=============================== Converting files to SPEX format =============================== RGS spectral files and response matrices have to be converted to an appropriate format for use with SPEX. This is done by a piece of software called trafo. This document shows a typical run of trafo, with the correct inputs for standard spectral and response files produced by rgsproc and rgsrmfgen. Assume that you have the files spectrum.pha and response.rmf in a directory on msslhd. Run trafo in this directory: > trafo Program trafo: transform data to SPEX 2.0 format Are your data in OGIP format : type=1 Old (Version 1.10 and below) SPEX format: type=2 Enter the type: 1 Enter the number of spectra you want to transform: 1 Enter the maximum number of response groups per energy per spectrum: 1000 Enter filename spectrum to be read: spectrum.pha Exposure time (s): 4.02713281E+04 Will read errors from file Areascal: 1.00000000E+00 Backscal: 1.00000000E+00 Corrscal: 1.00000000E+00 Backfile: none Corrfile: none No RESPFILE keyword found No ANCRFILE keyword found No background specified in pha-file. Read nevertheless a background file? (y/n) [no]: n Checking data quality and grouping ... Ogip files have quality flags. Quality 0 means okay Your spectrum has 1204 bins with bad quality Shall we ignore bad channels? (y/n) [no]:y Determining background subtracted spectra ... No response matrix file specified in pha-file. Enter filename response matrix to be read: response.rmf Reading response matrix ... No effective area file specified in pha-file. Read nevertheless an effective area file? (y/n) [no]: n Determining zero response data ... Channel with zero response: 1 Channel with zero response: 2 Channel with zero response: 3 Channel with zero response: 4 Channel with zero response: 5 etc. Channel with zero response: 3395 Channel with zero response: 3396 Channel with zero response: 3397 Channel with zero response: 3398 Channel with zero response: 3399 Channel with zero response: 3400 original number of data channels : 3400 channels after passing mask and omitting zero response channels: 2196 Rebinning data where necessary ... Rebinning response where necessary ... old number of response elements: 4551285 new number of response elements: 4520231 old number of response groups : 60679 new number of response groups : 60568 Correcting for effective area ... Determine number of components ... Found 164 components Enter any shift in bins (0 recommended): 0 order will be swapped ... Enter filename spectrum to be saved: spectrum.spo Enter filename response to be saved: response.res Final number of response elements: 4520231 >