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GIS users guide - in detail

Associated software note is #55, the User Manual.

This page contains information for the experienced GIS user. Please click on a topic in the list below. If you cannot find the information you require please contact Lucie Green.

- GIS data
- Reading GIS data into SSW IDL
- The Quick Look Data Structure (qlds)
- A quick look at the data
- Extracting data from Quick Look Data Structure
- Displaying and finding ghost details
- Ghost information files and structures
- Ghost correction
- Plotting GIS spectra
- Line fitting
- The CHIANTI dtabase
- Deriving temperature, emission measure and electron density
- GIS pointing
- Detector aging: Long-term gain depression
- List of useful routines
- CDS software library

GIS data

Unlike the NIS, GIS is astigmatic and the whole of the spectrometer slit is used to produce the spectra. Data in all 4 detectors are gathered simultanously. To collect data from an area larger then the GIS slit size, the scan mirror or the slit can be moved.

Reading GIS data into SSW IDL

GIS data is read into the IDL session in the form of a Quick Look Data Structure (see below).

  1. Via the data catalogue

    For users whose instiution holds the GIS data on site it can be located and loaded into your IDL session using xcat. The routine can also be used for displaying spectra.

    IDL> xcat, qlds

    Then under the Read & View FITS File tab select the Read and Exit with QL data structure? to load a quick look data structure into the IDL session.

  2. Loading files from a personal directory (eg. s4384r00.fits)

    For data stored in a local directory it can be read in as a Quick Look Data Structure directly.

    IDL> qlds = readcdsfits('s4384r00')

    To read in multiple fits files, for example all 10 rasters of one study, use the read_cds routine.

    IDL> read_cds, filelist, qldata

    where filelist is the string array of file names to be read in and qldata is the array of QLDS's to be created.

The Quick Look Data Structure (qlds)

The quick look data structure is the standard format of data used by the CDS software. It contains the spectral data, some wavelength calibration information, ancillary information about spacecraft pointing, and much more in a hierarchal structure.

To browse information in the qlds type:

IDL> help, qlds, /str


IDL> help, qlds.header, /str


IDL> print, qlds.hdrtext

Please note that the qlds is CDS specific and CDS routines must be used with them. For example, to copy a qlds the normal IDL command cannot be used, instead type:

IDL> qlds = copy_qlds(a)

Quick look at the data

The routine dsp_menu allows a quick look at the raw or processed GIS data.

IDL> dsp_menu,qlds

A menu is brought up and under 'Data display modes' the user can select, for example, to produce a 'Snapshot' of the data or a 'Full detector view'. Under the latter option there is a choide to 'Mark lines' and over plot pre-set line lists. It is also possible to identify lines and measure their positions and intemsities.

To display a snapshot of the data in all four detectors without going via dsp_menu type;

IDL> cds_snapshot, qlds [, /spectra, /log]

This plot will display the spectra for a sit and stare study, or an image if several rasters have been taken. For rasters set the /spectra switch to force a spectra (and not an image) to be displayed.

Extracting data from the Quick Look Data Structure

To extract data from the (calibrated) qlds the routines gt_windata and gt_spectrum can be used.

IDL> data = gt_windata(qlds, window [, /nocheck, /quick, /nocopy, /nopadding, errmg=errmsg])

Window is just the GIS detector number minus 1. So, for example, to extract data for GIS detector 3 type:

IDL> GIS3data = gt_windata(qlds, 2)

The data are returned are a floating point array of up to 4 dimensions:

To obtain a description about the data in GIS detector 3 the gt_windesc routine can be used

IDL> GIS3desc = gt_windesc(qlds, 2)

The returned structure GIS3desc gives the units for the data in GIS3desc.units, the flag for missing data in GIS3desc.missing and the wavelength range in GIS3desc.wavemin and GIS3desc.wavemax.

Displaying and finding ghost details

The routine ghost_plot_one displays data from one GIS detector and shows the regions of the spectrum which contain ghosts. It can be used to check whether a line is ghosted (ie. a true spectral line which has additional ghosted counts) or is a ghost line (ie. a false spectral line).

Note: the ghost_buster routine can be used to move to original location, or remove, ghosts in the GIS data.

IDL> ghost_plot_one, qlds, detector_no [,/sample, /nm, /angstroms,/logscale, /pixels, waverange=[min, max], /cross_cor]

The above routine allows switches to modify how the data are plotted. For instance, waverange can be used to zoom into a particular region of interest, by specifying a minimum and maximum wavelength to be plotted; and /sample plots a sample theoretical spectrum for comparison of where the spectral lines should lie.

The routine also plots the observed spectrum shifted by one spiral arm to longer and shorter wavelengths (called red and blue shifted) to help identify ghost locations.

To check whether a line is ghosted or is a ghost, first look to see if it is in the shaded region of the output from ghost_plot_one. If it is, check to see if there is a corresponding line in the theoretical spectrum. If there a corresponding line it is likely to be OK, but check also in the blue or red shifted spectra to see if the observed line could have additional ghosted counts.

If there is no corresponding line in the theoretical spectrum check to see if there is corresponding line in the blue or red shifted spectra. If there is, it strongly suggests that the line may be a ghost and that the counts need to be returned to their original position.

Ghost information files and structures

Every GSET has an associated ghost information file which contains the pixel locations of regions which are affected by ghosts, but which are not automatically corrected by ghost_buster. The ghost information files are located in the same directory as the other GIS calibration data; $CDS_GIS_CAL_INT.

Also in this directory are the ghost information structures which are used by ghost_buster to restore ghosts automatically.

Ghost correction

In total there are 3 ways to make corrections for ghosts in the data using the routine ghost_buster:

  1. Ghost free - In this mode the spectra are returned with the ghosted regions missing.

    This mode uses the ghost information files to return only the portions of the spectra from the 4 GIS detectors that show no ghosting.

    IDL> ghost_buster, qlds, /free [, /plot, /hardcopy, /nm]

    About half of each spectrum each returned and ghost-free mode is availabpe for all GSETs. Use the /plot or /hardcopy switches to see the changes applied to the data in the qlds.

  2. Automatic - In this mode ghosts which are not incident on other lines, and which are resolvable, are corrected for. This is the default mode.

    The automatic mode corrects ghosts which are not blended with other lines. This means that it corrects for about half of the ghosts and returns 70% of the original spectra from each detector.

    IDL> ghost_buster, qlds [, /plot, /hardcopy, /nm]

    Ghost_buster in automatic mode restores unblended ghosts to their original position. LEFT: uncorrected smoothed spectrum. RIGHT: Smoothed spectrum corrected with ghost_buster in automatic mode.

    The automatic correction works expecially well for quiet Sun observations, resting almost all lines.

  3. Manual - This mode allows ghosts to be moved manually and is the only way to remove ghosts which are blended with other lines.

    Manual mode allows the user to specify and move ghost lines within a single detector. To run in manual mode the following 2 parameters are required; the qlds and the detector number.

    IDL> ghost_buster, qlds, detector_number [, /plot, /hardcopy, /nm, /angstroms, /sample, /logscale, save=save_struct]

    The programme uses ghost_plot_one to show the observed spectrum in comparison to spectra shifted to longer and shorter wavelengths by one spiral arm plus cross correlation to these spectra and an estimation of the ghosting in each direction. (A sample theoretical spectrum can also be displayed if required.)

    A ghost cursor is used to show exactly where a spectral line would ghost, ie. it displays where counts would fall on the 2 adjacent spiral arms. The ghost cursor is displayed as a solid vertical line and 2 dotted lines spaced at the wavelengths one spiral arm ahead and behind (note: the spacings vary across the spectrum as do the red and blue shifted spectra). By placing the solid cursor line on an identified ghost, the dotted lines can be used to check that there is a correspnding true spectral line.

    To move a ghost that has been identified, position the cursor to the left of the line and press and drag the left mouse button over the line. Remember to include enough background so that the ghost can be adequately fitted. Then select whether the line must be moved to the left (shorter wavelengths) or to the right (longer wavelengths). Repeat the procedure until all the ghosts have been moved.

    TOP: The region around the ghosted line at 161 Angstroms has been selected (from approx. 160-162 Angstroms to include background counts). Bottom: the ghosted line has been relocated to the parent line at 180 Angstroms.

Pointer: to check whether the region of interest in the spectrum has ghosts, the ghost_plot_one routine can be used. See 'Displaying and finding ghost details' for more information.

Plotting GIS spectra

The routine gis_plot plots a summary of the GIS data from a detector of choice. It will plot raw or calibrated data from the qlds.

IDL> gis_plot, qlds, detector_no [, /logscale, waverange=[min,max] ]

The plots can be made in Angstroms or nm.

Line fitting

The routine gis_fit can be used to automatically fit clearly identified lines in the GIS spectra. This routine can be used on calibrated or uncalibrated data. In the latter case, the routine will smooth the data and make ghost corections for the unblended ghosts.

IDL> gisfit = gis_fit(qlds, /plot)

If the /plot switch is used the progress of the fitting can be followed.

The output 'gisfit' is a structure which contains the line intensities, amplitudes and widths along with the associated uncertainties. To obtain information on the structure type

IDL> help, gisfit, /str

the following is returned:

HEADER STRUCT -> Anonymous Array[1]
FE_VIII_168     STRUCT -> Array[1]
NI_XIV_169_68 STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_IX_171_07 STRUCT -> Array[1]
O_VI_173_1     STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XIII_185_7 STRUCT -> Array[1]
O_VI_184_1     STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_X_184_5     STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_VIII_186_5   STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XI_188_2     STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_X_190       STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XIII_216_8 STRUCT -> Array[1]
AL_X_332_79_2ND STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XIV_334_17_2ND STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XVI_335_38_2ND STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XIV_270_5 STRUCT -> Array[1]
SI_X_272         STRUCT -> Array[1]
FE_XIV_274     STRUCT -> Array[1]
SI_X_277_2     STRUCT -> Array[1]
MG_VII_278_4 STRUCT -> Array[1]

These structures hold the information for each line and can then be further interigated.

The CHIANTI database

CHIANTI consists of a databse of atomic data and IDL procedures for for calculating spectroscopic emission line intensities at wavelengths greater than 50 Angstroms from optically thin astrophysical spectra. It is freely available and contains the most up-to-date atomic data including energy levels, transition probabilities and electron collisional excitation rates.

In order to use CHIANTI withing the IDL session the correct branch of the software tree must be loaded either when initialising IDL

IDL> setssw cds chianti

or from within IDL

IDL> ssw_path, /chianti

For more information on CHIANTI and for a User Guide see the CHIANTI homepage.

Deriving temp, dem and ne

look up routines chianti_dem, dens_plotter and temp_plotter

  1. Differential emission measure

    The main IDL routine for deriving differential emission measure (DEM) analysis of EUV spectra is chianti_dem which uses the CHIANTI databse. The DEM gives an indication of the amount of plasma along the line of sight that is emitting in the observed wavelength range between temperature T and T + dT.

  2. Electron density

GIS pointing

The GIS records spectra over small regions of the Sun. In order to check the pointing of an observation use the gt_point routine. There is also an offset in the pointing which must be corrected for (see below).

IDL> print, gt_point(qlds)

The pointing is returned in arcseconds from the solar centre in X and Y.

Other routines that could be used include dsp_point and dsp_raster.

There is a small offset in the GIS pointing. This offset varies with SOHO roll ange. With normal roll angle (ie. no roll angle) the actual GIS pointing is approximately 10'' northward of the pointing selected (and that given in the data header or the Quick Look Data Structure).

To find information on SOHO's roll angle

IDL> print, get_soho_roll ('11-mar-2005')

The returned value is the roll in degrees in the clockwise direction starting from north.

Detector aging: long-term gain depression

The nature of Micro-channel Plate (MCPs) detectors results in a reduced efficiency in the production of secondary electrons over time. This means that there is a gradual loss in gain (number of incident photons versus charge output). The degradation depends on total charge extracted from the MCP, not the rate, and is seen in the regions of the brightest spectral lines.

This effect is known as long-term gain depression (LTGD).

A 'flat field' for GIS detector 1 produced using a filament above the detector which produces a cloud of electrons to mimic photons incident on the MCP. The dips due to decreased sensitivity at the brightest spectral lines are clearly seen.

The LTGD produces 2 effects on the shape of the spectral lines; a broadening and a 'dip' in the peak line intensity. These effects have been studied over the duration of the mission. Click here to see the changes to the Fe IX 171 Angstrom line.

This effect is countered by occasionally raising the voltage across each MCP stack and by applying corrections to the data. The routine gis_calib makes the LTGD corrections.

List of useful routines

cds_fill_missingFills MISSING pixels in the Quick Look Data Structure
cds_gaussFits Gaussian with constant, linear or quadratic background
cds_snaphotMakes thumbnail sketches of 'images' from a series of GIS rasters
chianti_neCalculate and plot CHIANTI density sensitive line ratios
chianti_ssCalculates and plots CHIANTI synthetic spectrum
chianti_ttCalculate and plot CHIANTI temperature sensitive line ratios
dsp_menuChoice of display modes for GIS data in Quick Look Data Structure format
ezfitQuick and easy Gauss fit to the data
ghost_busterCorrect data for ghosts by relocating the ghost counts
ghost_infoDisplay the ghosting information associated with a Quick Look Data Structure
ghost_plot_allPlots all 4 GIS detector spectra with likely ghost regions
ghost_plot_samplReturns a theorectical sample GIS spectrum
gis_calibApplies GIS calibration to spectra
gis_plotSummry of GIS data from one detector
gis_smoothCorrects GIS spectra for fixed patterning
gis_write_calibPrints calibration factors for GIS spectra
gt_bimageReturns wavelength band integrated image
gt_spectrumPrints a one-dimensional spectrum at a specified point
gt_windataReturns a block of data from one detector
gt_windescReturn descriptor structure (description) for a data extraction window
read_cdsRead in a sequence of CDS fits files

CDS software library

One line summaries of all CDS software routines (GIS and NIS) can be found here. For more information on the routines type:

IDL> doc_library, 'routine_name'