Frequently Asked Questions about SDDAS

maintained by Joey Mukherjee -


General Questions

What is the official SDDAS home page?

The official SDDAS home page is kept at

How do I get started with SDDAS?

The easiest way to get started with SDDAS is to just use it. Using it over the web works, but we recommend installing a copy of SDDAS on your local system. Start SDDAS by typing "sdcontrol" from the command line. If the install went correctly, the SDDAS control panel should come up and you can go from there.

Start your analysis by looking at some previously made plots. The "Browse Layouts" option will start a program called sdbrowse. From here, you can look at plots by just double clicking them from the list. This action starts sdview or the "Viewer". See any of the attached links here to learn how to better use these programs and the applications under them.

I have a bunch of questions, who do I talk to?

Many people have been involved in the development of SDDAS over the course of many years. Currently, the following people can be contacted with questions, suggestions, comments, etc.:

Dr. David Winningham, Institute Scientist
for science questions, data availability, and SDDAS usage.

Dr. Rudy Frahm, Senior Research Scientist
for science questions, IDFS generation, SCF usage, and SDDAS usage.

Sandee Jeffers, Group Leader
for overall SDDAS system, configuration, and philosophy issues; SDDAS and IDFS documentation; and anything related to SpectroScalar.

Carrie Gonzalez, Principal Engineer
for anything related to ExportIDFS, ScanAngle, XYPlot, Images, PhiTheta and Real-Time SpectroScalar; IDFS data access routines (IDFS Programmer's Manual); and SCF generation and computations.

Joey Mukherjee, Research Analyst
for anything related to Administration Tools, Editors, Real-Time Analysis Tools, and Contours; and Data Catalog, Server, and Archiving issues.

Richard Murphy, Staff Analyst
for anything related to client/server and network configuration issues.

Installation Questions

I get an error message that says (or some other library) not found, what's wrong?

Usually this means that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set. If you are using C-Shell, do this :

    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib:/usr/dt/lib

This should fix it.

Running SDDAS problems

I get an error message that says SDDAS_LAYOUTS not set, what's wrong?

This error message is harmless. You can define SDDAS_LAYOUTS as any directory and all layouts from SDBrowse will be read from that location. This is great if all you do is look at premade layouts with SDBrowse. If you create layouts in your home directory and want to use SDBrowse with them, this variable will get in your way.

I get an error message that says SDFONT not set, what's wrong?

In the old OpenLook world, you could set SDFONT and all the apps would use this new font. In CDE, all the CDE apps use the desktop font. This is better. This error message is harmless.

Promotion seems to be stuck! What's wrong?

It actually might be stuck. There are a number of things that can go wrong on promotion, some of which are out of your control. One easy fix to delete a file in /tmp called : < your username > .NamedPipe. If this file exists and is "stagnant", promotion does not happen. Just delete it and try again.

Promotion didn't work! What's wrong?

Some things to check:

  1. Is the server running? (do a "ps -ef (or ps -auxww) | grep sd_rshd") and see if in fact there is a sd_rshd running. If not, this is the problem. Note: this is only applicable for the server site.
  2. Is there enough free disk space? (do a "df < data directory > " and see that it is below a 100%.