
All data is provided for preparatory use only. Please contact the instrument PI for further details.
Browse and Prime Parameter data can be obtained from the CSDS.
Rapid data.
EFW data.
WBD data.
Whisper data

Monday 1st March

14:00 - 16:00
SOWG Session 1 (Private meeting: PIs and one nominee per instrument only)

Tuesday 2nd March

10:00 - 12:00
SOWG Session 2 (Private meeting: PIs and one nominee per instrument only)
14:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 3rd March

Morning session (9.30am - 1.00pm): Current Sheet Structure, Dynamics, Turbulance and the Diffusion Region (Extensions)

22/08/2001(?) Extension
Tearing mode instability (GRL Paper, Earlier presentation)
01/10/2001 Extension E-field structure and ion acceleration at a thin current sheet (GRL Paper)
11/08/2002 Extension Details to be provided.
11/08/2002 Extension Hall current systems 13:00 - 16:00 UT
Taylor PEACE
27/08/2001 Extension Plasma flows/ reconnection 00:00 - 06:00 UT

Work previously published on this event:

D. N. Baker et al., Timing of magnetic reconnection initiation during a global magnetospheric substorm onset, GRL 29, 2002 doi:10.1029/2002GL015539

X. Li et al., Simulation of energetic particle injections associated with a substorm on August 27, 2001, GRL 30, 1004, 2003 doi:10.1029/2002GL015967

New energetic particle data set from Chandra included - presentation of work so far.

Study of 3D energetic distributions with RAPID.

Although observed electron enhancements are closely related to the substorm event reported by Baker et al. (2001) and occurred during the substorm recovery phase, we conclude that based of the distinct anisotropies observed in the fluxes, the electron increases are not related to an acceleration mechanism associated with the an X-line formation in the mid-tail. The electrons arrive with no apparent energy dispersion and the intensity variations are different at the four satellites and appear to be correlated to depressions in the locally measured magnetic field.

Lunch (1 - 2pm)

Afternoon session (2 - 5.30pm): Current Sheet Structure, Dynamics, Turbulance and the Diffusion Region (New)

24/08/2003 New 18:00 - 19:30 UT

Thin current sheet development during substorm growth and onset

Other data sets requested.
Nakamura Quicklook
24/08/2003 New Comparison between current from Curl B and from particles 1830-1950 UT

Other data sets requested.
Le Contel Quicklook
1620-1710 UT Burst Mode event.

Flow reversal (Xline type) event with multiple current sheet crossings showing a max current density of >110 nA/m2.

High pressure lobe (with a field around 50 nT) indicates abnormal conditions.

FGM and CIS PP data. CIS may only be available on spacecraft 4. Other data sets requested.
Nakamura Quicklook
16:00 to 17:30 UT

During 2001, the CLUSTER inter-satellite distances were around 2000 km. Such a distance turned out to be equivalent or even larger than the spatial scale of the magnetic field in the magnetotail around the CLUSTER apogee (~20 RE). It was well adapted to estimate the current sheet thickness and then to detect a sequence of thinning/thickening of the current sheet associated with substorm. One found typically ~500-2000 km, during active periods, when fast ion flows are observed. However, the accurate measurement of the current density by the so-called curlometer technics requires that the inter-satellite distances are smaller than the spatial scale of the magnetic field. Therefore, we take advantage of the smaller inter-spacecraft distance (~200 km), during 2003 summer, to analyse the structure of the electrical currents and their time evolution during substorm events. We also compare estimates of the currents via curlB with particle observations, to try to determine the nature of the current carriers.
Le Contel et al

Evening: Social event - Evening meal at a traditional English pub.

Thursday 4th March

Morning session (9.30am - 1.00pm): Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer and the Lobe

18:00 - 18:40 UT

Observation of short-time scale PSBL beams using EDI and FGM data.

Other data sets requested. (Earlier presentation)
Electron distributions and flows analysis using PEACE burst mode Alexeev

Survey(?) New Tail lobe electric field variations deduced by particle drift related to substorms Sauvaud
Survey New Interplanetary shocks and the sudden increases in the tail lobe field. 10 examples including:

a) Aug 17, 2001, ~11 UT
b) Oct 11, 2001, ~17 UT
c) Aug 26, 2002, ~11:30 UT

Data sets used:Cluster FGM and plasma observations; Upstream solar wind observations of interplanetary shock by ACE, WIND, GEOTAIL
Huttunen, Slavin and Collier


Survey New Nature of Earthward and tailward rarefaction fronts in the tail lobes acommpanying TCRs

Earthward examples:

a. Aug 31, 2002 18:20 -18:30 UT
b. Aug 18, 2002 22:50 - 23:00 UT
c. Sep 14, 2002 1:40 - 1:50 UT
d. Oct 5, 2002 11:05 - 11:15 UT

Tailward examples:

e. Oct 6, 2001 9:57 - 10:07 UT
f. Oct 27, 2001 13:00 - 13:10 UT
g. Oct 7, 2002 15:41 - 15:51 UT

Preliminary analysis has only used FGM data. Contributions from other instruments
solicited please.
Slavin Quicklook:

18/09/2002 New 12:55 - 14:00 UT

A clear substorm even with flow reversal. The simultaneous observation of the northern and southern plasma sheet and Hall-effect related current and By variations.

FGM, CIS and EDI data sets used. Please provide other data.
Asano Quicklook

Lunch (1 - 2pm)

Afternoon session (2 - 5.30pm): Plasma Flows, Currents and Distributions

25/08/2002 New 17:55 - 1815 UT
Observation of flow shears generated field-aligned currents. Vorticity of electron motion is shown with variations in pitch-angle distributions indicating the changing direction of field aligned currents.

PEACE and CIS data obtained.
Dewhurst Quicklook
~18:30 UT Burst mode event

Possible flux robe observations in plasma sheet and plasma sheet boundary layer during substorm.

PEACE Burst Mode data and FGM PP data used. Other data requested.
Unusual energetic electrons Pitch Angle Distributions (PADs) were found on the dusk side of the magnetotail of the earth's magnetosphere using data collected by the Cluster and Polar. Both satellites at 0830 UT were located at approximately 20 MLT and at radial distances of about 9 and 13 RE, respectively, when both Polar and Cluster observed a significant increase in the fluxes of energetic electrons and ions. The Cluster C2 spacecraft was being operated in a special mode known as NM3 for the RAPID investigation that permitted the detailed three-dimensional distribution of energetic electrons to be fully resolved. The period of the observations showed initially a peaked at 90-degree pitch angle distribution that first evolved into an isotropic distributions for the electrons and then the PAD distribution further evolved into a distinct butterfly distribution. The most straightforward interpretation of the Cluster measurements was that these fluxes were demonstrating pitch angle dependent drift dispersion as the electrons drifted from the location of the magnetopause. The differences and physical implications between Polar and Cluster measurements will be presented and discussed in detail. Fritz

Friday 5th March

Morning session: Splinter discussions on events and topics of interest.