EIS Master Study Database

Updating the MHC heaters study (default_heaters)

The MHC heaters are set to the Eclipse setting every May, usually around the 5th. They are reset to the Post Eclipse setting every September, usually on the 30th. The master database with the updated heaters settings needs to be made available to the planners at ISAS at least a week before it is uploaded in the plan.

There are 2 studies which control the MHC heaters settings; default_htrs1_6 and default_htrs7_12 .
The study id's in the master database are 000143 for default_htrs1_6 and 000144 for default_htrs7_12 .
The study id's in the pm (test) database are 000101 for default_htrs1_6 and 000102 for default_htrs7_12 .

These 2 studies are used for both the Eclipse and Post Eclipse settings.

The procedure to update the MHC heaters is split into two parts; the first updates study default_htrs1_6 and the second updates study default_htrs7_12.

The cycling of the heaters for both settings can be seen here.

The heaters schedule can be seen here.


This procedure is used to update both the eclipse and post_eclipse settings. In steps 2 and 4 of this procedure use whichever instruction is appropriate.

  1. Backup the pm and master study databases

  2. Make the scripts for testing

  3. Test on the flight spare system

  4. Make the scripts for the master database after testing on the flight spare is successfull

  5. Update the master database details

  6. Update the master database study descriptions

  7. Prepare the master study database for transfer to the MSSL server

  8. Copy the master database onto the MSSL server

That's it, all finished!