
name: hec_id
datatype: int ucd: meta.record
xtype: utype:
description: Event identification number (HEC internal number)
name: time_start
datatype: char ucd: time.start
xtype: iso8601 utype: helio:time_period.time_start
description: Start time of event (same as Image Time)
name: previmg_time
datatype: char ucd: time.creation
xtype: iso8601 utype: helio:time.time
description: Time of previous image.
name: img_time
datatype: char ucd: time.creation
xtype: iso8601 utype: helio:time.time
description: Image Time.
name: quality
datatype: char ucd: meta.code.class
xtype: utype: helio:eit.quality
description: Quality Rating: Q0: Very low reliability; Q1: Low reliability; Q2: Low reliability; Q3: Intermediate reliability; Q4: High reliability; Q5: Nearly definite reliability;
name: lat_hg
datatype: double ucd:;pos.heliographic
xtype: utype: helio:location.lat_hg
description: Heliographic Latitude
name: long_hg
datatype: double ucd: pos.bodyrc.long;pos.heliographic
xtype: utype: helio:location.long_hg
description: Heliographic Longitude. (A source longitude of 90 or –90 indicates that the apparent source of the wave was either at, above, or possibly behind the solar limb.)
name: v_ps
datatype: double ucd: phys.veloc
xtype: utype: helio:eit.velocity.v_plane_of_sky
description: Speed of wave-front on the plane of the sky.
name: v_proj
datatype: double ucd: phys.veloc
xtype: utype: helio:eit.velocity.v_projected
description: Speed of wave front assuming the wave travels in a great circle along the Sun's photosphere.
name: pa
datatype: double ucd: pos.posAng
xtype: utype:
description: Direction of Measurement on the photosphere expressed as a position angle (measured N through E) in relation to the Sun-Earth line..
name: comment
datatype: char ucd: meta.note
xtype: utype: helio:comment
description: Comments.

Extracted from VOTable generated by HEC HQI on:   07-Sep-17 18:38:05