
name: hec_id
datatype: int ucd: meta.record
xtype: utype:
description: Event Identification number (HEC internal number).
name: id
datatype: int ucd:
xtype: utype:
description: Event identifier,
name: spacecraft
datatype: %datatype% ucd: %ucd%
xtype: %xtype% utype: %utype%
description: %description%
name: time_start
datatype: char ucd: time.start
xtype: iso8601 utype: helio:time_period.time_start
description: Start time of the event.
name: mag_ratio
datatype: float ucd: arith.ratio;phys.magField
xtype: utype:
description: Ratio of downstream magnetic field intensity to upstream magnetic field intensity.
name: norm_angle
datatype: float ucd:
xtype: utype:
description: Shock normal angle.
name: beta
datatype: float ucd: phys.magField;phys.pressure;arith.ratio
xtype: utype:
description: The ratio of plasma thermal pressure to magnetic pressure upstream of the shock, assumed as 1 when there is data gap (DG).
name: mach_no
datatype: float ucd: phys.veloc;arith.ratio
xtype: utype:
description: Magnetosonic Mach number.
name: data_avail
datatype: char ucd: meta.code
xtype: utype:
description: Y or N indicates the availability of 32-Hz MAG data for this shock.
name: source
datatype: %datatype% ucd: %ucd%
xtype: %xtype% utype: %utype%
description: %description%
name: f_r_shock
datatype: char ucd: meta.code
xtype: utype:
description: Forward(F)/Reverse(R) Shock.
name: comment
datatype: char ucd: meta.note
xtype: utype: helio:comment
description: Short description of event.

Extracted from VOTable generated by HEC HQI on:   07-Sep-17 18:38:26