EIS Teleconference - 9th April 1999





Minutes by MWT




Since the last telecon (31st March 1999) there had not been a great deal of progress either at MSSL or NRL due to the Easter holidays. Both CK and CMB not present due to experimental duties elsewhere.


GAD reported that the NRL group is working on the instrument design concept as detailed in the last telecon - called "EIS-5". The main differences (against the baseline concept) being

• recover 1" resolution

• tilt of grating

• decrease spectrograph resolution


Some remarks on the evolution of the design had been made by Hara-san. The team should continue to include the J-side in the design discussions.


Unfortunately the person who would have supported the Programme Management efforts for EIS at NRL had left - a replacement with suitable engineering experience was being sought.


CK had sent MWT and others a description of the status of the Mechanical subassembly design work. This will be very useful in the Birmingham design effort particularly, but also elsewhere.


Whilst it was understood that the designs were at an early stage at present, and that the power allocation was not yet completely fixed, MWT was slightly worried by some of the figures quoted.


MWT will continue to collate information about the power consumption of each subsystem.


Following a recent email exchange, the presently agreed wavelength range limits were reviewed: 170-206 Å "NRL 1"

250-290 Å "Baseline"


(GAD will check that the optics are being designed to these ranges)


MSSL were continuing to study the consequence of having two detectors (and hence some additional electronics). MWT asked whether it would be a requirement to utilise both ranges simultaneously. This question would perhaps best be answered by the EIS science community in general. GAD felt that the NRL1 range should be regarded as an enhancement to the Baseline range. LKHM to seek opinions?


Postscript (MWT) Another nomenclature for the wavelength ranges might be more useful/logical - particularly for recently joined or future members of the team. Suggestions anyone?


Other activities at MSSL include



It was generally agreed that regular (weekly) teleconferences should continue. The next scheduled for 4pm Thursday 15th April.


It was also agreed that two future face-to-face meetings would be useful.


Engineering/Design NRL TBD May



General Design UK's turn BU? 14th June - (2 days)