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                        SECCHI Observing Sequences


Author: Sarah Matthews

Date:     30 July 2002


This document contains a first sample of proposed science studies submitted by members of the UK solar physics community for use with the suite of instruments on SECCHI. The primary instruments to be considered are the HI1 and HI2, with the purpose of determining operational requirements for these instruments arising from the science requirements. However, other studies where the HI instruments are not the driver have also been considered. From these studies the main issues raised so far are:  variable cadence in both instruments, masking partial fields, pixel summing and co-ordination with other instruments both on STEREO and on other spacecraft.






Observation Title:  Impact of CME on the Earth


Name:         Richard Harrison

Institute:        RAL



Version Date: 1 May 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview:


One of the principal aims of STEREO is to enable a better understanding of the arrival and impact of CMEs on the Earth. Thus, a major goal is the direct observation of a CME event arriving at Earth. For this, the prime instrument here is HI2, which has the Earth and CME within its field of view. However, the support of HI1, COR1 and COR2 is required to provide the most complete understanding of the CME structure and evolution as it propagates from the Sun.



Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                 - No

Ø      Which bands?                                          - n/a

Ø      Image cadence?                                        - n/a

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing))       - n/a

Ø      Other details                                           - n/a



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                 - Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                                        - nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))       - full

Ø      Other details                              



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                 - Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                                        - nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))       - full

Ø      Other details



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                 - Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                                        - nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))       - full

Ø      Other details



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                 - Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                                        - 2 hr

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))       - see details

Other details

        Cadence sized for fast (1000 km/s) CME travelling from 73 to 212 solar radii, i.e. 27 hours to cross from inner limit to Earth. Want minimum of 10 images for fast CME.

        FOV could be full field. Alternatively, for better cadence/telemetry capability, could return field only on the Sun-ward side of Earth.



Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?

        In-situ observations from L1 (ACE) and Earth Orbit (Cluster, Polar, Wind).



Other relevant details?

        HI2 is the key instrument here. The COR1, COR2 and HI1 instruments are asked to operate in their nominal modes; this will support the observation.




Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development)

        Must be able to vary the HI cadence and have a capability to return partial fields from HI.










Observation Title: CMEs in interplanetary space


Name: Peter Cargill

Institute: Imperial College



Version Date: 26 May 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview:

To study the deformation of an ICME between 20 - 30 solar radii and 1 AU.


Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) NO

Ø      Which bands? N/A

Ø      Image cadence? N/A

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing)) N/A

Ø      Other details



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no) NO

Ø      Image cadence? N/A

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) N/A

Ø      Other details



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) YES

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) FULL

Ø      Other details: Required for initial ICME state at 15 Rs



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) YES

Ø      Image cadence? 20 minutes

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details. Need high resolution to track evolution of fast ICME (>1000 km/s at Sun so will pass through HI1 FOV in few hours) Also expect evolution to be fastest near Sun.



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) YES

Ø      Image cadence? 1 hour

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Other details; Cadence: see HI1 for reason for fact cadence.




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?




Other relevant details?







Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development)


High cadence is essential at all locations in order to track fast CMEs.









Observation Title: Understanding how L1 and SECCHI observations are related.


Name: Peter Cargill

Institute: Imperial College



Version Date: 26 May 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview:

To understand how HI observations relate to in-situ ones at L1. HI measures plasma properties, whereas for space weather one is interested in magnetic field. How do HI plasma measurements relate to field structure of ICME?


Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) NO

Ø      Which bands? N/A

Ø      Image cadence? N/A

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing)) N/A

Ø      Other details



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no) NO

Ø      Image cadence? N/A

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) N/A

Ø      Other details



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) NO

Ø      Image cadence? N/A

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) N/A

Ø      Other details:


HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) NO

Ø      Image cadence? N/A

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) N/A

Ø      Other details.



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) YES

Ø      Image cadence? 3 hour / 1 hour

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Partial. Need to look at 150 - 220 Rs at Earth with full angular view.

Other details;




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?

ACE (MAG and SWEPAM). Any other s/c in vicinity of Earth.



Other relevant details?







Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development)


One wants to take snapshots of ICME as it passes over ACE (say). This can take up to a day. In first instance use nominal cadence, then try shorter. Partial field will optimize telemetry requirements.










Observation Title:3-D structure on interplanetary CMEs


Name:        Lucie Green

Institute:  Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL



Version Date:  7 June 7, 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview:


The helicity content of interplanetary CMEs is currently computed using in-situ data taken from one spacecraft crossing, under the assumption that the structure can be well modeled by a single, twisted flux rope. A more accurate helicity computation requires knowledge of the true 3 dimensional structure  of the interplanetary CME. For this, coronagraph observations from more than view point need to be combined with  theoretical models.







Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no)               No

Ø      Which bands?

Ø      Image cadence?

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing))

Ø      Other details



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                                               Yes

Ø      Image cadence?    Few minutes  

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))         Full

Ø      Other details


Possibility to trigger high cadence CME mode for passage of ejecta through COR1 and COR2?


COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                                                                Yes

Ø      Image cadence?  Few minutes

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))         Full

Ø      Other details



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no)   yes

Ø      Image cadence?   10's of minutes

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))      Full

Ø      Other details



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no)  Yes

Ø      Image cadence?     10's of minutes

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))

Other details




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?


In-situ measurements of the magnetic field are required for the helicity computation. In-situ particle fluxes are needed to look for signatures of field lines which remain attached to the Sun. This will help to obtain a good understanding of the CME structure and also give an indication of the upper limit of the CME length to complement the model. Radius of interplanetary CME also needs to be found from the in-situ data to complement that predicted from the CME model.




Other relevant details?







Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development)


Ability to automatically change cadence of observations upon CME detection?


















Observation Title: CME onset


Name: Sarah Matthews

Institute: MSSL



Version Date: 31 May 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview: While on-disk signatures in association with CME onset are now often observed in the X-ray and EUV, the actual trigger for these events remains elusive. The 3-D view from STEREO will provide a much less ambiguous view of pre-CME structures in the corona, which combined with magnetic field information from Solar-B and STEREO should provide clues to this process.








Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Which bands? All

Ø      Image cadence? 30s

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) No

Ø      Image cadence?

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))

Ø      Other details



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) No

Ø      Image cadence?

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))

Other details




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?

Solar - B : SOT, XRT and EIS to provide high resolution magnetic field, high cadence EUV/X-ray imaging and spectroscopic measurements of plasma parameters e.g. velocity. Since EIS and SOT are not full Sun instruments pointing would have to be defined in this case, in which a partial field could also be used in SECCHI. Sacrificing the spectral observations and using SOHO-MDI would give a whole Sun view and greater probability of observing the region where onset occurs.




Other relevant details?







Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development) This one really needs to be done early in the mission to make use of the complementary information from Solar-B. A co-ordinated campaign tracking an active region during its disk passage with both STEREO and Solar-B would be the ideal case.












Observation Title: Relationship between CMEs and magnetic clouds


Name: Sarah Matthews

Institute: MSSL



Version Date: 31 May 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview:

While magnetic clouds are known to have a high probability of producing enhanced geomagnetic activity only ~ 1/3 of CMEs can be confidently associated with magnetic clouds. In order to assess the potential geo-effectiveness of a CME it is thus important to assess whether there are particular characteristics that lead to the production of a magnetic cloud. The observation would involve combining all of the SECCHI instruments with in-situ measurements from other IMPACT and ACE to ensure a complete description of the CME parameters and their evolution.








Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Which bands? Fe XII 195, He II 304

Ø      Image cadence? 30s

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing)) Full Sun

Ø      Other details Fe XII and He II should give a good indication of the initial field configuration of the CME site and also onset time information to compare with coronagraph signatures.



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? 2hr

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Ideally a partial field from the Sun-ward side of the Earth to provide better cadence for slower CMEs.

Other details




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?

IMPACT - magnetic field, speed profile, electron and proton temperatures.

Similar from ACE.




Other relevant details?







Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development) Since we would like to determine whether specific CME parameters are more likely to produce magnetic clouds than others it is important to be able to study CMEs with a range of speeds. Therefore being able to vary the cadence in HI-2 would be extremely useful to provide good coverage of the slow ones.










Observation Title: Particle acceleration at CME shocks


Name: Sarah Matthews

Institute: MSSL



Version Date: 31 May 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview: SEP events are now thought to fall into 2 classes: impulsive and gradual. Impulsive events are thought to be flare-related, while the gradual events are thought to CME driven. However, the distinction is not always a clear one and hybrid events are often seen. The prolonged decay of the gradual events is also not well understood. The combination of 3-D coronagraph and in-situ observations from STEREO can be used to address these hybrid events and the role of particle acceleration at the CME shock.








Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Which bands? Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing)) Full sun

Ø      Other details EUVI will provide information on the CME onset and any associated flaring activity that would accelerate particles.



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? Nominal

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Full

Ø      Other details



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no) Yes

Ø      Image cadence? < 2hr

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing)) Partial, sun-ward side

Other details




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?

IMPACT - shock speed, magnetic field, particle flux/distribution

RHESSI - Flare -related particle information

ACE - similar to IMPACT at 1AU




Other relevant details?







Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development)

Although slower CMEs are less likely to drive shocks it would still be useful to have as many images as possible in the HI-2 as the CME propagates to help determine whether it undergoes any acceleration/deceleration, so variable cadence and partial FOV would be useful here.











Observation Title: Synoptic CME Programme


Name:         Richard A. Harrison

Institute:        RAL



Version Date: 6 June 2002


Brief Scientific Objective and Observation Overview:


One of the major objectives of the STEREO effort is the routine monitoring and identification of CMEs which are Earth-directed. Thus, we require a standard synoptic observation programme, which is described here.



Sequence Details


EUVI: [Bands - He II 304, Fe IX 171, Fe XII 195, Fe XV 284 Å; Resolution - 1.6 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 0.9 deg Sun-centred; Nominal cadence 30 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                 Yes

Ø      Which bands?                          All

Ø      Image cadence?                        20 min

Ø      FOV (full Sun, partial Sun (define area and pointing))    Full field

Ø      Other details           Standard synoptic cadence



COR1: [Bandpass - 650-660 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 7.5 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 1.3-4.0 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 20 s (3 images/min in different polarisation angles)]


Ø      Required (yes/no)                 Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                        8 min

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))    Full field

Ø      Other details           Standard synoptic cadence



COR2: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness and pB); Resolution - 15 arcsec/pixel; FOV - 2-15 R (full revolution; Sun centred); Nominal cadence 100 s]


Ø      Required (yes/no)             Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                20 min

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))    Full field

Ø      Other details           Standard synoptic cadence



HI1: [Bandpass - 650-750 nm (brightness); Resolution - 35 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 20o circle centred at 13.28o to Sun centre (3.28-23.28o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 1 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no)             Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                1 hour

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))    Full field

Ø      Other details           Standard synoptic cadence



HI2: [Bandpass - 400-1000 nm (brightness); Resolution - 240 arcsec/pixel;

FOV - 70o circle centred at 53.36o to Sun centre (18.36-88.36o along ecliptic); Nominal cadence 3 hr]


Ø      Required (yes/no)             Yes

Ø      Image cadence?                2 hours

Ø      FOV (full or partial field (define area and pointing))    Full field

Other details               Standard synoptic cadence




Other Spacecraft/Instruments Required (give details of observation)?

        Standard monitoring of STEREO particle, field and radio data would be advantageous as would coincident space weather monitoring programmes. Little planning is required as these would be standard operations.



Other relevant details?





Special Operational/Software Requirements? (i.e. requirements to feed into operations planning and software during mission development)









Issues for consideration


Image cadences


In principle the range of exposure times is limited only by the requirement that the on-board processor times the exposure. The instrument tick is planned to be 10-15ms, thus a 100 ms exposure will have an associated error of this order. In reality the exposure time is limited by the requirement for good signal to noise with minimum cosmic ray hits. Since there is no shutter it should be borne in mind that the time taken to clock out the CCD (2048ms for line transfers) means that the final measured intensity will include a contribution from every pixel in the CCD column.


The factors which limit the instrument cadence include telemetry restrictions, cosmic ray scrubbing, CCD readout times etc. Methods that might be used to improve the cadence include using smaller FOVs and telemetry re-distribution - e.g. it is possible to have continuous coverage in HI1 with no HI2 coverage and vice versa. Partial FOVs are also possible. The images are cleaned on-board and this cosmic ray scrubbing is one of the main limitations as far as cadence is concerned, without additional CPU power on-board. It may be possible to consider the option of disabling this feature where very high cadence observations are required and cleaning cosmic rays on the ground.


Several studies require cadences that are higher than the nominal values in HI1 and HI2. In these cases we might consider the options listed above for improvements to the nominal value.

Other suggestions might include on-board differencing. Pixel summing is available on-board, both on-chip and in software - could we consider transmitting image differences, or would the additional processing cancel out any gains made in down-linking the data?


Planning Considerations


There will be a limited command uplink and so very complicated daily schedules which involve several different observations requiring different variations on any of the above methods to improve cadence, will be difficult to execute. We might want to consider, in agreement with the rest of the SECCHI team, the possibility of campaigns which last for as long as a few days in order to address specific science objectives that have requirements outside of the nominal instrument parameters. This would lead to a much simpler schedule.


Other planning issues to consider are co-ordinations with other instruments, both in space and on the ground. Those studies which rely heavily on complementary data-sets from remote-sensing instruments will be most easily achieved early in the mission when the spacecraft separation is small.