Ionic composition of a photoionised warm absorber

Here you can find plots and data of ionic abundance for various cosmically-abundant elements within a photoionised plasma, with ionisation parameter xi, assuming the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of NGC 5548. These data have been provided by Jelle Kaastra (SRON). In the data files, the first column is the log of the ionisation parameter, and subsequent columns are the logs of the ionic column density, for solar abundances (Anders & Grevesse 1989), and where hydrogen is 10.00 by definition (so an entry of 4.00 for any ion means that the column of that ion with respect to hydrogen is 10**(4-10) = 1E-6 cm**-2).

Hydrogen plot

Hydrogen data

Helium plot

Helium data

Carbon plot

Carbon data

Nitrogen plot

Nitrogen data

Oxygen plot

Oxygen data

Neon plot

Neon data

Magnesium plot

Magnesium data

Silicon plot

Silicon data

Sulphur plot

Sulphur data

Argon plot

Argon data

Iron plot

Iron data

Updated: 13 September 2002

Produced by Alexander Blustin at MSSL.