HST image of the bow-shock nebula around RX J1856.5-3754 (van Kerkwick & Kulkarni 2001)
The Soft/Hard light curve shift
Crosscorrelation of the bands (0.3-0.7) and (2-4) keV: 
 dj =  80° ± 20° at  F35 = 0.60
 dj = 130° ± 20° at  F35 = 0.02
 dj = 160° ± 20° at  F35 = 0.17
 dj = 340° ± 20° at  F35 = 0.26
Hard/soft phase shift expected if soft photons result from reprocessing of hard X-rays in the inner part of the accretion disk.
If a non-tilted disk intercepts and reprocesses the NS beam, directed and reflected components will be shifted by dj = 180°.
Æ  dj ~250° observed in the past during the main-on was associated with  evidence of a tilt angle.
dj derived from EPIC data is very different from past main-on observations.
Also, it changes dramatically in the other two states.

Æ First observation of a substantial, continuous change in the tilt of the disk !