971024: A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) and the associated coronal dimming
The SXT observes the development of a CME accompanied by strong cooling in the locality.  The use of lightcurves shows the general cooling and heating associated with the active region as the region becomes devoid of the hot plasma that eventually is ejected outwards into the corona.
 971031: A comparison between the SXT and EIT
Solar images from the SXT and Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) are compared.  Active regions appear in similar places in the images but their details vary.  The results complimenting one another, producing a better over-all picture of the Sun, revealing the subtleties of the Sun's magnetohydrodynamics. 
 971107:  Impulsive flares in the tremendously active region AR8100 
A brief nugget showing how the sustained activity of this region raised the background levels of soft X-ray.  The impulsive flares associated with the region were well observed by the SXT and full Sun movies over this period are available to view. 
 971114: The motion of an LDE across the solar surface
In this nugget an eruptive Active Region (AR) spawns a Long Duration Event (LDE),  consisting of a strong ejection to the north followed by a western ejection that decelerates across the surface perhaps due to its field lines impinging on overlying closed field lines. 
 971121: Solar flares with short and long decay components
The active region AR8108 produced several C class flares and an LDE.  The flares show an impulsive component superimposed upon a slow decay.  The LDE is shown to leave  behind a characteristic cusp structure.  Both are viewable as movies.
 971128: A well observed and unusually oriented flare
The SXT observed this unusual flare which appears to have the typical loop structure albeit lying in the plane of the solar surface, the ejecta is perhaps following pre-existing loops which rejoin with the surface.  A movie of the event shows that it flares twice.
 971205: Has the new Solar cycle begun?
X-ray flux measurements show what seems to be a minima corresponding to the minima of the solar cycle,  the maximum should be reached around the year 2000.  The X-ray intensity can change by a factor of 100 in a cycle, but why does it appear that a smaller variation is seen in other stars? 
 971215: A huge slowly decaying arcade preceding a vast CME 
The SXT observed a large arcade, about 0.6 solar radii in extent, decaying slowly over the period of about a week.  A massive CME associated with this long duration event was observed by LASCO, results that may illuminate the 3D development of such arcades.
 971227: An elusive trans-equatorial interconnection between regions
Between the 25th and 26th of December two active regions on either side of the equator at low latitudes became clearly connected.  The process of connection was not observed and the mechanisms remain somewhat mysterious, future nuggets may well reveal the secrets of this observation.
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