Chandra and FUSE Detections of the WHIM: locally and at z > 0

The Local Group WHIM (Nicastro et al., 2002, ApJ, 573, 157; Nicastro et al., 2003, Nature, 421, 719)
The “Truly” Intervening WHIM
 Mkn 421 (Nicastro et al., 2003, in preparation)
 Future prospects (Pharos)

Chandra and FUSE Spectra of PKS 2155-304

Equivalent Width Ratios Diagnostics
All absorption Lines fall in the linear branch of the Curves of Growth (CoG)
č EW µ Ion Column Density :
EW ratios µ Ionization Balance:

WHIM Solution
Assuming a transverse size of 1´[H/O]0.3 Mpc

OVI Velocity Distribution in the LSR

Local Group WHIM: Summary
HV-OVI Absorbers are at rest in the LGSR
logT = 5.8; d = 20-30
[Ne/O] = 2.5 [Ne/O]
Total Mass =
(0.6-2)´1012 [H/O]0.3M
Not in Milky Way Halo
Fits Predictions for Warm-Hot IGM
Dusty IGM?
Can Bind the Local Group

WHIM Detections at z > 0
Detecting z > 0  WHIM filaments is harder because of random orientation: lines of sight to background sources cross only a portion of the filament.
Until very recently, only 3 tentative detections have been claimed, along 2 different lines of sight (Fang et al., 2002, Mathur et al., 2002).
Exceptionally high quality X-ray spectra of background AGN are needed, implying exposures of Ms on the brightest blazars in their normal state.

Our Strategy

Mkn 421: Dispersed Image

Mkn 421: Chandra 1st Order Dispersed Spectrum

The OVII Forest

Chandra and Newton-XMM detection of the Local Group WHIM Filament
Kinematics of the HV-OVI unambiguously locates them in the Local Group
Chandra ToO of Mkn 421 probes unprecedented NOVII and detects 1-2 trees in the “X-ray Forest”.
 Based on that detection: dNOVII/dz = 75 (cf. dNOVI/dz = 20, Tripp & Savage, 2000): the majority of baryons at z < 2.

WHIM: Future Prospects
Next 2-4 years: collect data from 12 sightlines towards blazars in outburst: up to z = 0.5: č dNWHIM/dz, Wb, TWHIM(z<0.5), dTWHIM/dz, dZ/dz
Long Term: mapping the WHIM up to z=2: needs high throughput and spextral resolution in X-ray: Constellation-X (R > 1000, A = 2000 cm2), and XEUS (R > 400, A = 30 m2)
Pharos: (Elvis, Fiore & the CWE team, 2002 SPIE, astro-ph/0303444), Midex concept (CfA, Obs. Rome, JHU): R > 5000, A = 1000 cm2, Coverage: 12-150 Ĺ. Slew on source in < 2-3 min.: about 20 Soft-GRB per year with F = 10-5 erg cm-2 (> 10 Ms on the brightest QSOs at z = 1-2).