Filter wheel usage

The data used were up to 2006-02-01 and extracted from the sequential print logs on msslje.

Total rotatons and moves

Total complete 360 degree rotations in orbit: 14738
Total number of movements in orbit: 46525

Rotations and moves per month

The number of rotations and movements has increased with January being very high. In January there were lots of GRBs and efficiency was improved a little with the code load. rotations graph
This graph shows the number of movements (in RED) and the number of rotations (in GREEN). The x-axis is date and the y-axis is number. The graph is a histogram of settling accuracy in 1 acrmin bins.

Filter usage

positions graph
This graph shows the number of times each filter was used since launch.

Movements length (number of steps to next filter)

steps graph
This graphs shows the number of steps for each movement (steps for each move) since launch. The movements are binned in 200 step bins.
