
name: hec_id
datatype: int ucd: meta.record
xtype: utype:
description: Event Identification number (HEC internal number).
name: time_start
datatype: char ucd: time.start
xtype: iso8601 utype: helio:time_period.time_start
description: Start time of the event.
name: time_peak
datatype: char ucd: time.phase
xtype: iso8601 utype: time.time_peak
description: Time of the peak of the event.
name: time_end
datatype: char ucd: time.end
xtype: iso8601 utype: helio:time_period.time_end
description: End time of event.
name: loc_source
datatype: char ucd: meta.code;pos
xtype: utype:
description: G indicates the location inferred from the Halpha observations as given in the GOES X-ray list. S indicates it is from the Solar Geophysical Data (SGD) Comprehensive Reports.
name: lat_hg
datatype: float ucd: pos.bodyrc.lat;pos.heliographic
xtype: utype: location.lat_hg
description: Heliographic latitude of x-ray flare.
name: long_hg
datatype: float ucd: pos.bodyrc.long;pos.heliographic
xtype: utype: location.long_hg
description: Heliographic longitude of x-ray flare.
name: long_carr
datatype: float ucd:
xtype: utype: location.long_carr
description: Carrington longitude of x-ray flare.
name: optical_class
datatype: char ucd: meta.code.class;em.opt
xtype: utype: flare.magnitude.optical_class
description: Average optical importance of flare -- a measurement of flare size and brilliance. (See the 'Optical Class' in the HEC glossary for the specification of this field)
name: xray_class
datatype: char ucd: meta.code.class;em.X-ray
xtype: utype: flare.magnitude.xray_class
description: Importance of flare at X-ray wavelengths -- the peak flux measured at Earth in the 0.1 to 0.8 nm range in units of W m^-2. (See the 'X-ray Class' in the HEC glossary for the specification of this field)
name: time_start_rise_sep
datatype: char ucd: time.epoch
xtype: iso8601 utype:
description: Time at which the proton intensity starts to rise.
name: upper_limit
datatype: char ucd: meta.code;stat.max
xtype: utype:
description: Y if the peak integral proton intensity is an upper limit - N if not.
name: intensity_sep_peak
datatype: float ucd: stat.max;prot.flux
xtype: utype:
description: The peak integral proton intensity at energies above 10 MeV.
name: intensity_sep_exp
datatype: float ucd: prot.flux
xtype: utype: proton_event.proton_flux
description: For upper limits for the intensity, the expected value of the integral intensity above 10 MeV as defined, based on the soft X-ray properties, by Equation (6) of Garcia (2004), Space Weather, 2, S02002.
name: comment
datatype: char ucd: meta.note
xtype: utype:
description: If the event is in the SEP list complied by NOAA, it is indicated by NOAA and a time. A capital C indicates a 'confined' event associated with CME-less X-class bursts. There are five categories of events: (a) 21 SEP events that were catalogued by NOAA based on GOES observations. (b) 10 SEP events detected by GOES that were not catalogued because their peak intensity did not exceed the threshold of 10 pfu. (c) 8 prominent GOES SEP events that were not catalogued because the intensity at event onset was already above the threshold of 10 pfu due to a previous event. 5 further weak SEP events were identified on top of previous excess intensities labelled ‘(c')’. (d) GOES/EPS showed no excess signal above background after 15 X-class flares, and six further cases where no new rise was detected on top of a high intensity from a previous event (labelled ‘(d')’). (u) In four cases the GOES SEP detection was uncertain because of the high background from energetic storm particles (ESP) or because of possible confusion of SEP signatures with a previous event.

Extracted from VOTable generated by HEC HQI on:   07-Sep-17 18:38:21