X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Star (INS)
RINSs are the largest class of thermally emitting Neutron Stars (Treves et al, 2000)
Thermal emission
detected in more than
20 NSs (SGRs, AXPs,
PSRs, Radio-quiet NSs)
ÿ Soft X-ray sources in ROSAT survey
ÿ BB-like X-ray spectra, no non thermal hard emission
ÿ Low absorption, nearby (NH ~1019-1020 cm-2)
ÿ Constant X-ray flux on time scales of years
ÿ Some are X-ray pulsars (3.45-11.37 s)
ÿ No radio emission ?
ÿ No obvious association with SNR
ÿ Optically faint