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------------ | 2 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 | ------------------------------------------------ | 1 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 | ------------------------------------------------ | 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------------ | - 1 | F F F F F F F F | ------------------------------------------------ | - 2 | F F F F F F F E | ------------------------------------------------ | -1,073,741,825 | C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------------ | -2,147,483,647 | 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 | ------------------------------------------------ | -2,147,483,648 | 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | ------------------------------------------------ 4.1.3 FIXED POINT OPERANDS. All operands for fixed point adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides are integer. A fixed point overflow shall be defined as arithmetic overflow if the result is greater than 7FFF (Base 16) or less than 8000 (Base 16) for single precision and greater than 7FFF FFFF (Base 16) or less than 8000 0000 (Base 16) for double precision. 4.1.4 RESULTS ON FIXED POINT OVERFLOW. On fixed point operations which cause overflow, the operation shall be performed to completion as if the MSBs are present and the 16 LSBs for single precision or the 32 LSBs for double precision shall be retained in the proper register(s). Division by zero shall produce a fixed point overflow and return results of all zeros. 4.1.5 FLOATING POINT DATA. Floating point data shall be represented as a 32-bit quantity consisting of a 24-bit 2's complement mantissa and an 8-bit 2's complement exponent. 4 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 MSB LSB MSB LSB ------------------------------------------------------ |S| Mantissa | Exponent | ------------------------------------------------------ 0 1 23 24 31 Floating point numbers are represented as a fractional mantissa times 2 raised to the power of the exponent. All floating point numbers are assumed normalized or floating point zero at the beginning of a floating point operation and the results of all floating point operations are normalized (a normalized floating point number has the sign of the mantissa and the next bit of opposite value) or floating point zero. A floating point zero is defined as 0000 0000 (Base 16), that is, a zero mantissa and a zero exponent (00 (Base 16)). An extended floating point zero is defined as 0000 0000 0000 (Base 16), that is, a zero mantissa and a zero exponent. Some examples of the machine representation for 32-bit floating point numbers are shown in table III. TABLE III. 32-Bit Floating Point Numbers ---------------------------------------------------------- | | Hexadecimal Notation | | Decimal Number | Mantissa EXP | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 127 | | | 0.9999998 x 2 | 7FFF FF 7F | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 127 | | | 0.5 x 2 | 4000 00 7F | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 4 | | | 0.625 x 2 | 5000 00 04 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 1 | | | 0.5 x 2 | 4000 00 01 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | | | 0.5 x 2 | 4000 00 00 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -1 | | | 0.5 x 2 | 4000 00 FF | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -128 | | | 0.5 x 2 | 4000 00 80 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | | | 0.0 x 2 | 0000 00 00 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | | | -1.0 x 2 | 8000 00 00 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -128 | | | -0.5000001 x 2 | BFFF FF 80 | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 4 | | | -0.7500001 x 2 | 9FFF FF 04 | ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.1.6 EXTENDED PRECISION FLOATING POINT DATA. Extended floating point data shall be represented as a 48-bit quantity consisting of a 40-bit 2's complement mantissa and an 8-bit 2's complement exponent. The exponent bits 24 to 31 lay between the split mantissa bits 0 to 23 and bits 32 to 47. The most significant bit of the mantissa is the sign bit 0, and the least significant bit of the mantissa is bit 47. 5 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 29 July 1980 ---------------------------------------------------- | | Mantissa | | Mantissa | |S| MS |Exponent| LS | ---------------------------------------------------- 0 1 23 24 31 32 47 Some examples of the machine representation of 48-bit extended floating point numbers are shown in table IV. TABLE IV. 48-Bit Extended Floating Point Numbers ------------------------------------------------------------- | | Hexadecimal Notation | | |-----------------------------------------| | Decimal Number | Mantissa (MS) | Exp | Mantissa (LS) | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 127 | | | | | 0.5 x 2 | 400000 | 7F | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | | | | | 0.5 x 2 | 400000 | 00 | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -1 | | | | | 0.5 x 2 | 400000 | FF | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -128 | | | | | 0.5 x 2 | 400000 | 80 | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 127 | | | | | -1.0 x 2 | 800000 | 7F | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | | | | | -1.0 x 2 | 800000 | 00 | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -1 | | | | | -1.0 x 2 | 800000 | FF | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -128 | | | | | -1.0 x 2 | 800000 | 80 | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | | | | | 0.0 x 2 | 000000 | 00 | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -1 | | | | | -0.75 x 2 | A00000 | FF | 0000 | ------------------------------------------------------------- For both floating point and extended floating point numbers, an overflow is defined as an exponent overflow and an underflow is defined as an exponent underflow. 4.1.7 FLOATING POINT OPERANDS. All operands for floating point instructions must be normalized or a floating point zero. A floating point overflow shall be defined as exponent overflow if the exponent is greater than 7F (Base 16). The results of an operation which causes a floating point overflow shall be the largest positive number if the sign of the resulting mantissa was positive, or shall be the smallest negative number if the sign of the resulting mantissa was negative. Underflow shall be defined as exponent underflow if the exponent is less than 80 (Base 16). The results of an operation which causes a floating point underflow shall be floating point zero. Separate interrupts are set for overflow and underflow. Only the floating point instructions shall set the underflow interrupt. 4.1.8 TRUNCATION OF FLOATING POINT RESULTS. All floating point results shall be truncated toward negative infinity. 4.1.9 RESULTS OF DIVISION. The sign of any non-zero remainder is the same as the dividend for all division instructions; the remainder is only accessible for single precision integer divides with 16 bit dividends and for single precision integer divides with 32 bit dividends. 6 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 4.2 INSTRUCTION FORMATS. Six basic instruction formats shall support 16 and 32-bit instructions. The operation code (opcode) shall normally consist of the 8 most significant bits of the instruction. 4.2.1 REGISTER-TO-REGISTER FORMAT. The register-to-register format is a 16-bit instruction consisting of an 8-bit opcode and two 4-bit general register (GR) fields that typically specify any of 16 general registers. In addition, these fields may contain a shift count, condition code, opcode extension, bit number, or the operand for immediate short instructions. MSB LSB --------------------------------- | Opcode | GR1 | GR2 | --------------------------------- 0 7 8 11 12 15 4.2.2 INSTRUCTION COUNTER RELATIVE FORMAT. The Instruction Counter (IC) Relative Format is a 16-bit instruction consisting of an 8-bit opcode and an 8-bit displacement field. MSB LSB --------------------------------- | Opcode | Displacement | --------------------------------- 0 7 8 15 4.2.3 BASE RELATIVE FORMAT. The base relative instruction format is a 16-bit instruction consisting of a 6-bit opcode, a 2-bit base register field and an 8-bit displacement field. The base register (BR) field allows the designation of one of four different registers. MSB LSB --------------------------------- | Opcode | BR | Displacement | --------------------------------- 0 5 6 7 8 15 BR = 0 implies general register 12 BR = 1 implies general register 13 BR = 2 implies general register 14 BR = 3 implies general register 15 4.2.4 BASE RELATIVE INDEXED FORMAT. The base relative indexed instruction format is a 16-bit instruction consisting of a 6-bit opcode, a 2-bit base register field, a 4-bit opcode extension and a 4-bit index register field. The base register (BR) field allows the designation of one of four different base registers and the index register (RX) field allows the designation of one of fifteen different index registers. 7 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 MSB LSB -------------------------------- | Opcode | BR | Op.Ex. | RX | -------------------------------- 0 5 6 7 8 11 12 15 BR = 0 implies general register 12 BR = 1 implies general register 13 BR = 2 implies general register 14 BR = 3 implies general register 15 RX = 0 implies no indexing 4.2.5 LONG INSTRUCTION FORMAT. The Long Instruction Format is a 32-bit instruction consisting of an 8-bit opcode, a 4-bit general register field, a 4-bit index register field and a 16-bit address field. MSB LSB --------------------------------------------------- | Opcode | GR1 | RX | 16-Bit Address Field | --------------------------------------------------- 0 7 8 11 12 15 16 31 Typically, GR1 is one of the 16 general registers on which the instruction is performing the operation. RX is one of the 15 general registers being used as an index register. The 16-bit address field is either a full 16-bit memory address or a 16-bit operand if the instruction specifies immediate addressing. 4.2.6 IMMEDIATE OPCODE EXTENSION FORMAT. The immediate opcode extension format is a 32-bit instruction consisting of an 8-bit opcode, a 4-bit general register field, a 4-bit opcode extension and a 16-bit data field. Typically, GR1 is one of the 16 general registers on which the instruction is performing the operation. Op.Ex. is an opcode extension. MSB LSB --------------------------------------------------- | Opcode | GR1 | Op.Ex. | 16-Bit Immediate Data | --------------------------------------------------- 0 7 8 11 12 15 16 31 4.2.7 SPECIAL FORMAT. The special instruction format is a 16-bit instruction consisting of an 8-bit opcode followed by an 8-bit opcode extension (Op.Ex.). MSB LSB ----------------------- | Opcode | Op.Ex. | ----------------------- 0 7 8 15 4.3 ADDRESSING MODES. Table V specifies the instruction word format, the Derived Address (DA), and the Derived Operand (DO) for each addressing mode that shall be implemented. The smallest addressable memory word is 16 bits: hence, the 16-bit address fields allow direct addressing of 64K (65,536) words. There is no restriction on the location of double word operands in memory. 4.3.1 REGISTER DIRECT (R). An addressing mode in which the instruction specified register contains the required operand. (With the exception of this address mode, DA denotes a memory address.) 4.3.2 MEMORY DIRECT (D). An addressing mode in which the instruction contains the memory address of the operand. 4.3.3 MEMORY DIRECT-INDEXED (DX). An addressing mode in which the memory address of the required operand is specified by the sum of the content of an index register and the instruction address field. Registers R1,R2,...,R15 may be specified for indexing. 8 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 TABLE V. Addressing Modes and Instruction word format 9 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 4.3.4 MEMORY INDIRECT (I). An addressing mode in which the instruction specified memory address contains the address of the required operand. 4.3.5 MEMORY INDIRECT WITH PRE-INDEXING (IX). An addressing mode in which the sum of the content of a specified index register and the instruction address field is the address of the address of the required operand. Registers R1,R2,...,R15 may be specified for pre-indexing. 4.3.6 IMMEDIATE LONG (IM). There shall be two methods of Immediate Long addressing: one which allows indexing and one which does not. The indexable form of immediate addressing is defined in table V. If the specified index register, RX, is not equal to zero, the content of RX is added to the immediate field to form the required operand; otherwise the immediate field contains the required operand. 4.3.7 IMMEDIATE SHORT (IS). An addressing mode in which the required (4-bit) operand is contained within the (16-bit) instruction. There shall be two methods of Immediate Short addressing: one which interprets the content of the immediate field as positive data, and a second which interprets the content of immediate field as negative data. IMMEDIATE SHORT POSITIVE (ISP). The immediate operand is treated as a positive integer between 1 and 16. IMMEDIATE SHORT NEGATIVE (ISN). The immediate operand is treated as a negative integer between 1 and 16. Its internal form shall be a 2's complement, sign-extended 16-bit number. 4.3.8 INSTRUCTION COUNTER RELATIVE (ICR). This addressing mode is used for 16-bit branch instructions. The contents of the instruction counter minus one (i.e., the address of the current instruction) is added to the sign extended 8-bit displacement field of the instruction. The sum points to the memory address to which control may be transferred if a branch is executed. This mode allows addressing within a memory region of 80 (Base 16) to 7F (Base 16) words relative to the address of the current instruction. 4.3.9 BASE RELATIVE (B). An addressing mode in which the content of an instruction specified base register is added to the 8-bit displacement field of the (16-bit) instruction. The displacement field is taken to be a positive number between 0 and 255. The sum points to the memory address of the required operand. This mode allows addressing within a memory region of 256 words beginning at the address pointed to by the base register. 4.3.10 BASE RELATIVE-INDEXED (BX). The sum of the cotnents of a specified index register and a specified base register is the address of the required operand. Registers R1,R2,...,R15 may be specified for indexing. 4.3.11 SPECIAL (S). The special addressing mode is used where none of the other addressing modes are applicable. 4.4 REGISTERS AND SUPPPORT FEATURES. 4.4.1 GENERAL REGISTERS. The instruction set shall support a minimum of 16 registers (R0 through R15). The registers may be used as accumulators, index registers, base registers, temporary operand memory, and stack pointers with the following restrictions: a. Only registers R1,R2,...,R15 may be used as index registers (RX). b. Only four registers, R12,R13,R14, and R15 may be used as base registers for instructions having the Base Relative address mode. c. R15 is the implicit stack pointer for the Push and Pop Multiple instructions (Opcode 8F and 9F (Base 16)). d. The general registers are not in the logical memory address space. e. Instructions having the Base Relative addressing mode have a single accumulator. The register pair (R0,R1) is the accumulator for double precision and floating point operations. Register R2 is the accumulator for single precision operations, except multiply and divide base relative also use R3. 10 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 The general registers shall functionally appear to be 16 bits in length. For instructions requiring a 32-bit operation, adjacent registers shall be concatenated to form effective 32-bit registers. Instructions requiring 48-bit operation shall concatenate three adjacent registers to form an effective 48-bit register. When registers are concatenated, the register specified by the instruction shall represent the most significant word. The register set wraps around, that is, R15 concatenates with R0 for 32-bit operations and R15 concatenates with R0 and R1 for 48-bit operations. 4.4.2 SPECIAL REGISTERS. The instructions shall make use of the following special registers: instruction counter, status word, fault register, interrupt mask, pending interrupt register, and input/output interrupt code registers. INSTRUCTION COUNTER (IC). A 16-bit register used for program sequencing. It allows instructions within a range of 65,536 words to be executed. It is external to the general registers. It is saved in memory when an interrupt is serviced. STATUS WORD (SW). The instruction set shall reference a 16-bit status word register whose state is defined by some prior event occurrence in the computer. The figure below indictes the format for the SW with the following paragraphs describing the meaning of the Condition Status (CS) field, reserved bits, the Processor State (PS) field, and the Address State (AS) field. ----------------------------------------------------------- | CS | Reserved | PS | AS | ----------------------------------------------------------- 0 3 4 7 8 11 12 15 CS Bits: A four-bit field (bits 0 through 3) of the status word shall be dedicated to instruction result (i.e., instruction status bits) and is defined as condition status (CS). Bits 0,1,2, and 3 shall be identified as C,P,Z, and N, respectively, and their meanings are given by the following register transfer description: C = (CS) = 1 if result generates a carry from an addition or 0 no borrow from a subtraction P = (CS) = 1 if result is greater than (zero) 1 Z = (CS) = 1 if result is equal to (zero) 2 N = (CS) = 1 if result is less than (zero) 3 Reserved Bits: Bits 4 through 7 of the status word shall be reserved. PS Bits: A four-bit field (bits 8 through 11) of the status word shall be dedicated to the processor state (PS) code. The code value defined by the PS shall be used for the following two functions: For implementations which include the memory access lock feature of the expanded memory addressing option (see paragraph, PS shall define the memory access key code for all instructions and operand references to memory. References to memory during the interrupt recognition sequence for vector table pointer fetches and linkage/service parameter store/read references shall not use PS to define the memory access key code, but shall use an implied PS = 0 value. PS shall determine the legal/illegal criteria for privileged instructions. When PS = 0 and a privileged instruction execution is attempted, the instruction shall be legal and shall be executed properly as defined. When PS NOT= 0 and a privileged instruction execution is attempted, the 11 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 instruction shall be illegal, shall be aborted, and the privileged instruction fault bit in the fault register (FT ) shall be set to one. 10 AS bits: A four-bit field (bits 12 through 15) of the status word shall be dedicated to the address state (AS) code. For implementations which do not include the expanded memory addressing option, an address state fault shall be generated for any operation which attempts to modify AS to a non-zero value. For implementations which include the expanded memory addressing option, AS shall define the group (pair) of page register sets to be used for all instruction and operand references to memory. References to memory during the interrupt recognition sequence for vector table pointer fetches and service parameter load references shall not use AS to define the operand page register set, but shall use an implied AS = 0 value. The linkage parameter store references shall use the AS field of the new status word. For partial implementations which include less than 16 groups of page register sets for the expanded memory addressing option (see paragraph, the address state fault bit in the fault register (FT ) shall be set to one if any operation attempts to 11 establish an AS value that is not implemented. FAULT REGISTER (FT). The fault register is a 16-bit register used for indicating machine error conditions. The logical OR of the fault register bits is used to generate the machine error interrupt. The fault register shall be read and cleared by an XIO instruction. If a particular fault bit is not implemented, then the bit shall be set to zero. The fault bits shall be assigned as specified in the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | MEMORY | PARITY | I/O | SPARE | ILLEGAL | RES. | BITE | | PROTECT | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bits shall have the following meaning when set to one (1): Bit 0: CPU Memory Protection Fault. The CPU has encountered an access fault, write protect fault, or execute protect fault. Bit 1: DMA Memory Protection Fault. A DMA device has encountered an access fault or a write protect fault. Bit 2: Memory Parity Fault. Bit 3: PIO Channel Parity Fault. Bit 4: DMA Channel Parity Fault. Bit 5: Illegal I/O Command Fault. An attempt has been made to execute an unimplemented or reserved I/O command. Bit 6: PIO Transmission Fault. Other I/O error checking devices, if used, may be ORed into this bit to indicate an error. Bit 7: Spare. Bit 8: Illegal Address Fault. A memory location has been addressed which is not physically present. Bit 9: Illegal Instruction Fault. An attempt has been made to execute a reserved code. 12 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 Bit 10: Privileged Instruction Fault. An attempt has been made to execute a privileged instruction with PS NOT= 0. Bit 11: Address State Fault. An attempt has been made to establish an AS value for an unimplemented page register set. Bit 12: Reserved. Bit 13: Built-in Test Fault. Hardware built-in test equipment (BITE) error has been detected. Bit 14-15: Spare BITE. These bits are for use by the designer for future defining (coding, etc.) the BITE error which is detected. This can be used with Bit 13 to give a more complete error description. INTERRUPT MASK (MK). The interrupt mask register is software controlled and contains a mask bit for each of the system interrupts. The interrupt system is defined in paragraph 4.6. PENDING INTERRUPT REGISTER (PI). The pending interrupt request register is software and hardware controlled and contains the pending interrupts that are attempting to vector the instruction counter. A pending interrupt is set by a system interrupt signal. The pending interrupt bit that generates the interrupt request is cleared by hardware action during the interrupt processing prior to initiating software at the address defined by the new IC value. The register may be set, cleared, and read by the I/O instructions. INPUT/OUTPUT INTERRUPT CODE REGISTERS (IOIC)(optional). The input/output interrupt code registers, if implemented, are used to indicate which channel generated the input/output interrupt. One register is assigned for each of the two input/output interrupts. Each register is set by hardware to reflect the address of the highest priority channel requesting that level of interrupt. The address shall be 00 (Base 16) for channel number 0, 0F (Base 16) for channel number 15, 7F (Base 16) for channel number 127, etc. The IOICs shall not be altered once the interrupt sequence has commenced until they are read by an I/O instruction. MSB LSB ------------------------------------------------- | Spare | Channel Code | ------------------------------------------------- 0 7 8 15 PAGE REGISTERS (optional). Up to 512 sixteen bit registers for optional expanded memory addressing. MEMORY FAULT STATUS REGISTER (MFSR)(optional). The memory fault status register provides the page register selection designators associated with memory faults. The page register designators (below) captured by the MFSR are valid for the memory reference causing the fault. The faults setting bits 0, 1, 2, or 8 of the Fault Register (FT) shall cause MFSR to be set. ---------------------------------- | LPA | RESERVED | IO | AS | ---------------------------------- 0 3 4 10 11 12 15 LPA: Address of page register within the set. RESERVED: Must not be used. IO: Instruction/operand page set selector (1 = instruction). AS: Address of selected group. 13 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 4.4.3 STACK. The instruction set shall support a stack mechanism. The operation of the stacking mechanism shall be such that the "last-in, first-out" concept is used for adding items to the stack and the Stack Pointer (SP) register always contains the memory address where the last item is stored on the stack. The stack provides for nested subroutine linkage using register 15. The stack shall also reside in a user defined memory area. Two instructions shall use register number 15 (R15) as the implied system stack pointer: Push Multiple registers, PSHM (see page 87), and Pop Multiple registers, POPM (see page 77). The stack expands linearly toward zero as items are added to it. Two instructions, Stack IC and Jump to Subroutine, SJS (see page 68), and Unstack IC and Return from Subroutine, URS (see page 69), allow the programmer to specify any of the 16 general registers as the stack pointer. The memory block immediately preceding the stack area may be protected (by user using memory protect RAM), thus providing a means of knowing (memory protect interrupt) when the stack limit is exceeded. The stack shall be addressed by the Stack IC and Jump to Subroutine, Unstack IC and Return from Subroutine, Push Multiple, and Pop Multiple instructions. 4.4.4 PROCESSOR INITIALIZATION. PROCESSOR RESET STATE. Table VI defines the processor reset state: TABLE VI. Processor Reset State Register/Device/Function Condition After Reset ------------------------ --------------------- Instruction Counter All zeros Status Word All zeros Fault Register All zeros Pending Interrupt Register All zeros Interrupt Mask Register All zeros General Registers Indeterminate Interrupts Disabled Timers A & B Started and all zeros (1) Page Registers Group 0 enabled (1) Page Registers AL Field All zeros (1) Page Registers W Field Zero (1) Page Registers E Field Zero (1) Page Registers PPA Field Exact logical to physical (1) Memory Protect RAM Disabled and all zeros (1,2) Start Up ROM Enabled (1) DMA Enable Disabled (1) Input Discretes Indeterminate (1) Trigger Go Indicator Started (1) Discrete Outputs All zeros (1) (1) If implemented (optional) (2) Main Memory Globally Protected POWER UP. Upon application of power, the processor shall enter the reset state, the normal power up discrete shall be set (if implemented), and execution shall begin. 4.4.5 INTERVAL TIMERS (optional). If implemented, then two interval timers shall be provided in the computer and shall be referred to as Timer A and Timer B. Both timers can be loaded, stopped, started, and read with the commands described in the XIO paragraph (see page 29). The two timers shall be 16-bit counters which operate 14 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 as follows. Effectively, a one is automatically added to the least significant bit of the timer. Bit fifteen is the least significant bit and shall represent the specified increment value of that timer, i.e., either 10 or 100 microseconds. An interrupt request is generated when a timer increments from FFFF to 0000 (Base 16). After power up, if the timers are not loaded by software, then an interrupt request is generated after 65,536 counts. A sample of the 16-bit counting sequence (shown in hex) is 0000, 0001, ..., 7FFF, 8000, ..., FFFF, 0000, ...,. At system reset or power up, the timers are initialized in accordance with paragraph The timers are halted when a breakpoint, BPT (see page 138), instruction is executed and the console is connected. 4.5 MEMORY. 4.5.1 MEMORY ADDRESSING. The instruction set shall use 16-bit logical addresses to provide for referencing of 65,536 words. When the expanded memory option (see paragraph 4.5.2) is not implemented, physical addresses shall equal logical addresses. MEMORY ADDRESSING ARITHMETIC. Arithmetic performed on memory logical addresses shall be modulo 65,536 such that references to the maximum logical address of FFFF (Base 16) plus 1 shall be to logical address 0000 (Base 16). MEMORY ADDRESSING BOUNDARY CONSTRAINTS. There shall be no odd or even memory address boundary constraints. 4.5.2 EXPANDED MEMORY ADDRESSING (optional). If used, then expanded memory addressing shall be performed via a memory paging scheme as depicted in figure 1. There shall be a maximum of 512 page registers in the page file (not in logical memory space). These shall functionally be partitioned into 16 groups with 2 sets per group and 16 page registers per set. Within a group, one set shall be designated for instruction references and the other set for operand references. The page size shall be 4096 words such that one set of 16 page registers shall be capable of mapping 65,536 words defined by a 16-bit logical address. The page group shall be selected by the 4-bit Address State (AS) field of the Status Word (SW). The instruction/operand set within the group shall be selected by the hardware that differentiates between instruction and operand memory references. The 4 most significant bits of any 16-bit logical address shall select the page register within that set. The 8-bit Physical Page Address (PPA) within the page register shall be concatenated with the 12 least significant bits of the logical address to form a 20-bit physical address, allowing addressing of 1,048,576 words of physical memory. If expanded memory addressing is implemented, then devices other than the CPU which access memory may utilize either an unmapped 20-bit physical address or a mapped 16-bit logical address. If the devices other than the CPU which access memory utilize 16-bit addressing, a separate address state value must be provided. GROUP SELECTION. During instruction and operand references to memory, the address state (AS) field of the status word shall be used to designate the page file group. During an interrupt recognition sequence, the operand set of group zero shall be used for vector table and service pointer references to memory; while the linkage pointer references to memory shall use the operand set specified by the AS of the new status word. During memory accesses by devices other than the CPU which utilize 16-bit logical addressing, the address state value provided by the device shall be used to designate the page register group. Device accesses shall utilize the operand set of the selected group. PAGE REGISTER WORD FORMAT. Each page register shall be 16 bits. The figure below indicates the format for the page register words with the following paragraphs describing the meaning of the access lock (AL) field, the execute protect (E) bit, the write protect (W) bit, reserved bits, and the Physical Page Address (PPA) field. -------------------------------------------------------------- | AL | E/W | Reserved | PPA | -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 3 4 5 7 8 15 AL Field: The access lock and key feature is optional if expanded memory addressing is implemented. If the access lock and key feature is not implemented, then the AL field shall always be zero. If it is implemented, then a 4-bit field (bits 0 through 3) of each page register shall contain the access lock (AL) code for the associated page register, which shall be used with the access lock (AL) code for the associated page register, which shall be used with the access key codes to determine access permission. If the access lock and key feature is implemented, the access key code is normally supplied by the PS field of the status word. However, during memory accesses by devices other than a CPU which utilize 16-bit logical addressing, the access code must be supplied by the device. For each of the possible 16 values of the AL code, access shall be permitted for the reference according to table VII. References supplying an unacceptable access key code shall not modify any memory location or general registers and an access fault shall be generated. An access fault resulting from a CPU reference attempt shall set fault register bit 0 to cause a machine error interrupt. An access fault 15 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 FIGURE 1. Expanded Memory Mapping Diagram 16 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 TABLE VII. AL Code to Access Key Mapping AL Code Acceptable Access Key Codes ------- --------------------------- 0 0 1 0,1 2 0,2 3 0,3 4 0,4 5 0,5 6 0,6 7 0,7 8 0,8 9 0,9 A 0,A B 0,B C 0,C D 0,D E 0,E F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F resulting from a DMA attempt shall set fault register bit 1 to cause a machine error interrupt. Note that the access lock and key codes defined in the above table have the following characteristics: a. An access lock code of F (Base 16) is an "unlocked" lock code and allows any and all access key codes to be acceptable. b. An access key code of 0 is a "master" key code and is acceptable to any and all access lock codes. c. Access key codes 1 through E (Base 16) are acceptable to only their own "matched" lock code or the "unlocked" lock code of F (Base 16). d. An access key code of F (Base 16) is acceptable to only the "unlocked" lock code of F (Base 16). E Bit: For instruction page register sets only, bit 4 shall be defined as the E bit and shall determine the acceptable/unacceptable criteria for read references for instruction fetches. When E=1, any attempted instruction read reference designating that associated page register shall be terminated and an execute protect fault shall be generated. An execute protect fault shall set fault register bit 0 to cause a machine error interrupt. W Bit: For operand page registers only, bit 4 shall be defined as the W bit and shall determine the acceptable/unacceptable criteria for write references. When W=1, any attempted write reference designating that associated page register shall not modify any memory location and a write protect fault shall be generated. A write protect fault resulting from a CPU reference attempt shall set fault register bit 0 to cause a machine error interrupt. A write protect fault resulting from a DMA reference attempt shall set fault register bit 1 to cause a machine error interrupt. Reserved Bits: Bits 5 through 7 of all the page registers shall be reserved and shall always be 0. 17 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 PPA Field: An eight-bit field (bits 8 through 15) of each page register shall be dedicated to the physical page address which is used to define the physical address as depicted in figure 1. PARTIAL IMPLEMENTATIONS OF EXPANDED MEMORY ADDRESSING. A given implementation of this standard may include a partial implementation of the expanded addressing option. That partial implementation may use 2, 4, or 8 groups of page registers as follows: Number of Groups AS Group Codes ---------------- -------------- 2 0 and 1 4 0 through 3 8 0 through 7 Within any full or partial implementation, the lock feature may or may not be included. 4.5.3 MEMORY PARITY (optional). If used, then bit 2 in the fault register shall be set to indicate a memory parity error. 4.5.4 MEMORY BLOCK PROTECT (optional). If used, shall be as described by the input/output instructions. For operations which contain multiple memory references, each store operation shall be as defined by the memory protection for that specific memory address. 4.5.5 REFERENCES TO UNIMPLEMENTED MEMORY. Attempted access to physical addresses which are not implemented shall generate an illegal address fault and shall cause the referencing action to terminate. An illegal address fault shall set fault register bit 8 to cause a machine error interrupt. 4.5.6 START UP ROM (optional). If used, the start up read only memory (ROM) address range shall be contiguous starting from physical address 0 up to a maximum of 65,536, as required by the system application. When the start up ROM is enabled, if an I/O or CPU store function is executed whose address is within the start up ROM, then the store is attempted into the main memory. When the start up ROM is enabled, if a read function (instruction or operand) is executed from either I/O or the CPU whose address is to the start up ROM, then the read shall be from the start up ROM. When disabled, the start up ROM cannot be accessed. 4.5.7 RESERVED MEMORY LOCATIONS. Locations 2 through 1F (Base 16) are reserved. Locations 20 (Base 16) through 3F (Base 16) are used by the hardware and the stored program as defined by table VIII. 4.6 INTERRUPT CONTROL. 4.6.1 INTERRUPTS. The instruction set shall support a minimum of sixteen(16) interrupts as shown in table VIII. An interrupt request may occur at any time; however, the interrupt processing must wait until the current instruction is completed. An exception to this is the Move Multiple Word which may be interrupted after each single word transfer. The overall procedure for acceptance of, responding to, and processing of an interrupt shall be as illustrated by the flow chart of figure 2. INTERRUPT ACCEPTANCE. The interrupt system shall have the capability to accept external and internal interrupts. Figure 2 indicates the relationship between the interrupt signals, the pending interrupt register, the interrupt mask register, the priority control logic, the software controllable/accessible signals and the fundamental communications between the interrupt system and the CPU. INTERRUPT SOFTWARE CONTROL. Software shall be able to input from or output to the interrupt mask register as well as the pending interrupt register. Also, software shall be able to disallow recognition of interrupts via the "disable interrupts" signal (without inhibiting interrupt acceptance into the pending interrupt register) and to allow recognition of interrupts via the "enable interrupts" signal. The disabling shall not allow any interrupt after the beginning of the disable instruction. The CPU's interrupt service hardware shall continue to "disable interrupts" for one instruction after the Enable Interrupts instruction has completed. Full descriptions of the interrupt instructions are given in the input/output instruction repertoire. 18 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 TABLE VIII. Interrupt definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | Interrupt | Interrupt | | | | Interrupt | Linkage | Service | | | | Mask | Pointer | Pointer | | | Interrupt | Bit | Address | Address | | | Number | Number | (Hex) | (Hex) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | 0 | 0 | 20 | 21 | Power Down (cannot be | | | | | | masked or disabled) | | | | | | | | 1 | 1 | 22 | 23 | Machine Error (cannot be | | | | | | disabled) | | | | | | | | 2 | 2 | 24 | 25 | Spare | | | | | | | | 3 | 3 | 26 | 27 | Floating Point Overflow | | | | | | | | 4 | 4 | 28 | 29 | Fixed Point Overflow | | | | | | | | 5 | 5 | 2A | 2B | Executive Call (cannot be | | | | | | masked or disabled) | | | | | | | | 6 | 6 | 2C | 2D | Floating Point Underflow | | | | | | | | 7 | 7 | 2E | 2F | Timer A (if implemented) | | | | | | | | 8 | 8 | 30 | 31 | Spare | | | | | | | | 9 | 9 | 32 | 33 | Timer B (if implemented) | | | | | | | | 10 | 10 | 34 | 35 | Spare | | | | | | | | 11 | 11 | 36 | 37 | Spare | | | | | | | | 12 | 12 | 38 | 39 | Input/Output Level 1 | | | | | | (if implemented) | | | | | | | | 13 | 13 | 3A | 3B | Spare | | | | | | | | 14 | 14 | 3C | 3D | Input/Output Level 2 | | | | | | (if implemented) | | | | | | | | 15 | 15 | 3E | 3F | Spare | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: Interrupt number 0 has the highest priority. Priority decreases with increasing interrupt number. 19 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 ------------- | | INTERRUPT | HARDWARE RESPONSE | SOFTWARE RESPONSE ------------- ------------------- | ------------------- | | | | | | V | ----------------- ------------- | | PENDING | | INTERRUPT | | | |--------- ---------| | | | INTERRUPT REG.| | | | MASK REG. | | ----------------- | | ------------- | | | | | | | V V | ---------------- | | LOGICAL |<--------- | | AND FUNCTION | | | ---------------- | | | | | | | | | | | V | | ---------------------- | | | GENERATE HIGHEST | | | | PRIORITY INTERRUPT | | | | VECTOR | | | ---------------------- | | | | | | | | V | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / INTERRUPT \----------- | \ ENABLED / NO | \ ? / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | | | | YES | | | V | ------------- | | GENERATE | | | INTERRUPT | | | REQUEST | | ------------- | | | | | | | | | V | ----------------- | | AUTOMATICALLY | VECTOR TO | | DISABLE |....................|........ | INTERRUPTS | INTERRUPT ROUTINE | : ----------------- | : | | : |<------------ | : | | | : V | | V / \ | | ------------- / \ | | | PROCESS | / \ | | | INTERRUPT | / \ | | ------------- / \ | | | / \ | | | / INTERRUPT \ | | V \ACKNOWLEDGED /------ | --------------- \ / NO | | RETURN TO | \ / | | INTERRUPTED | \ / | | PROGRAM | \ / | --------------- \ / | \ / | | | | YES | V | ----------------- | | RESET PENDING | | | INTERRUPT | | | REGISTER BIT | | ----------------- | FIGURE 2. Interrupt System Flowchart 20 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 INTERRUPT PRIORITY DEFINITIONS. The priority definitions of the interrupts and their required relationship to the interrupt mask and interrupt pointer addresses are illustrated in table VIII, Interrupt Definitions. The power down interrupt shall initiate the power down sequence and cannot be masked or disabled during normal operation of the computer. The executive call interrupt, used with the Branch to Executive instruction, BEX, (see page 62) also cannot be masked or disabled. The machine error interrupt cannot be disabled but can be masked during normal operation of the computer. All other interrupts can be disabled and masked. If a floating point overflow/underflow or fixed point overflow condition occurs, then the instruction generating that condition shall be interrupted at its completion if the interrupt is unmasked and enabled. INTERRUPT VECTORING MECHANISM. The vectoring mechanism shall be as illustrated on figure 3. For each interrupt there shall be two fixed memory locations in the "vector table": (1) the first memory location (Linkage Pointer) shall be defined as the address of where to store the current (old) state of the computer (i.e., "old interrupt mask","old status word", and "old instruction counter"); and (2) the second memory location (Service Pointer) shall be defined as the address of the next (new) state of the computer (i.e., "new interrupt mask", "new status word", and "new instruction counter"). Returning from interrupts may be accomplished by executing the Load Status (LST/LSTI) instruction with the value/address of the Linkage Pointer for an address field. ------------- ----------------- Interrupt 0 --->| Linkage |-------->| Old Interrupt | \ | Pointer 0 | | Mask | \ ------------- ----------------- \ Computer | Service | | Old Status | \ status at | Pointer 0 |--- | Word | / the time of ------------- | ----------------- / interrupt Interrupt 1 --->| Linkage | | | Old Instruc. | / | Pointer 1 | | | Counter | / ------------- | ----------------- | Service | | | Pointer 1 | | ------------- | | | | ----------------- . . ------>| New Interrupt | \ . . | Mask | \ ------------- ----------------- \ Computer Interrupt 15 -->| Linkage | | New Status | \ status to | Pointer 15| | Word | / start service ------------- ----------------- / routine | Service | | New Instruc. | / | Pointer 15| | Counter | / ------------- ----------------- FIGURE 3. Interrupt Vectoring System 4.7 INPUT/OUTPUT. In conjunction with the spare command codes, the I/O interrupts, and the I/O interrupt code registers, the I/O instructions provide a framework within which the user can implement his system interfaces. The particulars of the system interfaces outside of this framework (such as dedicated memory locations, channel register definitions, command code assignments/definitions, multiple channel priorities, page register access, etc.) are not included in this standard. 21 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 4.7.1 INPUT. The input instructions transfer data from an external I/O device or an internal special register to a CPU general register. This command is used to read data from peripheral devices, timers, status word, fault register, discretes, interrupt mask, etc. A full description of the input instructions is given in the instruction repertoire. 4.7.2 OUTPUT. The output instructions transfer data from a CPU general register to an external I/O device or special register. This command is used to write data to peripheral devices, discretes, start and stop timers, enable and disable interrupts and DMA, set and clear interrupt requests, masks and pending interrupt bits, etc. A full description of the output instructions is given in the instruction repertoire. 4.7.3 INPUT/OUTPUT COMMANDS. Input/output commands are classified as mandatory, optional, reserved, or spare. Mandatory I/O commands must be implemented as defined. Optional I/O commands must be implemented as defined, if implemented. Reserved I/O commands must not be implemented. Spare I/O commands may be implemented as required by the application. Attempted execution of an unimplemented optional or spare I/O command or a reserved I/O command shall cause the illegal I/O command fault to be set in the fault register (FT ) causing a machine error interrupt. 5 Input/output command words shall be fully decoded. "TBDs" in input/output instruction descriptions refer to parameters to be determined by the application system requirements. Within these classifications, the use of the command is defined in the instruction description. 4.7.4 INPUT/OUTPUT COMMAND PARTITIONING. The I/O command space shall be divided into 128 channels. Up to 512 commands within each channel group (256 input and 256 output) may be used with each I/O interface. Table IX lists the 128 I/O channel groups. The attempted execution of an unimplemented I/O command shall cause bit 5 of the fault register to be set, generate a machine error interrupt, and abort to completion. 4.7.5 INPUT/OUTPUT INTERRUPTS (optional). Input/output level 1 and level 2 interrupts are available to the user. Either interrupt level or both may be implemented for an interface as defined by the particular application specification. The interrupts shall be used in conjunction with the input/output interrupt code registers to provide I/O channel to process communications. Two levels of interrupts allow easy differentiation of normal reporting from error reporting. 4.7.6 DEDICATED I/O MEMORY LOCATIONS. If dedicated memory locations are used to communicate information to and/or from an I/O channel, these locations shall be consecutive memory locations starting at an implementation defined location. Locations 40 (Base 16) through 4F (Base 16) are optional for I/O usage. 4.8 INSTRUCTIONS. 4.8.1 INVALID INSTRUCTIONS. Attempted execution of an instruction whose first 16 bits are not defined by this standard shall cause the invalid instruction bit in the fault register (FT ) to be set, generating a machine error interrupt. The Built-In-Function 9 is an exception; implemented Built-In-Functions do not cause FT to be set or the 9 machine error interrupt to be generated. All undefined bit patterns in the first 16 bits of an instruction are reserved. 4.8.2 MNEMONIC CONVENTIONS. Each instruction has an associated mnemonic convention. In general, the operation is one or two letters, e.g., L for load, A for add, ST for store. - - -- Floating point operations have a prefix of F, e.g., FL for floating load, FA for floating add. - - - - Double precision operations have a prefix of D, e.g., DL for double load, DA for double add. - - - - Extended precision floating point operations have a prefix of EF, e.g., EFA for extended precision floating point add. - - - Register-to-register operations have a suffix of R, e.g., AR for single precision add register-to-register, FAR for floating add register-to-register. - - - - - Indirect memory reference is indicated by a suffix I, e.g., LI for load indirect. - - Immediate addressing, using the address field as an operand, is indicated by a suffix of IM, e.g., AIM for single 22 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 TABLE IX. Input/output channel groups Output Input Usage ------ ----- ----- 00XX 80XX \ > PIO 03XX 83XX / 04XX 84XX \ > Spare 1FXX 9FXX / 20XX A0XX Processor & Auxiliary Register Control 21XX A1XX \ > Reserved 2FXX AFXX / 30XX B0XX \ > Spare 3FXX BFXX / 40XX C0XX Processor & Auxiliary Register Control 41XX C1XX \ > Reserved 4FXX CFXX / 50XX D0XX Memory Protect RAM 51XX D1XX \ > Memory Address Extension 52XX D2XX / (page register commands) 53XX D3XX \ > Spare 7FXX FFXX / precision add immediate. Use of indexing is specified in assembly language by - -- the occurence of the operational field after the address field, e.g., FA A2,ALPHA,A5: floating add to register A2 from memory location ALPHA indexed by register A5. 4.8.3 INSTRUCTION MATRIX. Table X contains the order type matrix which relates each instruction operation code to an assigned symbol. The numbers shown across the top of the matrix are hexadecimal numbers which represent the higher order four bits of the operation code, and the hexadecimal numbers along the left side represent the lower order four bits of the operation code. Table XI contains the order types and assigned mnemonics for the extended Operation Code instructions. 4.8.4 INSTRUCTION SET NOTATION. The text and register transfer descriptions are intended to complement each other. Ambiguities or omissions in one are resolved by the other. The following definitions and special symbols are associated with the instruction descriptions. 23 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 CPU Registers --- --------- R0,R1,...,R15 The 16, 16-bit general registers IC Instruction Counter SW Status Word CS Condition Status. A 4-bit quantity that is set according to the result of instruction executions. LP Linkage Pointer SP Stack Pointer; R15 for the Push and Pop Multiple instructions SVP Service Pointer MK Interrupt Mask Register PI Pending Interrupt Register RA,RB An unspecified general register Addressing Modes ---------- ----- R Register Direct D,DX Memory Direct, Memory Direct-Indexed I,IX Memory Indirect, Memory Indirect with Pre-Indexing IM,IMX Immediate Long, Immediate Long with Indexing ISP,ISN Immediate Short with Positive Operand, Immediate Short with Negative Operand ICR IC-Relative B,BX Base Relative, Base Relative with Indexing S Special Data Quantities ---- ---------- MSH,LSH Most Significant Half, Least Significant Half MSB,LSB Most Significant Bit, Least Significant Bit S.P.,D.P.,Ft.P.,E.F.P Abbreviation for "Single Precision," "Double Precision," "Floating Point," and "Extended Floating Point" operations respectively. MO Floating Point Derived Operand mantissa (fractional part): DO (Ft.P), DO DO (E.F.P.) 0-23 0-23 32-47 24 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 EO Floating point 8-bit 2's complement Derived Operand characteristic (exponent): DO MA 24-31 MA Floating point register accumulator mantissa (fractional part): (RA,RA+1) (Ft.P.), (RA,RA+1) (RA+2) (E.F.P.) 0-23 0-23 32-47 EA Floating point 8-bit 2's complement register accumulator characteristic (exponent): (RA,RA+1) 24-31 RQ,MP,MQ An entity used for register level transfer description clarification. These registers are not part of the general register file. Miscellaneous ------------- (X) Contents of Register X (X,X+1) Contents of concatenated Registers X and X+1 [X] Contents of memory address X [X,X+1] Contents of sequential memory locations X and X+1 OVM Mantissa (fractional part) overflow Exit Indicates termination of present register transfer operation (except the setting of the CS bits) DA Derived Address DO Derived Operand N,M,n An integer number DSPL Displacement X If X is a CPU register or a data quantity (see above), then n specifies n a bit position in X. If X is not a CPU register or a data quantity, then the number X is to the base n. If X is a number and n=16, then X is a 2's complement hexadecimal number. i X If X is a CPU register or a memory address, then i specifies the state of X. This notation is used in the register transfer descriptions to refer to the contents of a CPU register or a memory address at different times (states) of the execution of the instruction. If X is not a CPU register or a memory address, then the number X is raised to the ith power. Symbols ------- <- Unilateral transfer designator <-> Bilateral transfer designator : Comparison Designator x Indicates a "don't care" bit when used in a binary number 25 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 > Greater than < Less than = Equals > Greater than or equal - < Less than or equal - ^ Logical AND v Logical OR Exclusive OR - Logical NOT | | Absolute value 26 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 TABLE X. Operation Code Matrix 27 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 TABLE XI. Extended Operation Codes 28 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Execute input/output. ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- IM XIO RA,CMD 8 4 4 16 IMX XIO RA,CMD,RX ------------------------------------------ | 48 | RA | RX | | CMD | ------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION: The input/output instruction transfers data between an external/internal ----------- device and the register RA. The Derived Operand, DO, specifies the operation to be performed or the device to be addressed. The immediate operand field may be viewed as an operation code extension field. Note that if indexing is specified, then the input/output operation or device address is formed by summing the contents of the register RX and the immediate field. This is a privileged instruction. The mandatory and optional input/output immediate command fields are listed below. Mandatory XIO Command Fields and Mnemonics --------- --- ------- ------ --- --------- 0YXX PO Programmed Output: This command outputs 16 bits of data from RA to a programmed I/O port. Y may be from 0 through 3. 2000 SMK Set Interrupt Mask: This command outputs the 16-bit contents of the register RA to the interrupt mask register. A "1" in the corresponding bit position allows the interrupt to occur and a "0" prevents the interrupt from occurring except for those interrupts that are defined such that they cannot be masked. 2001 CLIR Clear Interrupt Request: All interrupts are cleared (i.e., the pending interrupt register is cleared to all zeros) and the contents of the fault register are reset to zero. 2002 ENBL Enable Interrupts: This command enables all interrupts which are not masked out. The enable operation takes place after execution of the next instruction. 2003 DSBL Disable Interrupts: This command disables all interrupts (except those that are defined such that they cannot be disabled) at the beginning of the execution of the DSBL instruction. 2004 RPI Reset Pending Interrupt: The individual interrupt bit to be reset shall be designated in register RA as a right justified four bit code. (0 (Base 16) represents interrupt number 0, F (Base 16) represents interrupt number 15). If interrupt 1 (Base 16) is to be cleared, then the contents of the fault register shall also be set to zero. 2005 SPI Set Pending Interrupt Register: This command ORs the 16-bit contents of RA with the pending interrupt register. If there is a one in the corresponding bit position of the interrupt mask (same bit set in both the PI and the MK), and the interrupts are enabled, then an interrupt shall occur after execution of the next instruction. If PI is set to 1, then N is assumed to be 0 (see paragraph 5.30). 5 200E WSW Write Status Word: This command transfers the contents of RA to the status word. 8YXX PI Programmed Input: This command inputs 16 bits of data into RA from the programmed I/O 29 XIO MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 port. Y may be from 0 through 3. A000 RMK Read Interrupt Mask: The current interrupt mask is transfered into register RA. The interrupt mask is not altered. A004 RPIR Read Pending Interrupt Register: This command transfers the contents of the pending interrupt register into RA. The pending interrupt register is not altered. A00E RSW Read Status Word: This command transfers the 16-bit status word into register RA. The status word remains unchanged. A00F RCFR Read and Clear Fault Register: This command inputs the 16-bit fault register to register RA. The contents of the fault register are reset to zero. Bit 1 in the pending interrupt register is reset to zero. Optional XIO Command Fields and Mnemonics -------- --- ------- ------ --- --------- OYXX PO Programmed Output: This command outputs 16 bits of data from RA to a programmed I/O port. Y may be from 0 through 3. 2008 OD Output Discretes: This command outputs the 16-bit contents of the register RA to the discrete output buffer. A "1" indicates an "on" condition and a "0" indicates an "off" condition. 200A RNS Reset Normal Power Up Discrete: This command resets the normal power up discrete bit. 4000 CO Console Output: The 16-bit contents (2 bytes) of register RA are output to the console. The eight most significant bits (byte) are sent first. If no console is present, then this command is treated as a NOP (see page 137). 4001 CLC Clear Console: This command clears the console interface. 4003 MPEN Memory Protect Enable: This command allows the memory protect RAM to control memory protection. 4004 ESUR Enable Start Up ROM: This command enables the start up ROM (i.e., the ROM overlays main memory). 4005 DSUR Disable Start Up ROM: This command disables the start up ROM. 4006 DMAE Direct Memory Access Enable: This command enables direct memory access (DMA). 4007 DMAD Direct Memory Access Disable: This command disables DMA. 4008 TAS Timer A, Start: This command starts timer A from its current state. The timer is incremented every 10 microseconds. 4009 TAH Timer A, Halt: This command halts timer A at its current state. 400A OTA Output Timer A: The contents of register RA are loaded (i.e., jam transfered) into timer A and the timer automatically starts operation by incrementing from the loaded timer in steps of ten microseconds. Bit fifteen is the least significant bit and shall represent ten microseconds. 400B GO Trigger Go Indicator: This command restarts a counter which is connected to a discrete output. The period of time from restart to time-out shall be determined by the system requirements. When the Go timer is started, the discrete output shall go high and remain high for 30 XIO MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 TBD milliseconds, at which time the output shall go low unless another GO is executed. The Go discrete output signal may be used as a software fault indicator. 400C TBS Timer B, Start: This command starts timer B from its current state. The timer is incremented every 100 microseconds. 400D TBH Timer B, Halt: This command halts timer B at its current state. 400E OTB Output Timer B: The contents of register RA are loaded (i.e., jam transfered) into timer B and the timer automatically starts operation by incrementing from the loaded timer in steps of one hundred microseconds. Bit fifteen is the least significant bit and shall represent one hundred microseconds. 50XX LMP Load Memory Protect RAM (5000 + RAM address): This command outputs the 16-bit contents of register RA to the memory protect RAM. A "1" in a bit provides write protection and a "0" in a bit permits writing to the corresponding 1024 word physical memory block. The RAM word MSB (bit 0) represents the lowest number block and the RAM word LSB (bit 15) represents the highest block (i.e., bit 0 represents locations 0 through 1023 and bit 15 represents locations 15360 through 16383 for word zero). Each word represents consecutive 16K blocks of physical memory. The RAM words of 0 through 63 apply to processor write protect and words 64 through 127 apply to DMA write protect. 51XY WIPR Write Instruction Page Register: This command transfers the contents of register RA to page register Y of the instruction set group X. 52XY WOPR Write Operand Page Register: This command transfers the contents of register RA to page register Y of the operand set of group X. 8YXX PI Programmed Input: This command inputs 16 bits of data into RA from the programmed I/O port. Y may be from 0 through 3. A001 RIC1 Read Input/Output Interrupt Code, Level 1: This command inputs the contents of the level 1 IOIC register into register RA. The channel number is right justified. A002 RIC2 Read Input/Output Interrupt Code, Level 2: This command inputs the contents of the level 2 IOIC register into register RA. The channel number is right justified. A008 RDOR Read Discrete Output Register: This command inputs the 16-bit discrete output buffer into register RA. A009 RDI Read Discrete Input: This command inputs the 16-bit discrete input word into register RA. A "1" indicates an "on" condition and a "0" indicates an "off" condition. A00B TPIO Test Programmed Output: This command inputs the 16-bit contents of the programmed output buffer into register RA. This command may be used to test the PIO channel by means of a wrap around test. A00D RMFS Read Memory Fault Status: This command transfers the 16-bit contents of the memory fault status register to RA. The fields within the memory fault status register shall delineate memory related fault types and shall provide the page register designators associated with the designated fault. C000 CI Console Input: This command inputs the 16-bits (2 bytes) from the console into register RA. The eight most significant bits of RA shall represent the first byte. 31 XIO MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 C001 RCS Read Console Status: This command inputs the console interface status into register RA. The status is right justified. C00A ITA Input Timer A: This command inputs the 16-bit contents of timer A into register RA. Bit fifteen is the least significant bit and represents a time increment of ten microseconds. C00E ITB Input Timer B: This command inputs the 16-bit contents of timer B into register RA. Bit fifteen is the least significant bit and represents a time increment of one hundred microseconds. D0XX RMP Read Memory Protect RAM (D000 + RAM address): This command inputs the appropriate memory protect word into register RA. A "1" in a bit provides write protection and a "0" in a bit permits writing to the corresponding 1024 word physical memory block. The RAM words MSB (bit 0) represents the lowest number block and the RAM word LSB (bit 15) represents the highest block (i.e., bit 0 represents locations 0 through 1023 and bit 15 represents locations 15360 through 16383 for word zero). Each word represents consecutive 16K blocks of physical memory. The RAM words of 0 through 63 apply to processor write protect and words 64 through 127 apply to DMA write protect. D1XY RIPR Read Instruction Page Register: This command transfers the 16-bit contents of the page register Y of the instruction set of group X to register RA. D2XY ROPR Read Operand Page Register: This command transfers the 16-bit contents of page register Y of the operand set of group X to register RA. **** **** User defined XIO functions (see table IX). REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: Varies depending on the command field. -------- -------- ----------- REGISTERS AFFECTED: Varies depending on the command field. --------- -------- 32 XIO MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.2 Vectored input/output. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D VIO RA,ADDR --------------------------------------- DX VIO RA,ADDR,RX | 49 | RA | RX | | ADDR | --------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The vectored input/output instruction performs the I/O operation ----------- as specified by the input/output vector table starting at the derived address, DA, as shown below: --------------------- DA | CMD | --------------------- DA + 1 | Vector Select | --------------------- DA + 2 | Data | } one data word for each bit --------------------- set in the vector select ... | ... | The input/output operation or device address is specified by the sum of the CMD and the product of the bit number of the bit set in the vector select times the contents of RA. This device address is then interpreted as specified by the XIO instruction (see para- graph 5.1) with the exception that I/O data is transfered to or from DA + 2 + i rather than RA (where i starts at zero and is incremented after each transfer). This is a privileged instruction. If an illegal XIO command is encountered as part of a VIO chain, the following actions occur: a. The illegal I/O command bit of the fault register (FT ) is set to a one. 5 b. The VIO chain is terminated, and the illegal XIO is treated as a NOP. This termination shall not affect execution of preceding XIO commands which are part of the VIO chain being executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- Step 1. n <-- 0 and i <-- 0; Step 2. if [DA + 1] = 1, then I/O command = [DA] + n x (RA); n Step 3. FT <-- 1, exit, if XIO = illegal command; 5 Step 4. if [DA + 1] = 1, then I/O data = [DA + 2 + i]; n Step 5. if [DA + 1] = 1, then i <-- i + 1; n Step 6. n <-- n + 1, exit, if n = 16; Step 7. go to step 2; REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 33 VIO MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.3 Set bit. ------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 --------------------- R SBR N,RB | 51 | N | RB | --------------------- 8 4 4 16 D SB N,ADDR ------------------------------------ DX SB N,ADDR,RX | 50 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------ 8 4 4 16 I SBI N,ADDR ------------------------------------ IX SBI N,ADDR,RX | 52 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION: Bit number N of the Derived Operand, DO, is set to one. The MSB ----------- is designated bit number zero and the LSB is designated bit number fifteen. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- DO <--- 1; N REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB --------- -------- 34 SBR,SB,SBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.4 Reset bit. ----- --- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 --------------------- R RBR N,RB | 54 | N | RB | --------------------- 8 4 4 16 D RB N,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX RB N,ADDR,RX | 53 | N | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I RBI N,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX RBI N,ADDR,RX | 55 | N | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: Bit number N of the Derived Operand, DO, is set to zero. The ----------- MSB is designated bit number zero and the LSB is designated bit number fifteen. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- DO <--- 0; N REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB --------- -------- 35 RBR,RB,RBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.5 Test bit. -------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 --------------------- R TBR N,RB | 57 | N | RB | --------------------- 8 4 4 16 D TB N,ADDR ------------------------------------- DX TB N,ADDR,RX | 56 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I TBI N,ADDR ------------------------------------- IX TBI N,ADDR,RX | 58 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: Bit number N (0 < N < 15) of the Derived Operand, DO, is tested. ----------- - - Then the Condition Status, CS, is set to indicate non-zero if bit number N of the DO contains a one. Otherwise CS is set to indicate zero. The MSB of the DO is designated bit number zero and the LSB of the DO is designated bit number fifteen. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (CS) <-- 0010 if DO = 0 and 0 < N < 15; N - - (CS) <-- 0001 if DO = 1 and N = 0; N (CS) <-- 0100 if DO = 1 and 1 < N < 15; N - - REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 36 TBR,TB,TBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.6 Test and set bit. ---------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D TSB N,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX TSB N,ADDR,RX | 59 | N | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: Bit number N (0 < N < 15) of the Derived Operand, DO, is tested ----------- - - and set to one. The CS is set according to the test. Note: External memory accesses shall be inhibited until this ---- instruction is complete. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (CS) <-- 0010 and (DO ) <-- 1 if DO = 0 and 0 < N < 15; N N - - (CS) <-- 0001 if (DO ) = 1 and N = 0; N (CS) <-- 0100 if (DO ) = 1 and 1 < N < 15; N - - REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 37 TSB MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.7 Set variable bit in register. ---------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R SVBR RA,RB | 5A | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: Bit number N (0 < N < 15) of the register RB is set to one where ----------- - - the least significant four bits of the contents of register RA is N. Bits (RA) have no effect on the operation. If RA = RB, 0-11 then the count is determined first and then the appropriate bit is changed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB) <-- 1 where N = (RA) ; N 12-15 REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB --------- -------- 38 SVBR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.8 Reset variable bit in register. ------------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R RVBR RA,RB | 5C | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: Bit number N (0 < N < 15) of register RB is set to zero where the ----------- - - least significant four bits of the contents of register RA is N. Bits (RA) have no effect on the operation. If RA = RB, then 0-11 the count is determined first and then the appropriate bit is changed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB) <-- 0 where N = (RA) ; N 12-15 REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB --------- -------- 39 RVBR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.9 Test variable bit in register. ----------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R TVBR RA,RB | 5E | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: Bit number N (0 < N < 15) of register RB is tested where the ----------- - - least significant four bits of the contents of register RA is N. The Condition Status, CS, is then set to indicate non-zero if bit number N of register RB is a one. Otherwise, CS is set to indicate zero. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- N = (RA) 12-15 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB ) = 0 and 0 < N < 15; N - - (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB ) = 1 and N = 0; N (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB ) = 1 and 1 < N < 15; N - - REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 40 TVBR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.10 Shift left logical. ------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R SLL RB,N | 60 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - DESCRIPTION: The contents of the Derived Address, DA (i.e., the contents of ----------- register RB) are shifted left logically N positions. The shifted result is stored in RB. The logical shift left operation is as follows: zeros enter the least significant bit position (bit 15) and bits shifted out of the sign bit position (bit 0) are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RB. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. 0 15 ----------------------------- EXAMPLE: RB Before Shift | sabc | defg | hijk | lmnp | ----------------------------- ----------------------------- RB After Shift (N=4) | defg | hijk | lmnp | 0000 | ----------------------------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB) <-- (RB) Shifted left logically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB,CS --------- -------- 41 SLL MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.11 Shift right logical. ------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R SRL RB,N | 61 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - DESCRIPTION: The contents of the Derived Address, DA (i.e., the contents of ----------- register RB), are shifted right logically N positions. The shifted result is stored in RB. The logical shift right operation is as follows: zeros enter the sign bit position (bit 0) and bits shifted out of the least significant bit position (bit 15) are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RB. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. 0 15 ----------------------------- EXAMPLE: RB Before Shift | sabc | defg | hijk | lmnp | ----------------------------- ----------------------------- RB After Shift (N=4) | 0000 | sabc | defg | hijk | ----------------------------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB) <-- (RB) Shifted right logically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB,CS --------- -------- 42 SRL MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.12 Shift right arithmetic. ---------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R SRA RB,N | 62 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - DESCRIPTION: The contents of the Derived Address, DA (i.e., the contents of ----------- register RB), are shifted right arithmetically N positions. The shifted result is stored in RB. The arithmetic right shift operation is as follows: the sign bit, which is not changed, is copied into the next position for each position shifted and bits shifted out of the least significant bit position (bit 15) are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RB. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. 0 15 ----------------------------- EXAMPLE: RB Before Shift | sabc | defg | hijk | lmnp | ----------------------------- ----------------------------- RB After Shift (N=4) | ssss | sabc | defg | hijk | ----------------------------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB) <-- (RB) Shifted right arithmetically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB,CS --------- -------- 43 SRA MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.13 Shift left cyclic. ----------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R SLC RB,N | 63 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of the Derived Address, DA (i.e., the contents of ----------- register RB), are shifted left cyclically N positions. The shifted result is stored in RB. The cyclic left shift operation is as follows: bits shifted out of the sign bit position (bit 0) enter the least significant bit position (bit 15) and, consequently, no bits are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RB. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. 0 15 ----------------------------- EXAMPLE: RB Before Shift | sabc | defg | hijk | lmnp | ----------------------------- ----------------------------- RB After Shift (N=4) | defg | hijk | lmnp | sabc | ----------------------------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB) <-- (RB) Shifted left cyclically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB,CS --------- -------- 44 SLC MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.14 Double shift left logical. ------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R DSLL RB,N | 65 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- DESCRIPTION: The concatenated contents of the Derived Address, DA, and DA+1 ----------- (i.e., the concatenated contents of RB and RB+1), are shifted left logically N positions. The shifted results are stored in RB and RB+1. The double left shift logical operation is as follows: zeros enter the least significant bit position of RB+1, bits shifted out of the sign bit position of RB+1 enter the least significant bit of RB and bits shifted out of the sign bit of RB are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in registers RB and RB+1. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. EXAMPLE: RB, RB+1 Before Shift 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | s abc | defg | hijk | lmnp | | s qrs | tuvw | xyzz | zzzz | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | ------------------------------ ------------------------------ RB, RB+1 After Shift (N=4) 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ----------------------------- | defg | hijk | lmnp | s qrs | | tuvw | xyzz | zzzz | 0000 | | | | | 2 | | | | | | ------------------------------ ----------------------------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB,RB+1) <-- (RB,RB+1) Shifted left logically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB,RB+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB,RB+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB,RB+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB, RB+1, CS --------- -------- 45 DSLL MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.15 Double shift right logical. -------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R DSRL RB,N | 66 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - DESCRIPTION: The concatenated contents of the Derived Address, DA, and DA+1 ----------- (i.e., the concatenated contents of RB and RB+1), are shifted right logically N positions. The shifted results are stored in RB and RB+1. The double logical right shift operation is as follows: zeros enter the sign bit position of RB, bits shifted out of the least significant bit position of RB enter the sign bit position of RB+1 and bits shifted out of the least significant bit position of RB+1 are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RB and RB+1. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. EXAMPLE: RB, RB+1 Before Shift 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | s abc | defg | hijk | lmnp | | s qrs | tuvw | xyzz | zzzz | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | ------------------------------ ------------------------------ RB, RB+1 After Shift (N=4) 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | 0000 | s abc | defg | hijk | | lmnp | s qrs | tuvw | xyzz | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | ------------------------------ ------------------------------ REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB,RB+1) <-- (RB,RB+1) Shifted right logically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB,RB+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB,RB+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB,RB+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB, RB+1, CS --------- -------- 46 DSRL MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.16 Double shift right arithmetic. ----------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R DSRA RB,N | 67 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - DESCRIPTION: The concatenated contents of the Derived Address, DA, and DA+1 ----------- (i.e., the concatenated contents of RB and RB+1), are shifted right arithmetically N positions. The shifted results are stored in RB and RB+1. The double right shift arithmetic operation is as follows: the sign bit of RB, which is not changed, is copied into the next position for each position shifted, bits shifted out of the least significant position of RB enter the sign bit position of RB+1, and bits shifted out of the least significant bit position of RB+1 are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RB and RB+1. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. EXAMPLE: RB, RB+1 Before Shift 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | s abc | defg | hijk | lmnp | | s qrs | tuvw | xyzz | zzzz | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | ------------------------------ ------------------------------ RB, RB+1 After Shift (N=4) 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ | s s s s | s abc | defg | hijk | | lmnp | s qrs | tuvw | xyzz | | 1 1 1 1 | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB,RB+1) <-- (RB,RB+1) Shifted right arithmetically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB,RB+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB,RB+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB,RB+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB, RB+1, CS --------- -------- 47 DSRA MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.17 Double shift left cyclic. ------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- R DSLC RB,N | 68 | N-1 | RB | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - DESCRIPTION: The concatenated contents of the Derived Address, DA, and DA+1 ----------- (i.e., the concatenated contents of RB and RB+1), are shifted left cyclically N positions. The shifted results are stored in RB and RB+1. The double left shift cyclic operation is as follows: bits shifted out of the sign bit position of RB enter the least significant bit position of RB+1, bits shifted out of the sign bit position of RB+1 enter the least significant bit position of RB, and, consequently, no bits are lost. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RB and RB+1. Note: N-1 = 0 represents a shift of one position. ---- N-1 = 15 represents a shift of sixteen positions. EXAMPLE: RB, RB+1 Before Shift 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | s abc | defg | hijk | lmnp | | s qrs | tuvw | xyzz | zzzz | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | ------------------------------ ------------------------------ RB, RB+1 After Shift (N=4) 0 RB 15 0 RB+1 15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ | defg | hijk | lmnp | s qrs | | tuvw | xyzz | zzzz | s abc | | | | | 2 | | | | | 1 | ------------------------------ ------------------------------ REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RB,RB+1) <-- (RB,RB+1) Shifted left cyclically by N positions; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RB,RB+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RB,RB+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RB,RB+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RB, RB+1, CS --------- -------- 48 DSLC MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.18 Shift logical, count in register. -------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R SLR RA,RB | 6A | RA | RB | |(RB)| < 16 ---------------------- - DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are shifted logically N positions, ----------- where N is the contents of register RB. If N is positive ((RB )=0), then the shift direction is left; if N is negative (2's 0 complement notation, (RB )=1), then the shift direction is right. 0 The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. Note: N = 0 represents a shift of zero positions. ---- If |N| > 16, the fixed point overflow occurs, no shifting takes place, and this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). The contents of RB remain unchanged, unless RA = RB; in this event the contents are shifted N positions. (See "Description" of the logical shift instructions, SLL and SRL (see pages 41 and 42), for the definition of shift operations.) REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if |N| > 16 4 (RA) <-- (RA) Shifted left logically by (RB) positions, if 0 < (RB) < 16; - (RA) <-- (RA) Shifted right logically by -(RB) positions, if 0 > (RB) > -16; - (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RB, CS, PI --------- -------- 49 SLR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.19 Shift arithmetic, count in register. ----------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R SAR RA,RB | 6B | RA | RB | |(RB)| < 16 ---------------------- - DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are shifted arithmetically N ----------- positions, where N is the contents of register RB. If N is positive ((RB ) = 0), then the shift direction is left; if 0 N is negative (2's complement notation, (RB ) = 1), then 0 the shift direction is right. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. Note: N = 0 represents a shift of zero positions. ---- If |N| > 16, the fixed point overflow occurs, no shifting takes place, and this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). The contents of RB remain unchanged, unless RA = RB; in this event, the contents are shifted N positions. (See "Description" of the arithmetic shift instruction SRA (see page 43) for definition of the right shift operation. Left shift causes "zeros" to be shifted into low order position of result.) Fixed point overflow occurs if the sign bit changes during a left shift. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if |N| > 16; 4 (RA) <-- (RA) Shifted left arithmetically (RB) positions, if 16 > (RB) > 0; - (RA) <-- (RA) Shifted right arithmetically -(RB) positions, if 0 > (RB) > -16; - PI <-- 1, if (RA ) changes during the shift; 4 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RB, CS, PI --------- -------- 50 SAR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.20 Shift cyclic, count in register. ------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R SCR RA,RB | 6C | RA | RB | |(RB)| < 16 ---------------------- - DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are shifted cyclically N positions, ----------- where N is the contents of register RB. If N is positive ((RB ) = 0), then the shift direction is left; if N is negative (2's 0 complement notation, (RB ) = 1), then the shift direction is right. 0 The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. Note: N = 0 represents a shift of zero positions. ---- If |N| > 16, the fixed point overflow occurs, no shifting takes place, and this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). (See "Description" of the cyclic shift instruction, SLC (see page 44), for definition of shift operations.) The contents of RB remain unchanged, unless RA = RB in this event, the contents are shifted N positions. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if |N| > 16; 4 (RA) <-- (RA) Shifted left cyclically by (RB) positions, if 0 < (RB) < 16; - (RA) <-- (RA) Shifted right cyclically by -(RB) positions, if 0 > (RB) > -16; - (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RB, CS, PI --------- -------- 51 SCR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.21 Double shift logical, count in register. --------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DSLR RA,RB | 6D | RA | RB | |(RB)| < 32 ---------------------- - DESCRIPTION: The concatenated contents of register RA and RA+1 are shifted ----------- logically N positions where register RB contains the count, N. If the count is positive ((RB ) = 0), then the shift direction 0 is left. If the count is negative (2's complement notation, (RB ) = 1), then the shift direction is right. The condition 0 status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1. Note: N = 0 represents a shift of zero positions. ---- If |N| > 32, the fixed point overflow occurs, no shifting occurs, and this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). (See "Description" of the double shift logical instructions, DSRL and DSLL (see pages 46 and 45), for definition of shift operations.) The contents of RB remain unchanged, unless RA = RB; in this event, the contents are shifted N positions. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if |N| > 32; 4 (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) Shifted left logically by (RB) positions if 32 > (RB) > 0; - (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) Shifted right logically by -(RB) positions if 0 > (RB) > -32; - (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RB, CS, PI --------- -------- 52 DSLR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.22 Double shift arithmetic, count in register. ------------------------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DSAR RA,RB | 6E | RA | RB | |(RB)| < 32 ---------------------- - DESCRIPTION: The concatenated contents of register RA and RA+1 are shifted ----------- arithmetically N positions where register RB contains the count, N. If the count is positive ((RB )=0), then the shift direction is left. 0 If the count is negative (2's complement notation, (RB )=1), then 0 the shift direction is right. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1. Note: N = 0 represents a shift of zero positions. ---- If |N| > 32, the fixed point overflow occurs, no shifting occurs, and this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). The contents of RB remain unchanged, unless RA = RB; in this event, the contents are shifted N positions. (See "Description" of the double shift arithmetic instruction, DSRA (see page 47), for the definition of the right shift operation. Left shift causes "zeros" to be shifted into low order position of result.) Fixed point overflow occurs if the sign bit is changed during a left shift. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if |N| > 32; 4 (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) Shifted left arithmetically (RB) positions, if 32 > (RB) > 0; - (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) Shifted right arithmetically -(RB) positions, if 0 > (RB) > -32; - PI <-- 1, if (RA ) changes during the shift; 4 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RB, CS, PI --------- -------- 53 DSAR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.23 Double shift cyclic, count in register. -------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DSCR RA,RB | 6F | RA | RB | |(RB)| < 32 ---------------------- - DESCRIPTION : The concatenated contents of registers RA and RA+1 are shifted ----------- cyclically N positions, where register RB contains the count, N. If the count is positive ((RB )=0), the shift direction is left. 0 If the count is negative (2's complement notation, (RB )=1), the 0 shift direction is right. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1. Note: N = 0 represents a shift of zero positions. ---- If |N| > 32, the fixed point overflow occurs, no shifting occurs, and this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). (See "Description" of the double shift cyclic instruction, DSLC (see page 48), for the definition of shift operations.) The contents of RB remain unchanged, unless RA = RB; in this event, the contents are shifted N positions. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if |N| > 32; 4 (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) Shifted left cyclically by (RB) positions if 32 > (RB) > 0; - (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) Shifted right cyclically by -(RB) positions if 0 > (RB) > -32; - (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RB, CS, PI --------- -------- 54 DSCR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.24 Jump on condition. ----------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D JC C,LABEL ----------------------------------------- DX JC C,LABEL,RX | 70 | C | RX | | LABEL | ----------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I JCI C,ADDR ----------------------------------------- IX JCI C,ADDR,RX | 71 | C | RX | | ADDR | ----------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: This is a conditional jump instruction wherein the instruction ----------- sequence jumps to the Derived Address, DA, if a logical one results from the following operation: (1) The 4-bit C field is bit-by-bit ANDed with the 4-bit condition status, CS (2) The resulting 4-bits are ORed together (3) or if C = 7 or C = F. Otherwise, the next sequential instruction is executed. Condition code C C Jump Condition Mnemonic - 2 - 16 -------------- -------- 0000 0 NOP -- -- -- 0001 1 less than (zero) LT LZ M 0010 2 equal to (zero) EQ EZ -- 0011 3 less than or equal to (zero) LE LEZ NP 0100 4 greater than (zero) GT GZ P 0101 5 not equal to (zero) NE NZ -- 0110 6 greater than or equal to (zero) GE GEZ NM 0111 7 unconditional -- -- -- 1000 8 carry CY -- -- 1001 9 carry or LT -- -- -- 1010 A carry or EQ -- -- -- 1011 B carry or LE -- -- -- 1100 C carry or GT -- -- -- 1101 D carry or NE -- -- -- 1110 E carry or GE -- -- -- 1111 F unconditional -- -- -- 55 JC,JCI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if C = 7, or if C = F, or if (C ^ CS ) v (C ^ CS ) v (C ^ CS ) v (C ^ CS ) = 1; 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if jump is executed) --------- -------- 56 JC,JCI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.25 Jump to subroutine. ------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D JS RA,LABEL ----------------------------------------- DX JS RA,LABEL,RX | 72 | RA | RX | | LABEL | ----------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The value of the instruction counter (the address of the next ----------- sequential instruction) is stored into register RA. Then, the IC is set to the derived address, DA, thus effecting the jump. This sets up the return from subroutine to the address stored in the register RA, i.e., an indexed unconditional jump from location zero using RA as the index register shall transfer control to the instruction following the JS instruction. Note: If RA = RX, then the derived address, DA, is calculated before ---- the IC is stored in RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- (IC); (IC) <-- DA; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, IC --------- -------- 57 JS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.26 Subtract one and jump. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D SOJ RA,LABEL --------------------------------------- DX SOJ RA,LABEL,RX | 73 | RA | RX | | LABEL | --------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The 16 bit contents of register RA are decremented by one. Then ----------- if the content of register RA is zero, the next sequential instruction is executed. If the content of register RA is non-zero, then a jump to the Derived Address, DA, occurs. Note: If RA = RX, then the derived address, DA, is calculated before ---- RA is decremented. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- (RA) - 1; (IC) <-- DA if (RA) NOT= 0; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 58 SOJ MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.27 Branch unconditionally. ---------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BR LABEL | 74 | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA. ----------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC --------- -------- 59 BR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.28 Branch if equal to (zero). ------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BEZ LABEL | 75 | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA, ----------- if the condition status, CS, indicates that the previous result which set the CS is equal to (zero). Otherwise, the next sequential instruction is executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if (CS) = X010; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 60 BEZ MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.29 Branch if less than (zero). -------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BLT LABEL | 76 | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA, ----------- if the condition status, CS, indicates that the previous result which set the CS is less than (zero). Otherwise, the next sequential instruction is executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if (CS) = X001; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 61 BLT MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.30 Branch to executive. ------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ----------------------- S BEX N | 77 | 0000 | N | ----------------------- DESCRIPTION: This instruction provides a means to jump to a routine in another ----------- address state, AS. It is typically used to make controlled, protected calls to an executive. The 4-bit literal N selects one of 16 executive entry points to be used. Execution of this instruction causes an interrupt to occur using the EXEC call interrupt vector (interrupt 5). The new IC is loaded from the Nth location following the SW in the new processor state. The linkage pointer (LP), service pointer (SVP), and the new processor state (new MK, new SW, and new IC) are fetched from address state zero. The current processor state (old MK, old SW, and old IC) are stored in the address state specified by the new SW AS field. Interrupts are disabled when BEX is executed. The EXEC call interrupt cannot be masked or disabled. Arguments associated with the BEX instruction are passed by software convention. The processor lock and key function is ignored when this instruction is executed. An attempt to branch into an execute protected area of memory shall result in FT being set to 1. 0 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RQ,RQ+1,RQ+2) <-- (MK,SW,IC); (SVP) <-- [2B ], where AS = 0; 16 (MK,SW,IC) <-- [(SVP),(SVP)+1,(SVP)+2+N)], where AS = 0; (LP) <-- [2A ], where AS = 0; 16 [(LP),(LP)+1,(LP)+2] <-- (RQ,RQ+1,RQ+2), where AS = SW ; 12-15 REGISTERS AFFECTED: MK, SW, IC, PI --------- -------- 62 BEX MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.31 Branch if less than or equal to (zero). -------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BLE LABEL | 78 | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA, ----------- if the condition status, CS, indicates that the previous result which set the CS is less than or equal to (zero). Otherwise, the next sequential instruction in executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if (CS) = X010 or (CS) = X001; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 63 BLE MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.32 Branch if greater than (zero). ----------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BGT LABEL | 79 | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA, ----------- if the condition status, CS, indicates that the previous result which set the CS is greater than (zero). Otherwise, the next sequential instruction is executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if (CS) = X100; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 64 BGT MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.33 Branch if not equal to (zero). ----------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BNZ LABEL | 7A | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA, ----------- if the condition status, CS, indicates that the previous result which set the CS is not equal to (zero). Otherwise, the next sequential instruction is executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if (CS) = X100 or (CS) = X001; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 65 BNZ MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.34 Branch if greater than or equal to (zero). ----------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------- ICR BGE LABEL | 7B | D | -128 < D < 127 -------------- - - DESCRIPTION: A program branch is made to LABEL, i.e., the Derived Address, DA, ----------- if the condition status, CS, indicates that the previous result which set the CS is greater than or equal to (zero). Otherwise, the next sequential instruction is executed. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- DA if (CS) = X100 or (CS) = X010; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC (if the jump is executed) --------- -------- 66 BGE MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.35 Load status. ----------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D LST ADDR ------------------------------------------ DX LST ADDR,RX | 7D | 0000 | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------------ 8 4 4 16 I LSTI ADDR ------------------------------------------ IX LSTI ADDR,RX | 7C | 0000 | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION: The contents of the Derived Address, DA, and DA+1, and DA+2 ----------- are loaded into the Interrupt Mask register, Status Word register and Instruction Counter, respectively. This is a privileged instruction. Note: This instruction is an unconditional jump and is typically ---- used to exit from an interrupt routine. DA, DA+1, and DA+2, in this typical case, contain the Interrupt Mask, Status Word, and Instruction Counter values for the interrupted program and the execution of LST causes the program to return to its status prior to being interrupted. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (MK, SW, IC) <-- [DA, DA+1, DA+2]; REGISTERS AFFECTED: MK, SW, IC --------- -------- 67 LST,LSTI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.36 Stack IC and jump to subroutine. ------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D SJS RA,LABEL ----------------------------------------- DX SJS RA,LABEL,RX | 7E | RA | RX | | LABEL | ----------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are decremented by one. The address ----------- of the instruction following the SJS instruction is stored into the memory location pointed to by RA. Program control is then transferred to the instruction at the Derived Address, DA. RA is the stack pointer and can be selected by the programmer as any one of the 16 general registers. Note: If RA = RX, then the derived address, DA, is calculated before ---- RA is decremented. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- (RA) - 1; [(RA)] <-- (IC); (IC) <-- DA; REGISTERS AFFECTED: IC, RA --------- -------- 68 SJS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.37 Unstack IC and return from subroutine. ------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 --------------------- S URS RA | 7F | RA | 0 | --------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of the memory location pointed to by register ----------- RA is loaded into the instruction counter, IC. RA is then incremented by one. Any one of the 16 general registers may be designated as the stack pointer. This instruction is the subroutine return for SJS, Stack and Jump to Subroutine. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (IC) <-- [(RA)]; (RA) <-- (RA) + 1; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, IC --------- -------- 69 URS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.38 Single precision load. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R LR RA,RB | 81 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - B LB BR,DSPL | 0 | 0 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - BX LBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 0 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 ----------------------- ISP LISP RA,N | 82 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - 8 4 4 ----------------------- ISN LISN RA,N | 83 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - 8 4 4 16 D L RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX L RA,ADDR,RX | 80 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 IM LIM RA,DATA -------------------------------------- IMX LIM RA,DATA,RX | 85 | RA | RX | | DATA | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I LI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX LI RA,ADDR,RX | 84 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The single precision Derived Operand, DO, is loaded into the ----------- register RA. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA. 70 LR,LISP,LISN,LB,LBX,L,LI,LIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 71 LR,LISP,LISN,LB,LBX,L,LI,LIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.39 Double precision load. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DLR RA,RB | 87 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - B DLB BR,DSPL | 0 | 1 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R0 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - BX DLBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 1 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R0 8 4 4 16 D DL RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DL RA,ADDR,RX | 86 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I DLI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX DLI RA,ADDR,RX | 88 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The double precision Derived Operand, DO, is loaded into the ----------- register RA and RA+1 such that the MSH of DO is in RA. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA,RA+1) <-- DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0 (Double fixed point zero); (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS --------- -------- 72 DLR,DLB,DLBX,DL,DLI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.40 Load multiple registers. ----------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D LM N,ADDR ------------------------------------- DX LM N,ADDR,RX | 89 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------- 0 < N < 15 - - DESCRIPTION: The contents of the Derived Address, DA, are loaded into register ----------- R0, then the contents of the DA+1 are loaded into register R1, ..., finally, the contents of DA+N are loaded into RN. Effectively, this instruction allows the transfer of (N+1) words from memory to the register file. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (R0) <-- [DA]; (R1) <-- [DA + 1]; (R2) <-- [DA + 2]; (RN) <-- [DA + N]; REGISTERS AFFECTED: R0 through RN --------- -------- 73 LM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.41 Extended precision floating point load. -------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFL RA,ADDR ---------------------------------------- DX EFL RA,ADDR,RX | 8A | RA | RX | | ADDR | ---------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The extended precision floating point Derived Operand, DO, is ----------- loaded into registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2 such that the most significant 16-bits of the word are loaded into register RA. The condition status, CS, is set based on the results in registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA, RA+1, RA+2) <-- DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RA+2, CS --------- -------- 74 EFL MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.42 Load from upper byte. -------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D LUB RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX LUB RA,ADDR,RX | 8B | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I LUBI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX LUBI RA,ADDR,RX | 8D | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The MSH (upper byte) of the Derived Operand, DO, is loaded into ----------- the LSH (lower byte) of register RA. The MSH (upper byte) of RA is unaffected. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- DO ; 8-15 0-7 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 75 LUB,LUBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.43 Load from lower byte. -------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D LLB RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX LLB RA,ADDR,RX | 8C | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I LLBI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX LLBI RA,ADDR,RX | 8E | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The LSH (lower byte) of the Derived Operand, DO, is loaded into ----------- the LSH (lower byte) of register RA. The MSH (upper byte) of RA is unaffected. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- DO ; 8-15 8-15 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 76 LLB,LLBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.44 Pop multiple registers off the stack. ------------------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- S POPM RA,RB | 8F | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: For RA < RB, registers RA through RB are loaded sequentially ----------- - from a stack in memory using R15 as the stack pointer. For RA > RB, registers RA through R14 and then R0 through RB are loaded sequentially from the stack. In both cases, a. as each word is popped from the stack, R15 is incremented by one; b. if R15 is included in the transfer, then it is effectively ignored; c. on completion, R15 points to the top word of the stack remaining. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- if RA < RB then - for i = 0 thru RB - RA do begin if RA + i NOT= 15 then (RA + i) <-- [(R15)]; (R15) <-- (R15) + 1; end; else begin for i = 0 thru 15 - RA do begin if RA + i NOT= 15 then (RA + i) <-- [(R15)]; (R15) <-- (R15) + 1; end; for i = 0 thru RB do begin (i) <-- [(R15)]; (R15) <-- (R15) + 1; end; end; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA through R14, R0 through RB, R15 --------- -------- 77 POPM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.45 Single precision store. ---------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - B STB BR,DSPL | 0 | 2 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - BX STBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 2 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 16 D ST RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX ST RA,ADDR,RX | 90 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I STI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX STI RA,ADDR,RX | 94 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of the register RA are stored into the Derived Address, DA. ----------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA] <-- (RA); REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 78 STB,STBX,ST,STI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.46 Store a non-negative constant. ----------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D STC N,ADDR ------------------------------------- DX STC N,ADDR,RX | 91 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I STCI N,ADDR ------------------------------------- IX STCI N,ADDR,RX | 92 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The constant N, where N is an integer (0 < N < 15) is stored at ----------- - - the Derived Address, DA. For the special case of storing zero into memory the mnemonics STZ ADDR,RX for direct addressing and STZI ADDR,RX for indirect addressing may be used. In this special case, the N field equals 0. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA] <-- N, where 0 < N < 15; - - REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 79 STC,STCI,STZ,STZI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.47 Move multiple words, memory-to-memory. ------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- S MOV RA,RB | 93 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: This instruction allows the memory-to-memory transfer of N words ----------- 16 where N is an integer between zero and 2 - 1 and is represented by the contents of RA+1. The contents of RB are the address of the first word to be transferred and the contents of RA are the address of where the first word is to be transferred. After each word transfer, RA and RB are incremented, and RA+1 is decremented. Note: Any pending interrupts are honored after each single word transfer ---- is completed. The IC points to the current instruction location until the last transfer is completed. RA has a final value of the last stored address plus one; RA+1 has a final value of zero. RB has a final value equal to the address of the last word transferred plus one. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- Step 1: [(RA)] <-- [(RB)] if (RA+1) > 0; Go to Step 4 otherwise; Step 2: (RA) <-- (RA)+1, (RB) <-- (RB)+1, (RA+1) <-- (RA+1)-1; Step 3: REPEAT STEPS 1 and 2; Step 4: Set IC to next instruction address; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RB --------- -------- 80 MOV MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.48 Double precision store. ---------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - B DSTB BR,DSPL | 0 | 3 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R0 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------------ - - BX DSTX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 3 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------------ RA = R0 8 4 4 16 D DST RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DST RA,ADDR,RX | 96 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I DSTI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX DSTI RA,ADDR,RX | 98 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of registers RA and RA+1 are stored at the ----------- Derived Address, DA, and DA+1, respectively. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA, DA+1] <-- (RA, RA+1); REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 81 DSTB,DSTX,DST,DSTI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.49 Store register through mask. --------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D SRM RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX SRM RA,ADDR,RX | 97 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are stored into the Derived ----------- Address, DA, through the mask in register RA+1. For each position in the mask that is a one, the corresponding bit of register RA is stored into the corresponding bit of the DA. For each position in the mask that is a zero no change is made to the corresponding bit stored in the DA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- __ [DA] <-- {[DA] ^ (RA+1)} v {[RA] ^ [RA+1]}; (RA+1) = MASK, (RA) = DATA; or, equivalently, (RQ) <-- [DA]; (RQ) <-- (RA) if (RA+1) = 1 for i = 0, 1, ..., 15; i i i [DA] <-- (RQ); REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 82 SRM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.50 Store multiple registers. ------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D STM N,ADDR ------------------------------------- DX STM N,ADDR,RX | 99 | N | RX | | ADDR | ------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of register R0 are stored into the Derived Address, ----------- DA; then the contents of R1 are stored into DA+1; ...; finally, the contents of RN are stored into DA+N where N is an integer, 0 < N < 15. Effectively, this instruction allows the transfer - - of (N+1) words from the register file to memory. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA] <-- (R0); [DA+1] <-- (R1); [DA+2] <-- (R2); [DA+N] <-- (RN) 0 < N < 15; - - REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 83 STM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.51 Extended precision floating point store. --------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFST RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX EFST RA,ADDR,RX | 9A | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of registers RA, RA+1, RA+2 are stored at the ----------- Derived Address, DA, DA+1, and DA+2. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA, DA+1, DA+2] <-- (RA, RA+1, RA+2); REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 84 EFST MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.52 Store into upper byte. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D STUB RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX STUB RA,ADDR,RX | 9B | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I SUBI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX SUBI RA,ADDR,RX | 9D | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The LSH (lower byte) of register RA is stored into the MSH ----------- (upper byte) of the Derived Address, DA. The LSH (lower byte) of the DA is unchanged. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA] <-- (RA) ; 0-7 8-15 REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 85 STUB,SUBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.53 Store into lower byte. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D STLB RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX STLB RA,ADDR,RX | 9C | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 I SLBI RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- IX SLBI RA,ADDR,RX | 9E | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The LSH (lower byte) of register RA is stored into the LSH ----------- (lower byte) of the Derived Address, DA. The MSH (upper byte) of the DA is unchanged. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- [DA] <-- (RA) ; 8-15 8-15 REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 86 STLB,SLBI MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.54 Push multiple registers onto the stack. -------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- S PSHM RA,RB | 9F | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: For RA < RB, the contents of RB through RA are pushed onto ----------- - a stack in memory using R15 as the stack pointer. As each register contents are pushed onto the memory stack, R15 is decremented by one word for each word pushed. On completion, R15 points to the last item on the stack, the contents of RA. For RA > RB, the contents of RB through R0, and then the contents of R15 through RA, are pushed onto the stack. On completion, R15 points to the last item on the stack, the contents of RA. In both cases, successive increasing addresses on the stack correspond to successive increasing register addresses, with a point discontinuity between R15 and R0 in the latter case. EXAMPLE: PSHM R3,R5 results in ------- -------------- (R15) --> | (R3) | -------------- | (R4) | -------------- | (R5) | -------------- PSHM R14,R2 results in -------------- (R15) --> | (R14) | -------------- | (R15) | -------------- | (R0) | -------------- | (R1) | -------------- | (R2) | -------------- 87 PSHM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- if RA < RB then - for i = 0 thru RB - RA do begin (R15) <-- (R15) - 1; [(R15)] <-- (RB - i); end; else begin for i = 0 thru RB do begin (R15) <-- (R15) - 1; [(R15)] <-- (RB - i); end; for i = 0 thru 15 - RA do begin (R15) <-- (R15) - 1; [(R15)] <-- (R15 - i); end; end; REGISTERS AFFECTED: R15 --------- -------- 88 PSHM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.55 Single precision integer add. ---------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R AR RA,RB | A1 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B AB BR,DSPL | 1 | 0 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX ABX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 4 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 ----------------------- ISP AISP RA,N | A2 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- 8 4 4 16 D A RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX A RA,ADDR,RX | A0 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM AIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 1 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand (DO) is added to the contents of the RA ----------- register. The result (a 2's complement sum) is stored in register RA. The condition status (CS) is set based on the result in register RA and carry. A fixed point overflow occurs if both operands are of the same sign and the sum is of opposite sign. 89 AR,AB,ABX,AISP,A,AIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 2 1 (RA) <-- (RA) + DO; 1 1 2 PI <-- 1, if (RA ) = DO and (RA ) NOT= (RA ) 4 0 0 0 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if carry = 0 and (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if carry = 0 and (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if carry = 0 and (RA) > 0; (CS) <-- 1010 if carry = 1 and (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 1001 if carry = 1 and (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 1100 if carry = 1 and (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, PI --------- -------- 90 AR,AB,ABX,AISP,A,AIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.56 Increment memory by a positive integer. -------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D INCM N,ADDR --------------------------------------- DX INCM N,ADDR,RX | A3 | N-1 | RX | | ADDR | --------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of the memory location specified by the Derived ----------- Address, DA, is incremented by N, where N is an integer, 1 < N < 16. This instruction adds a positive constant to memory. - - The condition status, CS, is set based on the results of the addition and carry. A fixed point overflow occurs if the operand in memory is positive and the result is negative. The memory location specified is updated to contain the result of the addition process even if a fixed point overflow occurs. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 2 1 [DA] <-- [DA] + N, where 1 < N < 16; - - 2 1 PI <-- 1, if [DA] < 0 < [DA] ; 4 (CS) <-- 0010 if carry = 0 and [DA] = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if carry = 0 and [DA] < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if carry = 0 and [DA] > 0; (CS) <-- 1010 if carry = 1 and [DA] = 0; (CS) <-- 1001 if carry = 1 and [DA] < 0; (CS) <-- 1100 if carry = 1 and [DA] > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS, PI --------- -------- 91 INCM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.57 Single precision absolute value of register. ------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R ABS RA,RB | A4 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: If the sign bit of the Derived Operand, DO (i.e., the sign bit ----------- of register RB), is a one, its negative or 2's complement is stored into register RA. However, if the sign bit of DO is a zero, it is stored, unchanged, into RA. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA. Note: RA may equal RB. ---- The absolute value of a number with a 1 in the sign bit and all other bits zero is the same word, and causes fixed point overflow to occur. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- |DO|; PI <-- 1, exit, if DO = 8000 ; 4 16 (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) = 8000 ; 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, PI --------- -------- 92 ABS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.58 Double precision absolute value of register. ------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DABS RA,RB | A5 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: If the sign bit of the double precision Derived Operand, DO ----------- (i.e., the sign bit of register (RB,RB+1)), is a one, its negative or 2's complement is stored into register RA and RA+1, such that register RA contains the MSH of the result. However, if the sign bit of DO is a zero, it is stored, unchanged, into RA and RA+1. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA and RA+1. Note: RA may equal RB. ---- The absolute value of a number with a 1 in the sign bit and all other bits zero is the same word, and causes fixed point overflow to occur. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA, RA+1) <-- |DO|; PI <-- 1, exit, if DO = 8000 0000 ; 4 16 (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) = 8000 0000 ; 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 93 DABS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.59 Double precision integer add. ---------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DAR RA,RB | A7 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D DA RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DA RA,ADDR,RX | A6 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The double precision Derived Operand (DO) is added to the contents ----------- of registers RA and RA+1. The result (a 2's complement 32-bit sum) is stored in registers RA and RA+1. The MSH is in RA. The condition status (CS) is set based on the double precision results in RA and RA+1, and carry. A fixed point overflow occurs if both operands are of the same sign and the sum is of opposite sign. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 2 1 (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) + DO; 1 1 2 PI <-- 1 if (RA ) = DO and (RA ) NOT= (RA ) 4 0 0 0 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if carry = 0 and (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if carry = 0 and (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if carry = 0 and (RA,RA+1) > 0; (CS) <-- 1010 if carry = 1 and (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 1001 if carry = 1 and (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 1100 if carry = 1 and (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 94 DAR,DA MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.60 Floating point add. ------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FAR RA,RB | A9 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B FAB BR,DSPL | 2 | 0 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R0 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX FABX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 8 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R0 8 4 4 16 D FA RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX FA RA,ADDR,RX | A8 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The floating point Derived Operand, DO, is floating point ----------- added to the contents of registers RA and RA+1. The result is stored in registers RA and RA+1. The process of this operation is as follows: the mantissa of the number with the smaller algebraic exponent is shifted right and the exponent incremented by one for each bit shifted until the exponents are equal. The mantissas are then added. If the sum overflows the 24-bit mantissa, then the sum is shifted right one position, the sign bit restored, and the exponent incremented by one. If the exponent exceeds 7F (Base 16) as a result of this incrementation, overflow occurs and the operation is terminated. If the sum does not result in exponent overflow, the result is normalized. If in the normalization process the exponent is decrementd below 80 (Base 16), then underflow occurs and a zero is inserted for the result. 95 FAR,FAB,FABX,FA MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- N = EA - E0; EA <-- E0, if MA = 0; MO <-- MO Shifted Right Arithmetic n positions, if n > 0 and MA NOT= 0; MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic -n positions, EA <-- E0, if n < 0 and MO NOT= 0; MA <-- MA + MO; __ MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic 1 position, MA <-- MA , EA <-- EA+1, IF OVM = 1; 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 EA, MA <-- normalized EA, MA; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, if EA < 80 ; 6 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 96 FAR,FAB,FABX,FA MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.61 Extended precision floating point add. ------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFAR RA,RB | AB | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFA RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX EFA RA,ADDR,RX | AA | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The extended precision floating point Derived Operand, DO, is ----------- extended floating point added to the contents of register RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The result is stored in register RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The process of this operation is as follows: the mantissa of the number with the smaller algebraic exponent is shifted right and the exponent is incremented by one for each bit shifted. When the exponents are equal, the mantissas are added. If the sum overflows the 39-bit mantissa, then the sum is shifted right one position, the sign bit restored, and the exponent is incremented by one. If the exponent exceeds 7F (Base 16) as a result of this incrementation, overflow occurs and the operation is terminated. If the sum does not result in exponent overflow, the result is normalized. If in the normalization process the exponent is decremented below 80 (Base 16), then underflow occurs and a zero is inserted for the result. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA - EO; EA <-- E0, if MA = 0; MO <-- MO Shifted Right Arithmetic n positions, if n > 0 and MA NOT= 0; MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic -n positions, EA <-- E0, if n < 0 and MO NOT= 0; MA <-- MA + MO; __ MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic 1 position, MA <-- MA , EA <-- EA+1, if OVM = 1; 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF FFFF , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 0000 , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 EA, MA <-- normalized EA, MA; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, if EA < 80 ; 6 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RA+2, CS, PI --------- -------- 97 EFAR,EFA 5.62 Floating point absolute value of register. ----------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FABS RA,RB | AC | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: If the sign bit of the mantissa of the Derived Operand, DO ----------- (i.e., the contents of registers RB and RB+1), is a one, its floating point negative is stored in registers RA and RA+1. The negative of DO is computed by taking the 2's complement of the mantissa and leaving the exponent unchanged. Exceptions 0 1 to this are negative powers of two: -1.0 x 2 , -1.0 x 2 ,... . 1 2 The absolute value of these are: 0.5 x 2 , 0.5 x 2 , ..., in other words, the DO mantissa is shifted logically right one position and the exponent incremented. A floating point overflow shall occur if DO is the smallest negative number, 127 -1.0 x 2 . If the sign bit of DO is a zero, it is stored unchanged into RA and RA+1. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA and RA+1. Note: RA may equal RB. ---- DO is assumed to be a normalized number or floating point zero. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- EA <-- EA+1, MA <-- 4000 00 , if MO = 8000 00 ; 16 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if EA > 7F ; 3 16 16 16 EA <-- EO, MA <-- -MO, if MO < 0, if MO NOT= 8000 00 ; 16 EA <-- EO, MA <-- MO, if MO > 0; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 98 FABS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.63 Single precision integer subtract. --------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R SR RA,RB | B1 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B SBB BR,DSPL | 1 | 1 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX SBBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 5 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 ----------------------- ISP SISP RA,N | B2 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - 8 4 4 16 D S RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX S RA,ADDR,RX | B0 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM SIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 2 | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand (DO) is subtracted from the contents of ----------- the RA register. The result, a 2's complement difference, is stored in RA. The condition status (CS) is set based on the result in register RA and carry. A fixed point overflow occurs if both operands are of opposite signs and the derived operand is the same as the sign of the difference. 99 SR,SBB,SBBX,SISP,S,SIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 2 1 __ (RA) <-- (RA) - DO, i.e., (RA) - DO means {(RA) + DO} + 1; 1 2 PI <-- 1, if (RA ) NOT= DO and (RA ) = DO 4 0 0 0 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if carry = 0 and (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if carry = 0 and (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if carry = 0 and (RA) > 0; (CS) <-- 1010 if carry = 1 and (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 1001 if carry = 1 and (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 1100 if carry = 1 and (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, PI --------- -------- 100 SR,SBB,SBBX,SISP,S,SIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.64 Decrement memory by a positive integer. -------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D DECM N,ADDR --------------------------------------- DX DECM N,ADDR,RX | B3 | N-1 | RX | | ADDR | --------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of the memory location specified by the Derived ----------- Address, DA, are decremented by N, where N is an integer, 1 < N < 16. This is equivalent of a "subtract-from-memory instruction". - - The condition status, CS, is set based on the results of the subtraction and carry. A fixed point overflow occurs if the operand in memory is negative and the result is positive. The memory location specified is updated to contain the result of the subtraction process even if a fixed point overflow occurs. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 2 1 [DA] <-- [DA] - N, where 1 < N < 16; - - 1 2 PI <-- 1, if [DA ] < 0 < [DA ] ; 4 0 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if carry = 0 and [DA] = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if carry = 0 and [DA] < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if carry = 0 and [DA] > 0; (CS) <-- 1010 if carry = 1 and [DA] = 0; (CS) <-- 1001 if carry = 1 and [DA] < 0; (CS) <-- 1100 if carry = 1 and [DA] > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS, PI --------- -------- 101 DECM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.65 Single precision negate register. -------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R NEG RA,RB | B4 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The negative (i.e., the 2's complement) of the Derived Address, ----------- DO (i.e., the contents of register RB), is stored into register RA. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA. Note: The negative of zero is zero. ---- The negative of a number with a 1 in the sign bit and all other bits zero is the same word, and causes fixed point overflow to occur. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- -DO; PI <-- 1, exit, if DO = 8000 ; 4 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, PI --------- -------- 102 NEG MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.66 Double precision negate register. -------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DNEG RA,RB | B5 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The negative (i.e., the 2's complement) of the Derived Operand, ----------- DO (i.e., the contents of register RB and RB+1), is stored into register RA and RA+1 such that register RA contains the MSH of the result. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA and RA+1. Note: The negative of zero is zero. ---- The negative of a number with a 1 in the sign bit and all other bits zero is the same word, and causes fixed point overflow to occur. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA, RA+1) <-- -DO; PI <-- 1, exit, if DO = 8000 0000 ; 4 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 103 DNEG MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.67 Double precision integer subtract. --------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DSR RA,RB | B7 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D DS RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DS RA,ADDR,RX | B6 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The double precision Derived Operand, DO, is subtracted from ----------- the contents of registers RA and RA+1. The results, a 2's complement 32-bit difference, is stored in registers RA and RA+1. The MSH is RA. The condition status (CS) is set based on the double precision results in RA and RA+1, and carry. A fixed point overflow occurs if both operands are of opposite sign and the derived operand is the same as the sign of the difference. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 2 1 __ (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) - DO, i.e., (RA,RA+1) - DO means {(RA,RA+1) + DO} + 1; 1 2 PI <-- 1, if (RA ) NOT= DO and (RA ) = DO ; 4 0 0 0 0 (CS) <-- 0010 if carry = 0 and (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if carry = 0 and (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if carry = 0 and (RA,RA+1) > 0; (CS) <-- 1010 if carry = 1 and (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 1001 if carry = 1 and (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 1100 if carry = 1 and (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 104 DSR,DS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.68 Floating point subtract. ----------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FSR RA,RB | B9 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B FSB BR,DSPL | 2 | 1 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R0 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX FSBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 9 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R0 8 4 4 16 D FS RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX FS RA,ADDR,RX | B8 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The floating point Derived Operand, DO, is floating point ----------- subtracted from the contents of registers RA and RA+1. The result is stored in registers RA and RA+1. The process of this operation is as follows: the mantissa of the number with the smaller algebraic exponent is shifted right and the exponent incremented by one for each bit shifted until the exponents are equal. The mantissa of the DO is then subtracted from (RA,RA+1). If the difference overflows the 24-bit mantissa, then it is shifted right one position, the sign bit restored, and the exponent incremented by one. If the exponent exceeds 7F (Base 16) as a result of this incrementation, overflow occurs and the operation is terminated. If the sum does not result in exponent overflow, the result is normalized. If during the normalization process the exponent is decremented below 80 (Base 16), then underflow occurs and a zero is inserted for the result. 105 FSR,FSB,FSBX,FS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA - EO; EA <-- E0, if MA = 0; MO <-- MO Shifted Right Arithmetic n positions, if n > 0 and MA NOT= 0; MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic -n positions, EA <-- EO, if n < 0 and MO NOT= 0; MA <-- MA - MO; __ MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic 1 position, MA <-- MA , EA <-- EA+1, if OVM = 1; 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 EA, MA <-- normalized EA, MA; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, if EA < 80 ; 6 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 106 FSR,FSB,FSBX,FS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.69 Extended precision floating point subtract. ------------------------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFSR RA,RB | BB | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFS RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX EFS RA,ADDR,RX | BA | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The extended precision floating point Derived Operand, DO, ----------- is extended floating point subtracted from the contents of registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The result is stored in registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The process of this operation is as follows: The mantissa of the number with the smaller algebraic exponent is shifted right and the exponent is incremented by one for each bit shifted. When the exponents are equal, the mantissas are subtracted. If the difference overflows the 39-bit mantissa, then the difference is shifted right one position, the sign bit restored, and the exponent is incremented. If the exponent exceeds 7F (Base 16) as a result of this incrementation, overflow occurs and the operation is terminated. If the difference does not result in exponent overflow, the result is normalized. If during the normalization process the exponent is decremented below 80 (Base 16), then underflow occurs and a zero is inserted for the result. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA - E0; EA <-- E0, if MA = 0; MO <-- MO Shifted Right Arithmetic n positions, if n > 0 and MA NOT= 0; MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic -n positions, EA <-- E0, if n < 0 and MO NOT= 0; MA <-- MA - MO; __ MA <-- MA Shifted Right Arithmetic 1 position, MA <-- MA , EA <-- EA+1, if OVM = 1; 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF FFFF , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 0000 , exit, if EA > 7F and MA = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 EA, MA <-- normalized EA, MA; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, if EA < 80 ; 6 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RA+2, CS, PI --------- -------- 107 EFSR,EFS MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.70 Floating point negate register. ------------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FNEG RA,RB | BC | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The 24-bit mantissa of the Derived Operand, DO, i.e., the ----------- floating point number in registers RB and RB+1, is 2's complemented. The exponent remains unchanged. The result, the negative of the original number, is stored in RA and RA+1. The 2's complement of a floating point zero is a floating point zero. Exceptions to this are all powers of two: n n-1 -1.0 x 2 and 0.5 x 2 , i.e., when the mantissa either 8000 00 n (Base 16) or 4000 00 (Base 16). The negation of 0.5 x 2 is n-1 -1.0 x 2 , i.e., the mantissa is shifted left one position and the exponent decremented by one. Conversely, the negation of n n-1 -1.0 x 2 is 0.5 x 2 ; i.e., the mantissa is shifted right one position and the exponent is incremented by one. A floating point overflow occurs for the negation of the smallest negative 127 number, -1.0 x 2 . A floating point underflow occurs for the -128 negation of the smallest positive number, 0.5 x 2 , and causes the result to be zero. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in registers RA and RA+1. Note: RA may equal RB. ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MO <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if DO = 8000 007F ; 3 16 16 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if DO = 4000 0080 ; 6 16 EA <-- EO+1, MA <-- 4000 00 , if MO = 8000 00 ; 16 16 EA <-- EO-1, MA <-- 8000 00 , if MO = 4000 00 ; 16 16 EA <-- EO, MA <-- -MO, if MO NOT= 8000 00 or 4000 00 ; 16 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 108 FNEG MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.71 Single precision integer multiply with 16-bit product. ----------------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R MSR RA,RB | C1 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- ISP MISP RA,N | C2 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ---------------------- - - 8 4 4 ---------------------- ISN MISN RA,N | C3 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ---------------------- - - 8 4 4 16 D MS RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX MS RA,ADDR,RX | C0 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM MSIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 4 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand, DO, is multiplied by the contents of register ----------- RA. The LSH of the result, a 16-bit, 2's complement integer, is stored in register RA. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA. A fixed point overflow occurs if (1) both operands are of the same sign and the MSH of the product is not zero, or the sign bit of the LSH is not zero, or (2) if the operands are of opposite sign and the MSH of the product is not FFFF (Base 16), or the sign bit of the LSH is not one. A fixed point overflow does not occur if either of the operands is zero. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 1 (RQ,RQ+1) <-- (RA) x DO; 2 (RA) <-- (RQ+1); 1 PI <-- 1, if {(RA ) = DO and {(RQ) NOT= 0 or (RQ+1 ) = 1}} or 4 0 0 0 1 {(RA ) NOT= DO and {(RQ) NOT= FFFF or (RQ+1 ) = 0} and 0 0 16 0 1 {(RA) NOT= 0 and DO NOT= 0}}; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, PI --------- -------- 109 MSR,MISP,MISN,MS,MISM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.72 Single precision integer multiply with 32-bit product. ----------------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R MR RA,RB | C5 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B MB BR,DSPL | 1 | 2 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX MBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 6 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 16 D M RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX M RA,ADDR,RX | C4 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM MIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 3 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand, DO, is multiplied by the contents of register ----------- RA. The result, a 32-bit, 2's complement integer, is stored in registers RA and RA+1 with the MSH of the product in register RA. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in registers RA and RA+1. SPECIAL CASE: DO = (RA) = 8000 (the largest negative number), then DO x (RA) = 4000 0000. ------- ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA) x DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS --------- -------- 110 MR,MB,MBX,M,MIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.73 Double precision integer multiply. --------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DMR RA,RB | C7 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D DM RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DM RA,ADDR,RX | C6 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The double precision Derived Operand, DO, a 32-bit 2's complement ----------- number, is multiplied by the contents of registers RA and RA+1, a 32-bit 2's complemenet number, with the MSH in RA. The LSH of the product is retained in RA and RA+1 as a 32-bit, 2's complement number. The MSH is lost. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the double precision result in registers RA and RA+1. A fixed point overflow occurs if (1) both operands are of the same sign and the MSH of the product is not zero, or the sign bit of the LSH is not zero, or (2) if the operands are of opposite sign and the MSH of the product is not FFFF FFFF (Base 16), or the sign bit of the LSH is not one. A fixed point overflow does not occur if either of the operands is zero. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- 1 (RQ,RQ+1,RQ+2,RQ+3) <-- (RA,RA+1) x DO; 2 (RA,RA+1) <-- (RQ+2,RQ+3); 1 PI <-- 1, if {(RA ) = DO and {(RQ,RQ+1) NOT= 0 or (RQ+2 ) = 1}} or 4 0 0 0 1 {(RA ) NOT= DO and {(RQ,RQ+1) NOT= FFFF FFFF or (RQ+2 ) = 0} and 0 0 16 0 1 {(RA) NOT= 0 and DO NOT= 0}}; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 111 DMR,DM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.74 Floating point multiply. ----------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FMR RA,RB | C9 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B FMB BR,DSPL | 2 | 2 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R0 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX FMBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | A | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R0 8 4 4 16 D FM RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX FM RA,ADDR,RX | C8 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The floating point Derived Operand, DO, is floating point ----------- multiplied by the contents of register RA and RA+1. The result is stored in register RA and RA+1. The process of the operation is as follows: the exponents of the operands are added. If the sum exceeds 7F (Base 16), a floating point overflow occurs. If the sum is less than 80 (Base 16), then underflow occurs and the result set to zero. The operand mantissas are multiplied and the result normalized and stored in RA and RA+1. An exceptional case is when both operands are negative powers of two: n m n+m+1 (-1.0 x 2 ) x (-1.0 x 2 ); the result is a 0.5 x 2 . If n+m = 7F (Base 16), this shall yield an exponent overflow, floating point overflow occurs. Also, if is possible that the normalization process may yield an exponent underflow; if this occurs, then the result is forced to zero. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1. 112 FMR,FMB,FMBX,FM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA + EO; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if n > 7F and MA = MO ; 3 16 16 16 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 , exit, if n > 7F and MA NOT= MO ; 3 16 16 16 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if n < 80 ; 6 16 MP <-- MA x MO; (integer multiply) MP <-- MP shift left 1 position; n <-- n + 1, MP <-- 4000 00 , if MP = 8000 00 ; 0-23 16 0-23 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if n > 7F and MP = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 , exit, if n > 7F and MP = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 n,MP <-- normalized n,MP; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if n < 80 ; 6 16 EA <-- n; MA <-- MP ; 0-23 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 113 FMR,FMB,FMBX,FM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.75 Extended precision floating point multiply. ------------------------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFMR RA,RB | CB | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFM RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX EFM RA,ADDR,RX | CA | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The extended precision floating Derived Operand, DO, is extended ----------- floating point multiplied by the contents of registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The result is stored in registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The process of the operation is as follows: the exponent of the operands are added. If the sum exceeds 7F (Base 16), a floating point overflow occurs. If the sum is less than 80 (Base 16), then underflow occurs and the result set to zero. The operand mantissas are multiplied and the result normalized and stored in RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA, RA+1, and RA+2. 114 EFMR,EFM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA + EO; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF FFFF , exit, if n > 7F and MA = MO ; 3 16 16 16 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 0000 , exit, if n > 7F and MA NOT= MO ; 3 16 16 16 0 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if n < 80 ; 6 16 MP <-- MA x MO; (integer multiply) MP <-- MP shift left 1 position; n <-- n + 1, MP <-- 4000 00 0000 , if MP = 8000 00 0000 ; 0-39 16 0-39 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF FFFF , exit, if n > 7F and MP = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 0000 , exit, if n > 7F and MP = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 n, MP <-- normalized n, MP; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, if n < 80 ; 6 16 EA <-- n; MA <-- MP ; 0-39 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RA+2, CS, PI --------- -------- 115 EFMR,EFM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.76 Single precision integer divide with 16-bit dividend. ---------------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DVR RA,RB | D1 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- ISP DISP RA,N | D2 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ---------------------- - - 8 4 4 ---------------------- ISN DISN RA,N | D3 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ---------------------- - - 8 4 4 16 D DV RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DV RA,ADDR,RX | DO | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM DVIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 6 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are divided by the Derived Operand, ----------- DO, a single precision, 2's complement number. The result is stored in registers RA and RA+1 such that RA stores the single precision integer quotient and RA+1 stores the remainder. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. A fixed point overflow occurs if the divisor, DO, is zero, or if the dividend is 8000 (Base 16) and the divisor is FFFF (Base 16). Note: The sign of the non-zero remainder is the same as the sign of ---- the dividend. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA) / DO; PI <-- 1, if DO = 0 or {RA = 8000 and DO = FFFF }; 4 16 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 116 DVR,DISP,DISN,DV,DVIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.77 Single precision integer divide with 32-bit dividend. ---------------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DR RA,RB | D5 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B DB BR,DSPL | 1 | 3 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX DBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | 7 | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 16 D D RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX D RA,ADDR,RX | D4 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM DIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 5 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of registers RA and RA+1, a double precision 2's ----------- complement number, are divided by the Derived Operand, DO, a single precision, 2's complement number. RA contains the MSH of the 32-bit dividend. The result is stored in registers RA and RA+1 such that RA stores the single precision integer quotient and RA+1 stores the remainder. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. A fixed point overflow occurs if the divisor equals zero or if a positive quotient exceeds 7FFF (Base 16) or a negative quotient is less than 8000 (Base 16). Note: The sign of the non-zero remainder is the same as that of the dividend. ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RQ, RQ+1, RR) <-- (RA,RA+1) / DO; PI <-- 1, if DO = 0 or (RQ, RQ+1) > 0000 7FFF or (RQ, RQ+1) < FFFF 8000 4 16 16 (RA) <-- (RQ+1) (RA+1) <-- (RR) (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 117 DR,DB,DBX,D,DIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.78 Double precision integer divide. ------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DDR RA,RB | D7 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D DD RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DD RA,ADDR,RX | D6 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of registers RA and RA+1, a double precision ----------- 2's complement number, are divided by the Derived Operand, DO, a double precision 2's complement number. RA contains the MSH of the 32-bit dividend. The quotient part of the integer result is stored in registers RA and RA+1 (with the MSH in RA) and the remainder is lost. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the results in registers RA and RA+1. A fixed point overflow occurs if the divisor, DO, is zero, or if the dividend is 8000 0000(Base 16) and the divisor is FFFF FFFF(Base 16). REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA,RA+1) <-- (RA,RA+1) / DO; PI <-- 1, if DO = 0 or {RA, RA+1 = 8000 0000 and DO = FFFF FFFF }; 4 16 16 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 118 DDR,DD MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.79 Floating point divide. --------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FDR RA,RB | D9 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B FDB BR,DSPL | 2 | 3 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = RO 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX FDBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | B | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = RO 8 4 4 16 D FD RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX FD RA,ADDR,RX | D8 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The floating point number in registers RA and RA+1 is divided ----------- by the floating point Derived Operand, DO. The result is stored in register RA and RA+1. A floating point overflow occurs if the exponent result exceeds 7F (Base 16) at any point in the calculation process. Underflow occurs if the exponent result is less than 80 (Base 16) at any point in the process. If underflow occurs, then the quotient is forced to zero. A divide by zero yields a floating point overflow. 119 FDR,FDB,FDBX,FD MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA - E0; n <-- 0, if MA = 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, 3 16 16 if MA = MO and {n > 7F or DO = 0}; 0 0 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 , exit, 3 16 16 if MA NOT= MO and {n > 7F or DO = 0}; 0 0 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if n < 80 ; 6 16 MQ <-- MA / MO; MQ <-- MQ Shift Right Arithmetic 1 position, n <-- n + 1, if |MQ| > 1.0; - PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF , exit, if n > 7F and MQ = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 , exit, if n > 7F and MQ = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 EA <-- n; MA <-- MQ ; 0-23 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 120 FDR,FDB,FDBX,FD MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.80 Extended precision floating point divide. ---------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFDR RA,RB | DB | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFD RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX EFD RA,ADDR,RX | DA | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2 are extended precision ----------- floating point divided by the extended precision floating point Derived Operand, DO. The result is stored in register RA, RA+1, and RA+2. A floating point overflow occurs if the exponent result exceeds 7F (Base 16) at any point in the calculation process. Underflow occurs if the exponent result is less than 80 (Base 16) at any point in the process. If underflow occurs, then the quotient is forced to zero. A divide by zero yields a floating point overflow. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- n = EA - E0; n <-- 0, if MA = 0; PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF FFFF , exit, 3 16 16 if MA = MO and {n > 7F or DO = 0}; 0 0 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 0000 , exit, 3 16 16 if MA NOT= MO and {n > 7F or DO = 0}; 0 0 16 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if n < 80 ; 6 16 MQ <-- MA / MO; MQ <-- MQ Shift Right Arithmetic 1 position, n <-- n + 1, if |MQ| > 1.0; - PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 7FFF FF FFFF , exit, if n > 7F and MQ = 0; 3 16 16 16 0 PI <-- 1, EA <-- 7F , MA <-- 8000 00 0000 , exit, if n > 7F and MQ = 1; 3 16 16 16 0 EA <-- n; MA <-- MQ ; 0-39 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RA+2, CS, PI --------- -------- 121 EFDR,EFD MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.81 Inclusive logical OR. -------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R ORR RA,RB | E1 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B ORB BR,DSPL | 3 | 0 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX ORBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | F | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 16 D OR RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX OR RA,ADDR,RX | EO | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM ORIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 8 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand, DO, is bit-by-bit inclusively ORed with ----------- the contents of RA. The result is stored in register RA. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- (RA) v DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 122 ORR,ORB,ORBX,OR,ORIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.82 Logical AND. ----------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R ANDR RA,RB | E3 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B ANDB BR,DSPL | 3 | 1 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX ANDX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | E | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 16 D AND RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX AND RA,ADDR,RX | E2 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM ANDM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 7 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand, DO, is bit-by-bit ANDed with the contents ----------- of register RA. The result is stored in register RA. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in register RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- (RA) ^ DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 123 ANDR,ANDB,ANDX,AND,ANDM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.83 Exclusive logical OR. -------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R XORR RA,RB | E5 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D XOR RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX XOR RA,ADDR,RX | E4 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM XORM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | 9 | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand, DO, is bit-by-bit exclusively ORed with ----------- the contents of RA. The result is stored in RA. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <-- (RA) XOR DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 124 XORR,XOR,XORM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.84 Logical NAND. ------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R NR RA,RB | E7 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D N RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX N RA,ADDR,RX | E6 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM NIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | B | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Derived Operand, DO, is bit-by-bit logically NANDed with ----------- the contents of register RA. The result is stored in RA. Note: The logical NOT of a register can be attained with a NR instruction ---- with RA = RB. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- _ (RA) <-- (RA) ^ DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 125 NR,N,NIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.85 Convert floating point to 16-bit integer. ---------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FIX RA,RB | E8 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The integer portion of the floating point Derived Operand, DO ----------- (i.e., the contents of registers RB and RB+1), is stored into register RA. If the actual value of the DO floating point exponent is greater than 0F (Base 16), then RA remains unchanged and a fixed point overflow occurs. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA. Note: The algorithm truncates toward zero. ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if EO > 0F ; 4 16 (RA) <-- Integer portion of DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS, PI --------- -------- 126 FIX MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.86 Convert 16-bit integer to floating point. ---------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FLT RA,RB | E9 | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The integer Derived Operand, DO (i.e., the contents of register ----------- RB), is converted to Single Precision floating point format and stored in register RA and RA+1. The condition status, CS, is set based on the results in RA and RA+1. The operation process is as follows: The exponent is initially considered to be 0F (Base 16). The integer value in RB is normalized, i.e., the number is left shifted and the exponent decremented for each shift until the sign bit and the next MSB are unequal, and the exponent and mantissa stored in the proper fields of RA and RA+1. Note: RA may equal RB. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if (RB) = 0; EA <-- 0F ; 16 MA <-- (RB); EA, MA <-- normalize EA, MA; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS --------- -------- 127 FLT MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.87 Convert extended precision floating point to 32-bit integer. ----------------------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFIX RA,RB | EA | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The integer portion of the floating point Derived Operand, DO ----------- (i.e., the contents of registers RB, RB+1, and RB+2), is stored into register RA and RA+1. If the actual value of the DO floating point exponent is greater than 1F (Base 16), then RA and RA+1 remain unchanged and a fixed point overflow occurs. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1. Note: The algorithm truncates toward zero. ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- PI <-- 1, exit, if EO > 1F ; 4 16 (RA,RA+1) <-- Integer portion of DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, CS, PI --------- -------- 128 EFIX MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.88 Convert 32-bit integer to extended precision floating point. ----------------------------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFLT RA,RB | EB | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The double precision integer Derived Operand, DO (i.e., the ----------- contents of registers RB and RB+1), is converted to Extended Precision floating point format and stored in register RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The condition status, CS, is set based on the result in RA, RA+1, and RA+2. The operation process is as follows: The exponent is initially considered to be 1F (Base 16). The integer value in RB, RB+1 is normalized, i.e., the number is left shifted and the exponent decremented for each shift until the sign bit and the next MSB are unequal, and the exponent and mantissa stored in the proper field of RA, RA+1, and RA+2. Note: RA may equal RB. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- EA <-- 0, MA <-- 0, exit, if (RB,RB+1) = 0; EA <-- 1F , MA <-- (RB,RB+1); 16 EA, MA <-- normalized EA, MA; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1,RA+2) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RA+1, RA+2, CS --------- -------- 129 EFLT MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.89 Exchange bytes in register. -------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 --------------------- S XBR RA | EC | RA | 0 | --------------------- DESCRIPTION: The upper byte of register RA is exchanged with the lower byte ----------- of register RA. The CS is set based on the result in register RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <--> (RA) ; 0-7 8-15 (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, CS --------- -------- 130 XBR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.90 Exchange words in registers. --------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R XWR RA,RB | ED | RA | RB | ---------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are exchanged with the contents of ----------- register RB. The CS is set based on the result in register RA. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) <--> (RB); (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = 0; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < 0; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > 0; REGISTERS AFFECTED: RA, RB, CS --------- -------- 131 XWR MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.91 Single precision compare. ------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R CR RA,RB | F1 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B CB BR,DSPL | 3 | 2 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R2 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX CBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | C | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R2 8 4 4 ----------------------- ISP CISP RA,N | F2 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - 8 4 4 ----------------------- ISN CISN RA,N | F3 | RA | N-1 | 1 < N < 16 ----------------------- - - 8 4 4 16 D C RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX C RA,ADDR,RX | F0 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- 8 4 4 16 -------------------------------------- IM CIM RA,DATA | 4A | RA | A | | DATA | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The single precision Derived Operand, DO, is compared to the ----------- contents of RA. Then, the Condition Status, CS, is set based on whether the contents of RA is less than, equal to, or greater than the DO. The contents of RA are unchanged. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA) : DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA) = DO; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < DO; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > DO; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 132 CR,CB,CBX,CISP,CISN,C,CIM MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.92 Compare between limits. ---------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 16 D CBL RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX CBL RA,ADDR,RX | F4 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The contents of register RA are compared to two different sixteen ----------- bit derived operands, DO1 and DO2. The derived operands, DO1 and DO2 are located at DA and DA+1, respectively, and their values are defined such that DO1 < DO2. The CS is set based on the - results. If the values for DO1 and DO2 are defined incorrectly (that is, DO1 > DO2), then CS is set to 1000. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (CS) <-- 1000 if DO1 > DO2, exit; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA) < DO1; (CS) <-- 0010 if DO1 < (RA) < DO2; - - (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA) > DO2; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 133 CBL MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.93 Double precision compare. ------------------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R DCR RA,RB | F7 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D DC RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX DC RA,ADDR,RX | F6 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The double precision Derived Operand, DO, is compared to the ----------- contents of registers RA and RA+1 where RA contains the MSH of a double precision word. Then, the Condition Status, CS, is set based on whether the contents of RA, RA+1 is less than, equal to, or greater than the DO. The contents of RA and RA+1 are unchanged. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA,RA+1) : DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = DO; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < DO; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > DO; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 134 DCR,DC MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.94 Floating point compare. ---------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R FCR RA,RB | F9 | RA | RB | ---------------------- 4 2 2 8 12 < BR < 15 ---------------------- - - B FCB BR,DSPL | 3 | 3 | BR' | DSPL | BR' = BR - 12 ---------------------- RA = R0 4 2 2 4 4 12 < BR < 15 ------------------------ - - BX FCBX BR,RX | 4 | 0 | BR' | D | RX | BR' = BR - 12 ------------------------ RA = R0 4 8 8 16 D FC RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX FC RA,ADDR,RX | F8 | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The floating point number in registers RA and RA+1 is compared ----------- to the floating point Derived Operand, DO. Then, the Condition Status, CS, is set based on whether the contents of RA, RA+1 is less than, equal to, or greater than the DO. The contents of RA and RA+1 are unchanged. Note: This instruction does not cause an overflow to occur. ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA,RA+1) : DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA,RA+1) = DO; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA,RA+1) < DO; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA,RA+1) > DO; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 135 FCR,FCB,FCBX,FC MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.95 Extended precision floating point compare. ----------------------------------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 ---------------------- R EFCR RA,RB | FB | RA | RB | ---------------------- 8 4 4 16 D EFC RA,ADDR -------------------------------------- DX EFC RA,ADDR,RX | FA | RA | RX | | ADDR | -------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The extended precision floating Derived Operand, DO, is compared ----------- to the contents of registers RA, RA+1, and RA+2 where RA contains the most significant 16-bits of the extended precision floating point word. The condition status, CS, is set based on whether the contents of RA, RA+1, and RA+2 are less than, equal to or greater than the DO. The contents of RA, RA+1, and RA+2 are unchanged. Note: This instruction does not cause overflow to occur. ---- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: -------- -------- ----------- (RA, RA+1, RA+2) : DO; (CS) <-- 0010 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) = DO; (CS) <-- 0001 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) < DO; (CS) <-- 0100 if (RA, RA+1, RA+2) > DO; REGISTERS AFFECTED: CS --------- -------- 136 EFCR,EFC MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.96 No operation. ------------ ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 -------------------- S NOP | FF | 0 | 0 | -------------------- DESCRIPTION: No operation is performed. ----------- REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: None -------- -------- ----------- REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 137 NOP MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 5.97 Break point. ----------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 4 4 -------------------- S BPT | FF | F | F | -------------------- DESCRIPTION: This instruction is typically used for halting the processor ----------- during maintenance and diagnostic procedures when the maintenance console is connected to the system. If the console is not connected, this instruction is treated as a NOP (see page 137). Restarting the processor after a BPT can only be done by: the maintenance console or the power on sequence. REGISTER TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: None -------- -------- ----------- REGISTERS AFFECTED: None --------- -------- 138 BPT MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) Notice 1 21 May 1982 5.98 Built-In-Function: ----------------- ADDR MODE MNEMONIC FORMAT/OPCODE ---- ---- -------- ------------- 8 8 -------------------- S BIF Op. Ex. | 4F | Op. Ex. | -------------------- DESCRIPTION: This instruction invokes special operations defined by the user. ----------- Note that this instruction may use one or more additional words immediately following it, the number and interpretation of which are determined by the Op. Ex. REGISTER TRANSFER DESRIPTION: User defined. -------- -------- ---------- REGISTERS AFFECTED: User defined. --------- -------- 138a BIF MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 Custodian: Preparing activity: Air Force - 11 Air Force - 11 Reviewing activity: Project IPSC-F142 Air Force - 02 139 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 INDEX Name Page ---- ---- A 89 AB 89 ABS 92 ABX 89 AIM 89 AISP 89 AND 123 ANDB 123 ANDM 123 ANDR 123 ANDX 123 AR 89 BEX 62 BEZ 60 BGE 66 BGT 64 BLE 63 BLT 61 BNZ 65 BPT 138 BR 59 C 132 CB 132 CBL 133 CBX 132 CI 31 CIM 132 140 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 CISN 132 CISP 132 CLC 30 CLIR 29 CO 30 CR 132 D 117 DA 94 DABS 93 DAR 94 DB 117 DBX 117 DC 134 DCR 134 DD 118 DDR 118 DECM 101 DIM 117 DISN 116 DISP 116 DL 72 DLB 72 DLBX 72 DLI 72 DLR 72 DM 111 DMAD 30 DMAE 30 DMR 111 DNEG 103 DR 117 DS 104 DSAR 53 141 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 DSBL 29 DSCR 54 DSLC 48 DSLL 45 DSLR 52 DSR 104 DSRA 47 DSRL 46 DST 81 DSTB 81 DSTI 81 DSTX 81 DSUR 30 DV 116 DVIM 116 DVR 116 EFA 97 EFAR 97 EFC 136 EFCR 136 EFD 121 EFDR 121 EFIX 128 EFL 74 EFLT 129 EFM 114 EFMR 114 EFS 107 EFSR 107 EFST 84 ENBL 29 ESUR 30 142 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 FA 95 FAB 95 FABS 98 FABX 95 FAR 95 FC 135 FCB 135 FCBX 135 FCR 135 FD 119 FDB 119 FDBX 119 FDR 119 FIX 126 FLT 127 FM 112 FMB 112 FMBX 112 FMR 112 FNEG 108 FS 105 FSB 105 FSBX 105 FSR 105 GO 30 INCM 91 ITA 32 ITB 32 JC 55 JCI 55 JS 57 143 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 L 70 LB 70 LBX 70 LI 70 LIM 70 LISN 70 LISP 70 LLB 76 LLBI 76 LM 73 LMP 31 LR 70 LST 67 LSTI 67 LUB 75 LUBI 75 M 110 MA 25 MB 110 MBX 110 MIM 110 MISN 109 MISP 109 MOV 80 MPEN 30 MR 110 MS 109 MSIM 109 MSR 109 N 125 NEG 102 NIM 125 144 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 NOP 137 NR 125 OD 30 OR 122 ORB 122 ORBX 122 ORIM 122 ORR 122 OTA 30 OTB 31 PI 29 PO 29 POPM 77 PSHM 87 RB 35 RBI 35 RBR 35 RCFR 30 RCS 31 RDI 31 RDOR 31 RIC1 31 RIC2 31 RIPR 32 RMFS 31 RMK 30 RMP 32 RNS 30 ROPR 32 RPI 29 RPIR 30 145 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 RSW 30 RVBR 39 S 99 SAR 50 SB 34 SBB 99 SBBX 99 SBI 34 SBR 34 SCR 51 SIM 99 SISP 99 SJS 68 SLBI 86 SLC 44 SLL 41 SLR 49 SMK 29 SOJ 58 SPI 29 SR 99 SRA 43 SRL 42 SRM 82 ST 78 STB 78 STBX 78 STC 79 STCI 79 STI 78 STLB 86 STM 83 STUB 85 146 MIL-STD-1750A (USAF) 2 July 1980 STZ 79 STZI 79 SUBI 85 SVBR 38 TAH 30 TAS 30 TB 36 TBH 31 TBI 36 TBR 36 TBS 31 TPIO 31 TSB 37 TVBR 40 URS 69 VIO 33 WIPR 31 WOPR 31 WSW 29 XBR 130 XIO 29 XOR 124 XORM 124 XORR 124 XWR 131 147