Information for Schools XMM Newton
Information for Schools



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XMM Newton in space In February this year, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced its third competition, aimed at 16 to 18 year olds in their final two years of school. Entrants had to think of a fascinating project for the XMM Newton observatory and the winners will be able to visit the XMM Newton Science Operations Centre at Vilspa, ESA's tracking station near Madrid, and see their observations made for real! Full details of the competition may be found on ESA's web site. Winners will be announced in mid-June.

The closing date for entries has now passed, but if you want to learn more about XMM and X-ray astronomy we have included some useful links below:

button The AstroGroup Beginner's Guides are a good starting point for some general astronomy topics as well some specifically written for common X-ray sources like quasars (or active galactic nuclei) and binary stars.

button Another very good place to start is the web version of PPARC's XMM Newton brochure (PPARC is the Particle Physics and Astronomical Research Council). It describes all of the main X-ray emitting sources, where X-rays come from and the XMM Newton observatory itself.

button Then there is the UK XMM Newton Information Centre. This site has information for anyone and everyone interested in XMM Newton: schoolchildren, students and adults as well as professional astronomers. It contains all the information you will ever need, but some of it is in far too much detail (and astronomer gobbledygook). But don't let that put you off! There is lots of very useful information! Look for the links marked with the stars... from the menu bar on the left, go to XMM Brochure (the same as we have here), Latest News, XMM for Schools (this page to be opened shortly!), XMM Science, Overview (although this does get a bit technical) and Schematic. These will be most suitable for straightforward information about XMM Newton. There will also be a noticeboard at this main site soon.

button Leicester University's Education and Outreach pages have a guide to space and astronomy.

button The Cambridge X-ray Astronomy Group have interactive web demos of X-ray astronomy, galaxy clusters and active galactic nuclei (quasars).

button Birmingham University's Astrophysics and Space Research Group have a special XMM Newton web site for schools.

button Finally, if you want to cross the Atlantic, there is NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Education and Public Outreach with loads of information for students and teachers.



AGN logo

CV logo


Earth flyby thumbnail Space Exploration with Cassini and XMM

monsters thumbnail X-ray Breathing Monsters

black holes thumbnail The Astrophysical Case for Black Holes

Big Bang thumbnail The Big Bang

stars thumbnail The Birth, Life and Violent Death of Stars


The XMM mission XMM

(SWIFT logo) (Jet-X logo) (FIRST logo)
Information about the SWIFT mission Jet-X - an X-ray telescope for the Spectrum-X mission FIRST - the Far Infra-Red Space Telescope


(SSC XID logo) (RIXOS HDF logo)
The XMM SSC-XID database making optical identifications of serendipitous XMM sources The RIXOS Project identifying a large survey of serendipitous ROSAT sources

AstroGroup Intraweb logo Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Astrophysics Group

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This page last updated on the 1st June 2000.